knowwhentoshutup Member


  • Embrace it! Muscle is awesome!
  • I don't have time, but I make it. You don't have to go to the gym to work out. Check out videos from your local library, movie rental place (our Family Video has free fitness rentals) or use YouTube, if you don't have tapes or dvd's to follow at home. I work two jobs, volunteer with many organizations, have two young boys,…
  • Read this: Like others mentioned - find your BMR and your TDEE, and take a 15-20% cut to your TDEE. If you are 6'11" and 280, you are eating way TOO little. I'm 5'6.5" and am currently weigh 181, and eat a minimum of 1700 calories a…
  • The total calories you should eat daily (your NET), should never be below your BMR. I'm losing consistently by cutting 20% from my TDEE. Eating below BMR is basically training your body to expect less, and slowing your metabolism, hence your current issues. But, do you what you want.
  • Yes. This x 1000. Do your math, and fuel your body. Make your metabolism work for you!
  • Setting my personal record, this weekend on my half marathon time - 2:46:52! Now to train and beat that time next time and break 2:30.
  • You can do it! This link helped me immensely! (After thinking low calorie = better, for more years than I care to admit.) After I figured out my numbers (BMR - Base Metabolic Rate, and my TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditures) it…
  • I'm 5'6.5" and weigh 181 as of this morning. Feel free to add me. I'm aiming for 140ish.
  • Congrats! That is amazing. Hope you are enjoying the amazing sense of accomplishment. :) When I ran my first half (a VERY hilly course) I finished in 3:05, after hitting the wall like you. But, I kept training, and just ran my second half with a 2:46 finish today. Keep running, and best of luck!
  • I'm on a tight budget and manage to feed a family of four healthy meals for a month. I shop sales and buy in bulk if possible. I make meal plans for 3-4 weeks at a time. I cook many things from scratch. I buy fruits and veggies when they are in season/on sale. I'd check out this site:…
  • Ditch the scale. Seriously. Throw it out. Or, don't. But if you must weigh yourself, watch for trends in your weight, by weighing in weekly, biweekly, or monthly. I only weigh in on Tuesday mornings, but that is what works for me. Daily is not necessary.
  • This link has helped me so much: It is simple math, based on your information. Edited to add: I just looked at your diary. No wonder you are hungry!
  • 1450 is high? It depends on each person, height, weight, body fat, etc. My BMR is over 1600, and I aim for 1800 before exercise and am losing a pound a week.
  • This link has helped me so much: Once I realized it was based on my stats, and ultimately my BMR and TDEE, this whole thing made much more sense.
  • I had stadol with my first, after 14 hours of pitocin enhanced contractions to take the edge off. It made me feel like I was drunk, and it confined me to the bed. I couldn't even keep my eyes open between contractions. The place I felt the best was in the whirlpool tub or on the birthing ball. When my second was born, I…
  • Plan the night before. I like to make lunches and such the night before. Otherwise, buy easy to grab and go fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, grapes, etc.) or easy breakfast items (hardboiled eggs, string cheese, etc.) that you can reach for before heading to other options. Make (or buy) your own protein packed breakfast,…
  • I started the same way you did. But, hang in there. The day will come where you will hit the next slide in weight. I stuck from April until July, because I didn't quite understand the science behind weight loss. (And finding this link:…
  • Once I got my act together and realized that food = fuel and is NOT the enemy, I got much better. Well, that and this link, which helped educate me on what my body truly needed: Other motivators: 1. My kids 2. My future 3. My health 4.…
  • Google other iron rich foods, like seafood, tomatoes, and other iron fortified foods, like pasta or cereal. I donate plasma, and in addition to the vitamin C, as others mentioned, I eat Total Cereal. One serving has 100% of the daily value. I like to eat a half serving on yogurt.
  • How long did you up your calories to 1800? If it was less than 4 weeks you probably just gained water weight, as your body tries to get back to normal. If you ate at 1200 ish for a prolonged time, you may have affected your bodies metabolism. I'd strongly suggest you talk to your doctor. You should NEVER net below your…
  • What is your BMR (base metabolic rate)? If you don't know, start here: Figure out your BMR and TDEE, then find where you should be. Always net (that is calories consumed - calories burned) above your BMR. Most people find success in…
  • Cut it up and or grate it and use it to marinade something. Like these ginger-soy-lime marinated shrimp:
  • How did you get to that 1200 number? What is your BMR (base metabolic rate)? If you don't know, start here: Figure out your BMR and TDEE, then find where you should be. Eating low, and netting under your BMR is not helping you long…
  • I aim to net 1800 calories a day. Feel free to add me. :) I used to be around 1200, but then I did some research, found this post: then figured out my BMR and TDEE. Since then, I've been losing a consistent pound a week.
  • I find a lot of local races (or ones nearby) using
  • Are you walking/jogging/running? Doing any type of other exercises, jumping rope, squats, lunges? I believe in the 'first on, last off' principal to fat - so if you legs have always been larger (or a location where your weight shows more) that will be one of the last places to watch it leave. I'd base it off measurements.…
  • Because, when you started, you most likely added in that you would be working out for X number of days per week, for X amount of time. Then, MFP based that total on what you wanted to lose (1 pound a week, 2 pounds a week, etc.) and calculated what your goal would be BEFORE EXERCISE, assuming you eat your calories back -…
  • I like using iMapMyRun, an app on my cell. With my GPS enabled, it tracks and estimates calories burned, and tracks your distance, speed, etc. I typically track my 'intervals' done at different speeds separately based on time spent for each one. For example today I ran for 145 minutes. 45 minutes at 4.5 mph…
  • Simple. Eat larger portions of lean meats, beans, nuts, fruit, veggies, fish, etc. Aim for balanced meals focusing on reaching your Macros.