adurfee Member


  • Awesome, Rachel you are an excel QUEEN! Kick *kitten* ladies!
  • Ok, posting so this link shows up on my page so I can keep tabs on it! And introducing myself....this is my first round of the pinup challenge, and I am stoked to have a 10 week round started. And something to look forward too! I am aiming to lose 10 pounds in those 10 weeks, so here's to that!!!
  • That's amazing! Your hard work is inspirational! Keep it up. :glasses:
  • Yay!!!! Keep it up, I'm proud of you, you've stuck with it so well!
  • Hey, I shoot recreationally, though with two small kids I don't have to time to do it nearly as much as I'd like. I shoot everything from pistol, to shotgun, to all variations of rifles. People don't realize how exhausting shooting can be, and how you really do need to be in shape to do it correctly! I did an all day…
  • Ok, so I always laugh when I see posts about TOM. Why you ask??? My boyfriend's name is Tom. And last night, I was visually stabbing a fork in his eye cause he was being a gigantic *kitten*. So yeah, that's how I get thru it!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  • Hey! Here's my black bean and turkey burger recipe! You can alter easily to taste too, and whatever veggie you have on hand 3/4 C canned black beans, rinse and drain 1 egg white 1/2 C shredded zucchini (or yellow squash or carrot, both work great) 1/2 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 3/4 lb ground turkey I've…
  • I make black bean and ground turkey burgers, as well as turkey meatloaf. I finely shred some sort of veggies in both. Either zuchinni or yellow squash, or carrot if I don't have those on hand. It's great, cause the kiddos don't even know the veggie is in there, and they love it!
  • I hear ya! I'm a tartar sauce fiend myself. Sooooo good! But, luckily I also love mustard. And Heinz 57 sauce, which is only 20 calories per Tblsp, if I remember correctly. Good stuff!
  • Yes, and yes! I too loved my nightly glasses of wine. Since I gave it up I have definitely noticed the difference. I haven't cut it out completely, if I am out for dinner someplace I will have a drink (or two sometimes) but I account for it, and try to make the space for the calories, or workout more that day as well. It…
  • Same for me on the elliptical. It's annoying. I'm sure the shoes have a lot to do with it. Honestly, since I drag myself out of bed in the morning to do the elliptical first thing, I've taken to doing it just in my slippers. I mean, I'm at my house, gonna get in the shower after the elliptical, so why put shoes on???…
  • ME!!!!! Currently Ballard, soon to be Shoreline, but work in Georgetown. So all over Seattle really. What are are you in?
  • Holy laughing cow, that sounds AMAZING!!!! Gonna try it, see if I can fool my whole milk, stick butter, mashed potato making boyfriend......
  • Great story, made me laugh about taking out the trash. I'd laugh my way to the trash can every time!!!
  • Have you tried the different Quaker rice cakes? They have some really good fave is the chocolate crunch one, it's just enough chocolate to get me thru my craving, and only 60 calories I think??? There's also an apple caramel one I haven't tried yet. I'm a chocoholic, so I stick with the chocolate crunch ones.…
  • I have a bag of evil pre-joining-mfp frozen mozzarella sticks in my freezer. Yesterday I wasn't feelin' the stew I made, just wasn't really in the mood for anything whatsoever......except of course the evil cheese sticks. I took the bag out against my better judgement, pulled out the cookie sheet thinking this is assinine…
  • Exactly! I'd be annoyed, even tho I knew it was ridiculous that I was even weighing myself to begin with. So yeah, it's gone now!
  • Woman! 2 pounds is awesome! It's a healthy, perfect amount to lose per week. I know it's slow going, but it's the healthiest way too do it. You don't want to lose 5 or 10 pounds then plateau and lose nothing cause your body freaks out and hangs onto it all! Seriously, 2 pounds is great. And think about it, you are…
  • Wine, for sure. Oh, and tiramisu. I'm goin' out for italian tonight, and have no idea if I can stay away from the tiramisu.
  • Awesome idea!!!! I was just looking at those the other week, wondering if any of them were any good. Definitely bookmarking your blog!
  • Hey, you can add me! I too spend a lot of time checking out other people's success stories, but have yet to post any before pics, or really post much about myself at all. I could use more friends and encouragement! I think we all can....
  • I feel your pain. I love beer too. And wine. And my fave local bartenders make mojitos that are just WAY too good. I have seriously cut back my alcohol intake, which was maybe 1-2 glasses of wine a night, and the monthly or bi-monthly happy hour outing. I found that A) not only is alcohol WAY not your friend if you're…
  • Great pics! I'm in Seattle, it's been clear and sunny here (but freezing) so it's cool to see pics of all the hype.
  • Hey! I'm in Seattle. Whereabouts are you? My best friend lives in the Portland area, and she knows lots of good Oregon spots. Do you need a hiking/walking partner in crime???
  • Oh man, this totally made me laugh. Totally rude, but good motivation!!!
  • Hey there! I'm in the same boat! Trying to lose baby weight...although my baby is now 14 months, so I've realized that the baby weight isn't baby weight anymore. It's just plain old weight that's gotta go. Welcome!
  • That's interesting about the 155 thing as a default. Hmmm, definitely will look into whether I can enter my actual weight to get a more accurate reading. Otherwise I'm going with MFP from now on! Thanks peeps!
  • Maybe I'll poke around my machine more and see if there is someplace I can enter my weight or more info at least. I've had it forever and never thought to check that option. Huh.....from what I've read online too, a lot of machines are way off in that way.
  • I'm so proud of you lady! I remember you telling me that story, and you know, if that event is what made it click and started you on this journey, then hell, it's a good thing! And those pants will fit! We're on our way.......