Help! Trying SO hard, haven't lost in 8 months!!



  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    2 years... zero pounds. I wrote about it on my blog yesterday. everyone who struggles should read it.

    There are so so many ways to measure success when you do not see the scale move. please do not give up.
  • BeantownSooner

    I work out 6 days a week, but for an hour at the most. It just depends on that particular work out. Its just a lot of working out to "just" maintain. When I first started this journey, I was eating between 1100-1200 cals/day. Maybe I need to go back to that..even though I kind of feel like that's too little for as hard as I work out some days.

    Going that low might be a mistake but depends where you've been recently.

    Not sure what your current net calorie intake is but based on your height, weight, age and sex the Insanity calorie goal for you comes out to 2,509. Take out 500 to lose a lb per week and you might want to net out around 2,000 calories (could shoot for 1700 - 2000). How many net calories have you had the last week? How are you doing on your macros as well, i.e. 40% carbs/40% protein/20% fat)?
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Let's see that diary of yours. Would also be grand if you would be able to tell us your BMR and TDEE at sedimentary.


  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.

    You talked a lot about your workouts. But, IMO, losing the last bit of weight boils down to do your diet-- and by this I mean primarily calories in and not necessarily just "eating clean." However, the workouts could come into play if you are overestimating your calories burned and "eating back" exercise calories. This is especially important when you are closer to your goal weight since you have less room for error. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    1) Did you readjust your daily calorie goals to account for your weight loss? Losing weight will lower your TDEE (what you need to eat daily to maintain your current weight). Recalculate your BMR and TDEE and try setting your calories at your TDEE- 20%.

    2) Do you use a food scale? Again, since you were closer to your goal weight, you need to be more careful with your tracking. Even using measuring cups/spoons will often lead to underestimating calories consumed.

    3) Have you been logging every single thing and every single day? This might be the most important part-- being honest with yourself. It's easy, and common, to let your diet go a bit when you get close to your goal weight. Although I cannot make this observation with you (your diary is not open), I've often seen people posting about not losing/losing too slowly with 2-3 out of 7 days per week unlogged (the weekend, usually). If you do omit days, you may find it easier to stay on track (and see where you may have gone wrong) with consistent logging.

    4) Do you "eat back" exercise calories? If so, note that estimates of calories burned are typically exaggerations. Try eating back no more than 3/4 of exercise calories. If you are on such a plan, you should have your activity level at sedentary (unless maybe you have a job where you are on your feet all the time) so you do not "double count" exercise calories.

    5) Do you eat out often? If so, note that the calories given can be off by a considerable amount. Try cutting back on restaurants. And if you do eat out, to account for some of the mis-estimation, try eating 3/4 of the meal and logging the entire portion OR eating the entire thing and logging 1 1/4 portion.

    6) Do none of the above apply? Then maybe it's time to talk to your doctor. You might also consider going on a break for a month or 2 and then trying to eat at a deficit again.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    This is probably going to stir up the hotbed of debate, but I'll throw it out there - starvation mode? You lost a lot of weight very quickly, and say you were eating around 1200 cals and exercising at the time (unless I'm misreading). We can't see your diary, but how many calories does MFP say you should eat according to your current lifestyle/weight, losing one lb a week? Are you netting that after exercise?

    I learned early on in my journey that if I don't eat enough, I go into long plateaus.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I was stuck at 135 between Jan and May. Nothing was happening...except I kept exercising hard, throwing in more cardio..etc.

    I echo what someone else said. I cut out half my workouts, lowered my carb intake...and the scale started moving down again. I am now 120. But it didn't start going down until the end of May!
  • bownut
    bownut Posts: 8 Member
    This is just something to look at, but not an accusation or a definitive. My sister lost A LOT of weight and her period stopped, her doctor told her to gain weight, her hair starting falling out, etc. But to look at her you'd never guess that she was dangerously low on weight. She was around 145 pounds and 5'7". But because her skin had stretched so much she looked bigger and seemed like she still had a lot of fat on her. Is it possible that your skin has just not snapped back and you are thinking it is fat when it is actually sagging skin?

    And I agree with lmelangley, if you're not eating enough your body is not going to let go of the calories you put into it. Starvation mode is real, and I've noticed that it will also happen if I'm not spreading the calories out during the day.
  • jennings1331
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.

