Personal Trainers?

I have a question for personal trainers out there. I am 5'3" and weigh 181lbs. Since I started MFP on Feb 28 of last month I have lost 7lbs. which in my opinion, is not much considering the first 5 were in the first week, and accomplished mostly by just controlling my diet. I have thus far only done cardio on my stationary bike (very faithfully) because I figured it would be better to lose a few lbs first before hitting the weights(hence less risk of injury). I also love to run, but at the moment, (what really brought me here) I have plantar fasciitis and it hurts pretty bad. The doc said "lose weight."' So here I am. My question is how do I incorporate a good weight trining regiment into my workout without going to a gym. I worked with a personal trainer before who got me down to an amazing 115lbs AND toned. Thats where I'd like to be again. I realize it may take awhile. But I was able to reach that goal before by going to Powerhouse gym. Right now I cannot afford to go to the gym, (or take my 2 yr old) so I need an idea of what I can do at home. I am afraid if I buy a set of hand weights, they won't be the right amount of weight for all the muscles I need to be working. Any suggestions are welcome.....and thank you so much for taking the time to read this.


  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I don't have many suggestions, besides a program like P90X . . .seems like people do it multiple times and keep getting better and better results. I am curious what others have to say. I have a trainer at the gym right now and I love what she is teaching me about exercising different muscle groups, and I love some of the insane things she makes me do, but one day I won't have her and I'll need to do it on my own. Good luck!
    ITSSODAMNHOT Posts: 121 Member
    Go to Walmart and buy some free weights. They are pretty cheap and you don't need the full set. Also, look into some work out vids too. Again Walmart stocks cheap vids. P90X I heard is good, but that's $150 bucks compared to leaving Walmart spending $40 bucks.

    Good luck on your goal!

  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I think I will try a video....I have the 30 day shred, I'll start with that, I need weights to go with it....I'm thinkin maybe 5lbs will work..
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    You can have a personal trainer in your house for the rest of your life with P90X and its $120. You could get a set of bands for about $45 and then all you need is a chin up bar. Iron gym brand is $30. IF you want dumbells instead of bands it will be a tad more but I like dumbells better. It has a complete diet plan and the workouts speak for themselves. It has tons of testimonials of successful people who tried it. The first time I did it Iost 25 lbs and 4 inches on my waist. Thats in 90 days. Ive kept my weight off for over 2 years and am down to a 30 inch waist, started P90X at 36 inch waist. I absolutely love the program but Im biased, I did what it told me to do and got results.
  • 2dogmom
    2dogmom Posts: 14 Member
    I have been amazed at how much my personal trainer does NOT use weights. It is hard to believe how much of a workout I get with no or limited equipment. See attached link for ideas. If the link doesn't work search google/bing for "Exercising without Equipment". Like the others have suggested I too recommend a few weights (3#, 5# 8# to start) and videos. Check out "The Firm" it is a series geared for women and combines upper & lower body workouts to get your heart pumping. Some videos are more expensive than others-but I lvoe them.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member

    This is awesome! Thanks for all the input guys!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I rarely use weights with my clients to be honest. Our bodies weigh plenty enough for people looking to lose weight. I've done P90X personally and loved it, but if you still have a lot of weight to lose, there might be quicker options. The best free option I've ever found is website. If you incorporate her brutal workouts along with your cardio and eating super clean, you can knock this weight off faster than you blink.

    If you could only do 1 move for the rest of your life, do burpees. (youtube it if you don't know) It's full body and cardio at the same time.

    I almost never do just strength training or just cardio with my clients. It's silly when you have weight to lose and limited time (who has unlimited time really...) so I combine both at the same time. For a great example, before you hope on the treadmill/elliptical next time, knock out 20 burpees in a row as fast as possible. In that time that you would be just going moderately on the treadmill, you just worked your heart harder, but in addition, you worked your glutes, legs, core, tris, chest, and delts.

    I only do full body cardio at this point, just working your legs a little on a machine seems like such a waste of time to me, engage your whole body and you'll see amazing results. I actually have a skype training client in just a little bit who's about to find out the amazing power of the burpee :)

    Best of luck!