yyzdnl Member


  • Yea, mine came from a local tack shop several 7x4x2 bricks are what I use on the grill. Lot cheaper than buying from the internet culinary retailers.
  • Himalayan salt is just another form of salt. It is mined in Pakistan and will have a different flavor than sea salt because it contains different levels of nutrients, high in calcium and magnesium. You can substitute sea salt and will be fine just your dish will have a bit different flavor than what the original recipe. I…
  • I believe it is improvements in food distribution and mass production that actually has improved human health over time. Most of the preservatives are there for food safety not just making things cheaper, If you don't want the chemicals grow your own, bake your own. O yea the only problem with that is you will have to load…
  • It's like unrolling a paper towels. Take the first 10 sheets off the role you can't see a change in size but near the end removing 10 sheets will make a big difference in the size.
  • Wow you ain't kidding, posting a holiday whiny story sure gets the hits. I think everyone here should go shoot fire works. I swear, I just came on to log my tree felling cals so I could go drink beer and eat ribs (fresh out of fireworks) and got suckered into this thread. Note to self, log this mornings weigh in since I…
  • Cut down any trees or limbs that are overhanging the roof. If tree limbs are near enough to the roof that a raccoon or a possum can get on the roof then they are probably rubbing your shingles on windy days and that will do more damage than some animal droppings.
  • Vaping is where it's at. All the pleasure without the health issues. Get a good E-cig not the crap they sell at the mall. There are allot of good onliine retailers. Check out ECF the E-Cigarette Forum. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum I like LiteCigUSA good prices & service. http://www.litecigusa.net
  • I have found the best two tools for this calorie counting thing is a heart rate monitor and food scale. It is real easy to overestimate cals burned and under estimate cals in. It is good you are eating your exercise calories back, but you should consider adding a fudge factor (not eating fudge) to compensate for errors.
  • Never do sit ups or crunches because they won't target your belly fat.
  • 168 over last week. Total 6969
  • Owned a "Vision Fitness" elliptical for several years now, they aren't cheap but are well built and hold up to the abuse giving a great work out day after day. Even when I was 200+ pounds I could really get it moving and it remained rock solid not bouncing around like some ellipticals I have used at hotels. Check the…
  • Completed W3,D3,C2 yesterday, still struggiling to make the 5th set but I guess thats the way it should. I'm definetly getting to point exhaustion.
  • Super job Tim. You have lost the NC State Record - 63 LBS Striped Bass! Check out the picture, http://www.theburningreel.com/forums/fishing-forum/4353-new-nc-state-record-63-lbs-striped-bass.html One time you can be glad the big one got away.
  • If you are looking for answerers in research papers you are probably looking in the wrong place. The question should be going to the manufacturer of the device reporting the calories burned. My HRM doesn't ask me about my normal daily activity so I assume it is just estimating the numbers I burned during monitoring and…
  • Completed W3,D2,C2 once again I had problems completing the 5th set continuously but did better than day 1. Went on to my normal arm & shoulder work out and ended with one mean burn. Something tells me my post work out chocolate milk isn't going to do squat keeping soreness away tomorrow.
  • 82 more Total 2311 sweetmanjd have you seen this thread? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/222989-who-wants-to-do-the-hundred-push-up-challenge-with-me
  • The fill costs in the article are nothing our boat has a 60 gallon tank @ 3.85/gal I'm looking at $200+ for a day on the water. Oh well, at least I will get better gas mileage from my weight loss.
  • 72 push ups this morning training for 100 push up challenge. Total 2041
  • I started on week three column two (21-25) this morning. It was tough, I was getting tired by the end of set three and had to increase my rest to 90 seconds, rested a full 2 min before the final set of 17 and I still had to take pauses and work a couple of push up at a time after 12 consecutive to get to the 17 minimum.…
  • 2" in two weeks. WOW, I need to be doing what you are. The best I can manage is 1/2" a week usually 1/4". Your doing great keep it up, when you can't put muscle on as fast as you are losing fat your weight will start dropping again.
  • The Cardinal calling at me outside the window at 5:00 AM every morning.
  • Welcome, you have the same attitude I did when I started a few months ago. I am sure this site will work well for you and don't be surprised when you feel much younger with a few pounds off.
  • Welcome, I'm sure you will find this site a big help like I do.
  • Easter Brunch with the folks here so it makes it easier to work it off before bed time. I'm sure mom will have my favorites deviled eggs, spiral cut ham and cheesy potatoes it's going to be rough. Even though it's my rest day I took an easy cruse on the elliptical for 300 cals this morning and will do some tree trimming…
  • That estimator is just plain silly. How can they estimate your lean body mass with only height and weight? If that estimator is an example of the quality of the information on their site I would disregard what you learned there and delete any links to the site. Here is a good source of info free with out adds.…
  • "YYZ" is an instrumental rock piece by Canadian rock band Rush, from the 1981 album Moving Pictures. I used this back in the day when video games would only take three characters for high score. "DNL" short for Daniel
  • 55 more total 1629