IUD affecting weight loss?

Has anyone had any experience with this? I have done some internet research- which is far from reliable, and it is confirming my concerns that my IUD (Mirena) is making it far harder to lose weight. I know I don't eat perfectly, but I don't eat out ever day, I am far from eating junk and processed foods every meal. I have worked out practically this entire year- from a month long bootcamp, running hours and hours training for 2 half marathons and a full marathon, as well as many hours of at-home videos (Jillian Michaels) and have only lost about 6 permanent pounds for the year. (I keep fluctuating on the rest, gaining and losing the same few pounds.)

I'm just curious if anyone else has had similar experiences? I will get it taken out sooner than planned, but I'm kind of losing any motivation to work out because I'm not seeing any noticeable results. Any suggestions?


  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Had mine for over a year and it hasn't been an issue!
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member

    I've had a mirena coil since november 2010, i haven't experienced any unknown weight gain and I've managed to lose 11.2lbs on an already healthy body weight and low body fat so for me I don't find the IUD reduces weight loss ability.

    we all react differently though
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Ah do you know what, I was thinking about getting that put in!

    I had inplants in for just over 7 years and I was convinced that hindered my weightloss and so, I asked for the last one to be taken out! They will say to you contraceptives won't put weight on you but they can cause your appetite to increase..........which leads to eating more and so, if you don't burn it off, you put on weight! I'd go and talk to your doctor about it before making any decisions!

    You have to weigh up whether the good outweighs the bad, if you were to have it removed!

    Hope that helps!
  • mrswiley07
    mrswiley07 Posts: 65 Member
    I have had mine's since Feb 2011 and have lost pretty well with it. I too was concern about the possibility of weight gain or harder to lose the weight. But so far, I have no complaints about it.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I had one a few years ago and had the same problem. I could not loss weight while I had it. I lost 20lbs within 3 months of taking it out without trying
  • I nave no issues with mine. Have lost weight in the past while having it.

    Keep using MFP to track and measure every single thing you eat. I bet you will be surprised (quantities, a few bites here or there that you didn't count)... That was my problem. I was eating too large of portion sizes, as well as snacking on stuff throughout the day that I didn't even count.

    Hope this helps.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I've had mine since March 2010, and I've lost 60 pounds. It seemed like initially I had more trouble, but I think that was more a matter of motivation, rather than the IUD. I actually found I had less cravings (and mood swings) on it than I did when I was on the pill. It was one of the reasons I switched to an IUD.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Compared to most hormonal contraceptives, the amount of progesterone which gets into your body is very low for Mirena - it primarily acts locally in the uterus.

    That said, everyone reacts differently, so it is possible. Personally, I don't think it has affected my weight and certainly with a little bit of work you should be able to overcome any effect it has. Maybe you need to review aspects of your regime and health as well?

    Also, bear in mind that the concentration of hormone released falls over the life of the device, so any issues you are having because of the hormone will gradually decrease.
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Not any problems with losing weight, but every period I get, I gain like 10lbs, for just that week, then I lose it. I do think that has something to do with the IUD b/c I have never had that problem before. I actually need to talk to my dr. about it next month. Anyways, I have had mine for almost 2 years now, and that's the only problem. It is all bloat weight too.
  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    That's why I have a copper IUD. Your body needs copper anyway and the amount excreted into the blood stream is so minimal it's irrelevent. Not to mention it's good for 10 years. Maybe you can switch over.
  • rcb722
    rcb722 Posts: 19 Member
    I guess I should expand a little more history- I had one previously, for 2 years, between having kids, and I never tried to lose weight, and never did lose anything after baby #2. This one was placed about 2 years ago, and I haven't lost much at all since having it in. I don't think it is causing me so much to gain weight, or eat more, but I am wondering if it is making it harder to lose. As far as I understand, aside from irritating the uterus, the science behind it is to make your body think that it is pregnant, and in that case, I would think your body would hold on to extra pounds to help with "the baby."

    I realized yesterday that I have had some type of hormone in my system for my entire marriage- (10 years!) from various birth control to pregnancy. Crazy! :) Time to clean out my system and make DH go in for the big V! :)
  • 2dogmom
    2dogmom Posts: 14 Member
    I have had mine for 3 years. It doesn't seem to affect my weight loss as long as I'm eating healthy foods, in the right portion sizes and exercising. On average I work out 3x/wk for no more than 90 min. including multiple Jilian workouts. I've lost 30lbs. since Jan.

