Help! Trying SO hard, haven't lost in 8 months!!

Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.


  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am all ears...want to know more about this as well.
  • stephdg89
    stephdg89 Posts: 37
    Hmmm, if it were me I'd probably go to the dr and have them check your thyroid and express your concerns there. There really doesn't seem to be much of a reason why you would just stop losing like that!
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    Perhaps your body doesn't need to lose any more o.O
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    i JUST did that... I went to the wellness center, nutritionists, drs, and everything was fine with me... so i changed my diet DRAMATICALLY low carb and cut our sugars... and started Jillian's body revolution and running more... and it finally is coming off again...i know how frustrating it is.. i was ready to quit...but you need to dramatically to change it...and beware of overtraining... i was doing that too... 2+ hours working out a day...guess i needed to cut down a bit! good luck... i hope you find something that helps you!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Let's see that diary of yours. Would also be grand if you would be able to tell us your BMR and TDEE at sedimentary.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    if your not worried about a number on the scale, but actual size, I would suggest lifting heavy weights.
    Check out New Rules Of Lifting For Women or New Rules of Lifting For Life, both really good programs and there's a group on MFP~
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    if your not worried about a number on the scale, but actual size, I would suggest lifting heavy weights.
    Check out New Rules Of Lifting For Women or New Rules of Lifting For Life, both really good programs and there's a group on MFP~

    From the profile picture she's probably alreayd doing that. :)
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Zig zag your calories. Increase your caloric intake. I had this same problem and lost crazy.

    Please watch both videos please.


    Chris Powell from Extreme Makeover Weight loss Edition when he was doing Reshape the Nation

    Part 1:
    Part 2:

  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Wish I had words of encouragement...but sometimes our bodies just won't allow any more weight off - sometimes for very long periods of time.

    When looking at your goal - first look at how long you've been overweight, what was your highest weight, have you gone through a yoyo cycle or two (or 3 or 4....).

    One of the more popular diets out about a year ago set goal weights much higher than most - all based on your history.

    The only advice I can offer is keep eating clean, exercising, make sure there is nothing physically wrong, and then just let it be....

    Good luck!
  • jgcmchenry
    I agree with cutting carbs. I'm doing that too and seeing great results. Bob Harper has a great book out too, Skinny Rules. He provides a 30 day challenge with recipes. Very low carb and tasty. Check it out.
  • BeantownSooner
    You've certainly done a great job thus far so don't give up hope. Insanity and P90X are pretty demanding as you know and a hybrid even more so. How many times have you done each of them? Have you taken a break to just relax and no exercise for a few weeks? Perhaps eating your Sedentary TDEE for a few weeks and just doing a 2 mile walk per day could help kick start things again.

    Also, without your diary being open it's tough to provide advice but generally speaking (and you know this) the calorie intake demands with those programs are generally greater than MFP will recommend. Could it be that MFP is telling you one thing which you've followed for the past 8 months but the P90X/Insanity guides say another thing?

    It might be worth simply taking a step back and going back through your settings almost as if today is day 1 all over again. You're smaller, more lean, more active, etc and if you are still working from your old settings things may not be aligned.

    Lastly, there was no mention of a HRM (with strap). Are you using one today to get at least a good estimate on your current calorie burn? I'd venture to guess that what you were burning 10 months ago is not the same as what you're burning today since as you become more fit it's harder to burn the same amount of calories doing the same exercise program.

    Not sure that was all that helpful but just my thoughts.

    Edit: One other thought since you're a Beachbody fan. Sort of along my initial suggestion to take a break from exercise. Have you looked into the Ultimate Reset? It's pretty expensive and they recommend little to no exercise for the duration of the program. It's an internal reset (they refuse to call it a cleanse) that takes you through a progression of removing carbs, then dairy, then grains to the point where you're Vegan by the end of it. Not that you stay that way but there's a supplement program that goes along with it to detoxify your internal body. From there you have a renewed focus on whole foods, some great new meals and a new outlook on your long-term nutrition. I'll repeat the program is expensive as is the healthy food by in my experience it was a worthwhile endeavors as I'm a meat and potatoes kind of guy and who knew that veggies and no grain could taste just a good! Still do a couple no meat and dairy days as well as use some of my favorite meals from the program which are super-duper healthy for you. I'm male and much larger than you but I lost 21 lbs in the 3 weeks and my wife lost 11. If you go this route make sure you have a full 3 week calendar available with no social events as it can be difficult to stay on track!
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for the input so far. I almost feel like a dr would think I was looking for an excuse if I went in asking for tests.