    You talked a lot about your workouts. But, IMO, losing the last bit of weight boils down to do your diet-- and by this I mean primarily calories in and not "eating clean." However, the workouts could come into play if you are overestimating your calories burned and "eating back" exercise calories. This is especially important when you are closer to your goal weight since you have less room for error. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    1) Did you readjust your daily calorie goals to account for your weight loss? Losing weight will lower your TDEE (what you need to eat daily to maintain your current weight). Recalculate your BMR and TDEE and try setting your calories at your TDEE- 20%.

    2) Do you use a food scale? Again, since you were closer to your goal weight, you need to be more careful with your tracking. Even using measuring cups/spoons will often lead to underestimating calories consumed.

    3) Have you been logging every single thing and every single day? This might be the most important part-- being honest with yourself. It's easy, and common, to let your diet go a bit when you get close to your goal weight. Although I cannot make this observation with you (your diary is not open), I've often seen people posting about not losing/losing too slowly with 2-3 out of 7 days per week unlogged (the weekend, usually). If you do omit days, you may find it easier to stay on track (and see where you may have gone wrong) with consistent logging.

    4) Do you "eat back" exercise calories? If so, note that estimates of calories burned are typically exaggerations. Try eating back no more than 3/4 of exercise calories. If you are on such a plan, you should have your activity level at sedentary (unless maybe you have a job where you are on your feet all the time) so you do not "double count" exercise calories.

    5) Do you eat out often? If so, note that the calories given can be off by a considerable amount. Try cutting back on restaurants. And if you do eat out, to account for some of the mis-estimation, try eating 3/4 of the meal and logging the entire portion OR eating the entire thing and logging 1 1/4 portion.

    6) Do none of the above apply? Then maybe it's time to talk to your doctor. You might also consider going on a break for a month or 2 and then trying to eat at a deficit again.

    Wow! Thanks for all those tips!
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    My weight plateaued for about 3 months and I just got it to start dropping again. I had to seriously increase my exercise. I started riding my bike 17 miles a day, 5 days a week which burns (for me) an extra 1,000 calories. I'm eating about 2,000 to 2,400 so I'm definitely not eating them all back (but not starving myself either, by a long shot). It took a couple of weeks of doing this before I started seeing my weight drop again, but the scale finally started showing the results. I'm determined to keep it up for at least a few more months until cold weather hits here in Michigan.

    (I'm a 6'1" tall man weighing 238 pounds so YMMV).
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Perhaps your body doesn't need to lose any more o.O

    ^^This^^ I lost a year of my life obsessing over this dilemma. I lost 90 lb, I was wearing a size 8, I was so focused on getting myself to the magical 145lb in my head (5'7") I am a whitewater kayaker, I lifted weights, took 4 spin classes a week, and mountain biked 2 times a week. I could not cut any more calories without creating an unhealthy deficit, leaving me incapable of performing the above listed activities. I stayed at 153 for over a year. I've since gained back 60lb after surgery and meeting/marrying a man completely uninterested in fitness. Now Im struggling to lose again, and looking through pictures, I'm unsure what the hell I thought I had to do. I was, not to put too fine a point on it... perfect. I had definition, I was strong - easily comprised of mainly muscle, sadly looking in the mirror all i saw was the stomach that had the skin left over from being obese. I didnt "see" the definition, only the "pooch", and I didn't think an 8 was enough, not when the damn scale still said I was 8lbs overweight. I ate clean, ate frequently, and burned a ton of calories..... sometimes you are exactly what you're supposed to be even when you aren't whatever your perceived goal is.... numbers aren't always right, and the numbers that are suggested that we be are based on an average, sometimes you really are the minority. Good luck, and be happy - a size 10 on the right build is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My problem is similar in nature, but we think we know why I've stalled (I can drop a max of 4 lbs by doing drastic cal 1200 or less & food cuts but it's not healthy & the lbs come right back). 10 years ago I was 5'8" - thanx to several car accidents that damaged me from the neck down, at my last height check a few weeks ago, I'm 5' 5 3/4". My body weight - including muscle mass - is perfect for someone who is 5'8" but for someone almost 3" shorter, not so much. I'm working on trying to get my mind & body to realize this so that it adjusts, but at my age now, changing something like this is next to impossible.