    As someone else said, you've gotta weigh the pro & cons. Any kind of BC is going to affect your hormones and the body's natural functioning.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I've had mine in for almost 2 years and have been on MFP since January. I'm working my butt off and have lost about 35 lb even though according to MFP I should have lost a lot more. I think my slow weight loss is my body resisting weight loss, though instead of the IUD. I have sisters that have had the same problem without it.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I had the same concern as you since I am working out like crazy (half marathon, P90X, Jillian, Turbo fire..) but do not seem to be losing as fast as I would want to. I did however lose 30 lbs since January. i started at 181 and went down to 151 with fluctuation of 3-4 lbs. I have been at a stall since July. I am on a 1400 calorie a day regimen. For the same amount of effort as other people I lost a lot less. :( I looked up on the internet and also saw that a lot of people lost weight AFTER they had Mirena removed. My sister was contemplating it but her doctor advised her against it because of the weight gain.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I got it put in in April and had it removed in October. First, I did not like the bleeding all the time (and I know, they told me it is normal for some people), but when you can count on 2 hands the number of time you have not been bleeding in 5 months, it's not normal for me. second, I could feel that thing in me every day...not comfortable and it WAS installed right. Third, I did not loose any weight (but did not gain either) while I had it. The day it got removed, I was able to walk 20 km, no problem and I lost 20lbs since.

    Good luck if you decide to have it done.

    My best friend had to had it removed urgently, because the wires were all tangled and were pucturing her uterus. she does not want to be pregnant at this time, but she does not want this thing to permenantly make her uncapable on having kids latter...
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    It could be. Some people have issues, some people don't. Everyone's body reacts differently.

    When I inquired about Mirena at my gyno I decided against it because of the potential pain of placement and the potential weight gain which my gyno said was an issue for a few people.
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    I came across your post whilst searching the site to see if anyone else was struggling to lose weight with the mirena. Firstly a bit of background info, I was diagnosed in January with a uterine fibroid of 7cm dimention, this was after going to the docs for nearly two years complaining of bleeding in between periods and great pain! I got fed up with being told that it was just my age and that it was normal so demanded to be taken seriously and be referred to a specialist! Firstly they prescribed primulot-nor, tp be taken from day 9 of the cycle and the minute I started to take it the problems with weight gain began, then the Mirena coil was suggested despite the fact that I had problems about 10 years ago when it worked it´s way out and I was in agony, but as the alternative was a total hysterectomy I decided to give it a try. Weight gained again despite exercising and calorie counting and the worst thing is that the darned thing is now "LOST"!! It was no where to be seen on the last scan I had and I know that it has not worked it´s way out. I am now on the waiting list for the hysterectomy and was told in August that it would be in 2 to 3 months time but so far nothing despite complaints to the hospital.
    Just wondered if anyone else has had any experience of a lost coil, I´m worried about it but no one else seems to be concerned. Completely fed up with the weight issues, I successfuly lost 22 lb last year and it´s all steadlily going back on, I´m so bloated and feel about 4 months pregnant!
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    I came across your post whilst searching the site to see if anyone else was struggling to lose weight with the mirena. Firstly a bit of background info, I was diagnosed in January with a uterine fibroid of 7cm dimention, this was after going to the docs for nearly two years complaining of bleeding in between periods and great pain! I got fed up with being told that it was just my age and that it was normal so demanded to be taken seriously and be referred to a specialist! Firstly they prescribed primulot-nor, tp be taken from day 9 of the cycle and the minute I started to take it the problems with weight gain began, then the Mirena coil was suggested despite the fact that I had problems about 10 years ago when it worked it´s way out and I was in agony, but as the alternative was a total hysterectomy I decided to give it a try. Weight gained again despite exercising and calorie counting and the worst thing is that the darned thing is now "LOST"!! It was no where to be seen on the last scan I had and I know that it has not worked it´s way out. I am now on the waiting list for the hysterectomy and was told in August that it would be in 2 to 3 months time but so far nothing despite complaints to the hospital.
    Just wondered if anyone else has had any experience of a lost coil, I´m worried about it but no one else seems to be concerned. Completely fed up with the weight issues, I successfuly lost 22 lb last year and it´s all steadlily going back on, I´m so bloated and feel about 4 months pregnant!

    I saw this was posted 11/28/11 and was wondering if everything had been resolved yet? I too have the mirena IUD and have fibroids, bleeding every time I exercise or have sex, between periods which have become longer in duration, I had my IUD placed in 2009 and hardly had a period before. I have not lost one before and was told mine is still in place.
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't believe that Mirena is supposed to cause weight gain in itself. Before I got mine I was freaked out because I had about 60lbs to lose and I heard all the horror stories. I got it about 2 weeks into my weight loss and it hasn't hindered me at all (down about 16lbs so far, right on schedule). I did however notice more intense cravings the first few days. Maybe it does cause a problem for some women but I think some are just using it as an excuse :(
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Most people who gain weight on birth control do it because their eating habits change, not because of the actual birth control. Mirena is a very low dose birth control so I don't see how that could have anything to do with your weight.