    And Ive wondered, too, if this is just where my body has "settled" and this is where I need to be. I dont know....Im still "overweight" according to charts, or at least Im at the very tip top of the healthy range. But I know my body is in great shape, and Ive gotten some great muscle tone. I just have areas where it's obvious I need to lose more fat..and since you can't spot train, I need to lose overall.,,,which Im not doing.

    I work out 6 days a week, but for an hour at the most. It just depends on that particular work out. Its just a lot of working out to "just" maintain. When I first started this journey, I was eating between 1100-1200 cals/day. Maybe I need to go back to that..even though I kind of feel like that's too little for as hard as I work out some days.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for the input so far. I almost feel like a dr would think I was looking for an excuse if I went in asking for tests.

    And Ive wondered, too, if this is just where my body has "settled" and this is where I need to be. I dont know....Im still "overweight" according to charts, or at least Im at the very tip top of the healthy range. But I know my body is in great shape, and Ive gotten some great muscle tone. I just have areas where it's obvious I need to lose more fat..and since you can't spot train, I need to lose overall.,,,which Im not doing.

    I work out 6 days a week, but for an hour at the most. It just depends on that particular work out. Its just a lot of working out to "just" maintain. When I first started this journey, I was eating between 1100-1200 cals/day. Maybe I need to go back to that..even though I kind of feel like that's too little for as hard as I work out some days.

    You might need to eat more to jump start your metabolism. Because your burning so much, your body refuses to lose.
    Just my opinion. Best of luck
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry....lots posted while I was typing out my last reply...

    I did 3 rounds of p90x (so 9 months of it, in the last 3 I incorporated more running), just finished 60 days of Insanity. Actually just started the Hybrid this week. I took a few weeks off about a month ago when I pulled my back at work. I kind of thought THAT would jump start things...just being off a few weeks. But no. I do eat more on the days I work out harder.

    No, I do not have a HRM. Desperately want one. I need to just go get one. Good idea about me going back and redoing my settings. I realy hadnt thought about that.

    I just recently heard of Bob's "rules"...trying to follow as many as I can, but still struggle with it because some of them are just not a habit.

    Im not giving up...this is my way of life now. I was just hoping for different results, especially working this hard. I crave work outs when I miss one or I know Im in the right mind set with my life style.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    RIght there with you....I was trying so hard and not, I've gotten discouraged and starting gaining. Gotta get back to it and start losing again, but it's sooo very frustrating when I felt like I was doing all the right things and nothing was going anywhere.

    Good luck on your journey. I hope you reach your goal and it works for you and for everyone here!!!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.
    How many calories are you eating?
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Perhaps your body doesn't need to lose any more o.O

    This...but who knows? Maybe see a doctor if you're worried.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    OMG. I have nothing to add, other than I could have written this post. Same height, almost exact same starting weight. Same stuckedness too.

    I'm off to friend you...
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I agree with cutting carbs. I'm doing that too and seeing great results. Bob Harper has a great book out too, Skinny Rules. He provides a 30 day challenge with recipes. Very low carb and tasty. Check it out.

    Gotta watch cutting out carbs when doing programs like P90X and insanity. And can you live low carb for the rest of your life? That's the problem with "diets"...if you can't sustain that eating plan for the next 40 yrs then I wouldn't be tempted just to reach a number on the scale. I know for me, no matter what I do or don't, my body likes to be 136. with P90X he goes a little fast which could result in high reps, low weights, which will not build enough muscle to rev your metabolism. I just started P90X but I'm using my ChaLEAN Extreme rules..I'm picking a weight heavy enough to fail by 12 reps b/c ChaLEAN Extreme worked out GREAT for me and I wanna build on what I did with that program b/c I saw incredible results. Did you follow P90X Lean or Classic?
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Thanks for the input so far. I almost feel like a dr would think I was looking for an excuse if I went in asking for tests.

    And Ive wondered, too, if this is just where my body has "settled" and this is where I need to be. I dont know....Im still "overweight" according to charts, or at least Im at the very tip top of the healthy range. But I know my body is in great shape, and Ive gotten some great muscle tone. I just have areas where it's obvious I need to lose more fat..and since you can't spot train, I need to lose overall.,,,which Im not doing.

    I work out 6 days a week, but for an hour at the most. It just depends on that particular work out. Its just a lot of working out to "just" maintain. When I first started this journey, I was eating between 1100-1200 cals/day. Maybe I need to go back to that..even though I kind of feel like that's too little for as hard as I work out some days.

    OMG! Don't go back to 1100-1200 unless you have slipped into a coma....go up. Try to increase your metabolism.