2dogmom Member


  • PLAIN Greek yogurt. Add berries (fresh or frozen) for flavor - they will add some carbs but also fiber.
  • First of all congrats on all the hard work and results. I started about the same time with similar height/weight stats but I got suck after 30 lbs. I simply enjoyed the reward of my work and maintained the loss - mostly. Suddenly after a year in a plateau I took one month (June) to REALLY focus on food and exercise, cut…
  • Started dating @ 20 Engaged @ 23 Married @ 24 Celebrating 14 yrs in 2012
  • I have the exact same issue with sugar. I'd like to clarify that while there is hidden sugar in EVERYTHING, I go for the in your face sugar snacks: Starbucks mixed drinks, little debbie snack cakes, candy bars, Mt. Dew etc. When I can keep the crap out of my mouth the withdrawal subsides after about a week, and I feel…
  • I have the same concerns. I've lost 30lb so far and I can see some difference in my belly, but it's still mostly just flabby rolls. I'm hoping and praying that with enough exercise and eating right they belly HAS to get a little smaller. I've even thought about getting some kind of firming lotion (like you would normally…
  • It sounds like your doing great. Just keep logging and exercising and you'll be fine. It is natural to for weight loss to slow down a little once you get a few months into it. 1 pound a week is still awesome. CONGRATULATIONS
  • I have had mine for 3 years. It doesn't seem to affect my weight loss as long as I'm eating healthy foods, in the right portion sizes and exercising. On average I work out 3x/wk for no more than 90 min. including multiple Jilian workouts. I've lost 30lbs. since Jan. As someone else said, you've gotta weigh the pro & cons.…
  • I know what you mean. I remember looking at other women in my family and saying "I'm never going to get that big". Over 11 or so years . . . . here I am, just as big as the other women in my family. It was frightening when I could "borrow" my mom's clothes. Staying on track is very hard and I have weeks/months where I fall…
  • I started @ 203# and dropped down a size after about 15-20 pounds. Now at 173# I am very close to going down another size into 16. I have some size 16 I can wear, but others I can't depending on the brand. I do more weight lifting and toning than cardio and have noticed that I won't loose any weight at all, but my pants…
  • I'm struggling with the same thing. First it was Memorial Day parites. I reset everything, got back on track and lost the pounds I had gained. This past weekend it was camping. Cookies, smores, hot dogs, brats, alcohol, augh!!! In two more weeks it is vacation. I don't even want to go because I know it'll be a nutrition…
  • I have been amazed at how much my personal trainer does NOT use weights. It is hard to believe how much of a workout I get with no or limited equipment. See attached link for ideas. If the link doesn't work search google/bing for "Exercising without Equipment". Like the others have suggested I too recommend a few weights…
  • It could be that your body/muscles have adjusted to your routine. That is always my problem. Maybe changing the type of exercises and/or increasing the intensity will help. Since I started working with a trainer (who constantly changes my workout routine) I havn't hit my usual plateau. Most important - don't give up!
  • I'm 5 foot. I think it's funny how walking at 4.5 is "very brisk pace". For me that is running! I have a lot more to loose (50+ pounds) and so far the weight is coming off pretty easy. Hope it stays that way for awhile.