    The reason behind my preface: I know this is not what you want to hear, but our bodies are genetically preset to a certain size along with our brain settings, and while yes, we can change many things, going below a preset is where our bodies may fight us for health reasons. Case in point, I am VERY healthy - had numerous tests done over the years to ensure there wasn't some other problem and all the Drs agree they wish more people had blood work & test results like me (I.E. My cholesterol levels are excellent - HDL 78 and LDL & Triglycerides are so low they don't even register, blood pressure around 110/60 even when stressed, pulse upper 60's). But I'm coming to terms with the fact that my body is stalled at its "ideal". My key now is to burn the fat & build the muscle, keeping within good ratios for my body so that I can keep this up 10, 15 or 20 years from now.
    Maybe that's something for you to look into: stop worrying about what the scale shows, after all if I did, I'd be perpetually convinced I was obese (last wellness exam the Doc said that I have nothing to worry about as waist is less than 31" & I am more muscle with just enough fat for health), and unless someone sees the obese person in mine or your profile pic that both of us are missing, I really wouldn't worry about the numbers so much as the overall health.
  • 2dogmom
    2dogmom Posts: 14 Member
    First of all congrats on all the hard work and results. I started about the same time with similar height/weight stats but I got suck after 30 lbs. I simply enjoyed the reward of my work and maintained the loss - mostly. Suddenly after a year in a plateau I took one month (June) to REALLY focus on food and exercise, cut way back on carbs, increased protein, reduced fat and sugar. Now with little effort and no extreme eating patterns the pounds are dropping off again. I believe i was trying so many different things when I first plateaued that my body was totally confused. After my body adjusted to my current weight it had a new "normal" as a starting point and is reacting like it did when I first started MFP.

    Don't get hung up on the size of your clothes or the number on the scale. You look healthy! Take pride in your accomplishment, just enjoy life in the new body you have worked so hard for. After a period of maintenance, when the process of losing isn't consuming every thought in your head try again to lose the remaining weight.
  • Lubu781
    Lubu781 Posts: 3
    Try intermittent fasting, It will help you break through any wall
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Nice comments by RuthCassie there!

    Because I was just reading it...

    (And yes he does say decrease activity or INcrease calories and I'm posting it! LOL)
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    OMG. I have nothing to add, other than I could have written this post. Same height, almost exact same starting weight. Same stuckedness too.

    I'm off to friend you...

    Awesome!! :)
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.
    How many calories are you eating?

    Depends on the work out, and how many cals I "earn" thru workout each day. Some days its around 1300, some days 1600. It really depends on, well...lots of things. (How hard I work out, how much water I drink, how much protein I get, etc). Ive found that when I eat more than 1500 a day for a long period of time, I gain.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with cutting carbs. I'm doing that too and seeing great results. Bob Harper has a great book out too, Skinny Rules. He provides a 30 day challenge with recipes. Very low carb and tasty. Check it out.

    Gotta watch cutting out carbs when doing programs like P90X and insanity. And can you live low carb for the rest of your life? That's the problem with "diets"...if you can't sustain that eating plan for the next 40 yrs then I wouldn't be tempted just to reach a number on the scale. I know for me, no matter what I do or don't, my body likes to be 136. with P90X he goes a little fast which could result in high reps, low weights, which will not build enough muscle to rev your metabolism. I just started P90X but I'm using my ChaLEAN Extreme rules..I'm picking a weight heavy enough to fail by 12 reps b/c ChaLEAN Extreme worked out GREAT for me and I wanna build on what I did with that program b/c I saw incredible results. Did you follow P90X Lean or Classic?

    My thoughts exactly on low carb. But I AM trying to cut more carbs.
    I did p90x classic.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Two books I found most helpful are from Gary Taubes.
    Type of calories can be more important than calories count.
    There is no one formula that works for all. I cannot follow the "food pyramid" or that new asinine plate thing.
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    Try the Nike training club app on your phone. it is a free app. Therer are so many exercise routines to choose from. I like the get lean advanced routines. The more you workout the more routines they give you as a bonus. I was at a complete standstill! I have been doing the program for about a month. My thighs are thinner and my rear is not so big anymore! You will sweat like crazy! There are a lot of lower body and core stregnth exercises. In fact, I have gotten a lot stronger. I use to shake like a leaf during the minute planks - now it is a breeze. You only need dumbells and a medicine ball. If I do it at home- I replace a 10lb. dumbell for the medicine ball. Good luck! By the way- you look really thin in your pic- The other person was right- maybe you don't need to lose anymore weight. But if you want to fix problem areas- try the workout!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I want to know this too. I haven`t even been able to get started with my weight loss. Almost 5 months and I have only gained 5 lbs.

    I tried all the advice on this site.

    This week I am thinking drastically low carb is the way to go. It is the only way I have ever lost weight. It totally sucks!

    Either that or back to starving myself periodically. Which everyone says is the wrong way to go.

    My reqired calorie intake must be alot lower than the online calculators put it at.

    I hate counting calories and not losing weight.