What does your username mean?



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Mine reminds me that it is because of the sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross for my sins that I can have a relationship with God as his child! Not because of what I have or can do for Him......because it is 4gracealone.

    I love it!
  • My user name came from years of reading self help books and trying to see what GOD sees in Me. I realized that it is very important to Value Yourself but also know HOW to do that. I also realized that until one can Value Oneself, you can not Value anyone else; you think you do or can but you really don't. So as My Mom says, " Everything begins at home/within self," or scripture says, " Love thy neighbor as You love Yourself;" many people treat people just like they treat themselves or allow others to treat them...really bad. Also, a Name is something to Live Up to...Learning to Value Me begins with taking inventory of My Gifts, Talents, Skills, taking proper care of My Body, Spirit and Mind, then taking the dividends from the investments I have in Myself and giving them to others.

    A LOT of people dis-like Me for My user name...they "think" it is arrogant. So many people are so beat down and unhappy that they do not have the confidence or courage to choose a Name that they have to Strive each day to Live Up to...I Named Myself this and I have to strive each day to Live up to it.
  • I love the part about taking inventory of our time talents etc. and then giving them out to others!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    My user name came from years of reading self help books and trying to see what GOD sees in Me. I realized that it is very important to Value Yourself but also know HOW to do that. I also realized that until one can Value Oneself, you can not Value anyone else; you think you do or can but you really don't. So as My Mom says, " Everything begins at home/within self," or scripture says, " Love thy neighbor as You love Yourself;" many people treat people just like they treat themselves or allow others to treat them...really bad. Also, a Name is something to Live Up to...Learning to Value Me begins with taking inventory of My Gifts, Talents, Skills, taking proper care of My Body, Spirit and Mind, then taking the dividends from the investments I have in Myself and giving them to others.

    A LOT of people dis-like Me for My user name...they "think" it is arrogant. So many people are so beat down and unhappy that they do not have the confidence or courage to choose a Name that they have to Strive each day to Live Up to...I Named Myself this and I have to strive each day to Live up to it.
  • My user names means. That I can't wait to move to Myrtle Beach SC.
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    "YYZ" is an instrumental rock piece by Canadian rock band Rush, from the 1981 album Moving Pictures. I used this back in the day when video games would only take three characters for high score.

    "DNL" short for Daniel
  • basically that I like Jimi Hendrix..and purple's pretty awesome too ;)
  • exercisechic927
    exercisechic927 Posts: 64 Member
    exercisechic927.........represents when I started my exercise journey on 9/27/97 when I was 12 years old.... I was 225 lbs and got down to 135 lbs by 18....now at 26 I am 168... I know I will get down again but 135 I was told looked deathly skinny....
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    No clue where mine actually originated from.. perhaps another forum. But all in all it stuck because its much catchier than Koala_Jorge
  • thisbitch
    thisbitch Posts: 26
    I started out trying all kinds of combinations of my first name and when they were all taken I ended up with 'this*****' out of frustration... but I'm pleased with it. ;)
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Mine is to remind me that I'm going to get fit in 2011. My name is Viki.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    My username came from Boo Boo, which was my nickname in High School. And 84 is the year I was born.

    Hee hee. My husband calls me "Boo Boo" sometimes ;)

    My username "ruhimaach" is what my husband refers to me as. "Ruhi" is my nickname and what my family refers to me as.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    My name is Zuzana and when my children were small, they couldn't say it and called me Zuznana and I liked it so keep using it. :smile:
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    My name is Zuzana and when my children were small, they couldn't say it and called me Zuznana and I liked it so keep using it. :smile:
    awww how cute!
  • chadam1015
    chadam1015 Posts: 58 Member
    My user name is the First 3 letters of my name (Chantil) and the last 3 of my husbands (Adam) and our anniversary. One of my friends said its kind of like a "brangelina" mash up. lol
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Mine is the name of my gorgeous kitty cats.....my own name in various spellings was already taken. No exciting story.
    Great thread. I have often wondered why people choose the names they do!!
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    For a creative writing class I was asked to pick a pen name, so I choose b.c. pie...short for banana cream pie. I don't even like banana cream pie, not sure why I like the name so much.
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    My user name is the First 3 letters of my name (Chantil) and the last 3 of my husbands (Adam) and our anniversary. One of my friends said its kind of like a "brangelina" mash up. lol
    so cute! :)
  • Mine is because I'm a loser for taking such poor care of my body for so long and because I'd like to lose a lot of weight. So it's got a double meaning, I suppose hehe
  • vicki9168
    vicki9168 Posts: 89 Member
    Nothing at all exciting or creative about mine, my name and dob.
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