Confession Time!

Ok so I seem to have gone on a downward spiral last week/weekend and I ate nothing but...well junk food!! I started my lifestyle change back on January 3rd and this is the first time I have gone out of control like this. I didn't log anything I ate as I knew how bad the food I was eating that would have been huge in fats and calories.
The weekend was the worst, there wasn't much I didn't eat and physically I felt terrible, had heartburn, weird dreams and felt full all the time. I kept thinking to myself the entire weekend, is it really worth it, feeling like crap, but it didn't stop me from eating it! :blushing:
I think in a way it was a wake up call that I cannot go back to my old ways, as really it was not that enjoyable how crappy I felt the whole weekend. So I figure if I am honest and post it here admitting to what I have done, I am not hiding it like I used to do!
I am back on track today, have nothing but healthy food and am ready to start fresh!!
Now I just have to keep up the positive attitude and believe I can continue on! :smile:


  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    I can honestly say that I have done the same thing! It's easy to gain weight, and so much more fun, than it is to take it off. I have tried for the past several years to lose my weight, only to give up after losing 20lbs. I would give myself a "free day", where I would eat one bad thing. That worked at first, but then it ended up me eating more than one bad thing.
    This time I have told myself that I am not giving up until I reach my goal.

    Keep thinking positive thoughts....don't give up!! You can do this!!!
  • 2dogmom
    2dogmom Posts: 14 Member
    I'm struggling with the same thing. First it was Memorial Day parites. I reset everything, got back on track and lost the pounds I had gained. This past weekend it was camping. Cookies, smores, hot dogs, brats, alcohol, augh!!! In two more weeks it is vacation. I don't even want to go because I know it'll be a nutrition train wreck. I feel like the only way I can do this is if I lock myself up in my house and never leave. I need a mental reset to think more positively but I just don't know how to do it. It's depressing, becasue I have been doing so well since I started in January.

    I'm hoping my personal trainer is part therapist tonight. Maybe he can keep me positive.

    You are doing GREAT to have lost 40 pounds since Jan 3. I started the exact same time and have only lost 25. Hang in there, it so easy to go back to old ways but think about how much better you feel now versus then.