Drugs during labor



  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    I gave birth at home with 2 midwives. I sat on a stability ball. I rocked in my rocking chair. Sat on the toilet. Vocalized. Read the book "Birthing from Within", those pain management techniques were the most natural to me (they relate to how I naturally deal with pain). I walked around and hugged my husband or midwife during a contraction. I relaxed between contractions. I didn't do anything that made the pain worse (being in bed made the pain worse). I had wonderful midwives and a doula. I looked into people's eyes during contractions (for some reason that helped me feel supported and not alone).

    I can't take pain meds (I have a very bad mental reaction to them).

    You rock! I was going to have a home birth with my daughter, but ended up in the hospital (long story). In the hospital I ended up going through labor and giving birth naturally without drugs. :)
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    I went through a midwife with both of my pregnancies and survived birthing each of them with no drugs at all, so it can be done if you opt to go that route. :) The midwife had me drinking some horrible tasting tea to help...do something...relax the cervix, maybe? And I made use of the whirlpool tub and did lots and lots of focused breathing. Just something else you might consider. :flowerforyou:

    You rock too!

    To the OP, I had a natural drug free birth. IF you desire to look into that option, I studied hypnobabies and bradley method. Both are amazing programs.
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    With my first baby, against my better judgement, I let them give me morphine.

    I will NEVER let anyone give me that crap again. It did nothing for the pain, and just made me stoned. It was awful.

    I got a walking epidural with baby number 2, and I wanted to kiss my anesthetist - she was an effing genius.
    How did the walking epidural do while you were pushing?? Could you feel to push or was everything totally numb??

    Had walking epidurals with two of my three and they are awesome. I could feel when to push and when my contractions were. They really just take the edge off to make it more manageable.
  • m13sam2012
    lucky you that u can use epidural!!!!!!! Im my country we dont use that!!! so ... push hard and with painnnnnnnnnn! and my boys were like dinosaurs!! huge babys hahaha!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    so i dont really know how is an epidural ! i just push very hard with the contractions!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! The problem I had with my epidural was that I could not feel to push!! I wonder if the walking epidural would do better for me. I plan on talking to my Dr. I just wanted to hear others experiences too!! I appreciate all of your suggestions ;)

    I couldn't feel to push either. I actually couldn't even stand afterwards after my first child. My second child came so quickly there was no time for anything, and I was completely unprepared for it. You are going to get a lot of advice. You need to do what feels best for you, no matter what anyone else says (except your doctor or midwife, of course). Good luck, and I am sure everything will be fine. My youngest is now 10, a total joy (mostly :)), even if it was painful.
  • HannahsBestLife
    HannahsBestLife Posts: 209 Member
    I had 2 drug free births with my daughters, BUT with both I told the nurses that if I ask for drugs give them to me lol.. I used a birthing center so epidurals wern't and option but I made sure the nurses had gas on 'stand by' I just didn't end up wanting anything.. not sure why lol it hurt like hell but since the pain comes and goes it was managable..

    anyway I geuss what i'm saying is choose what you want and ask them to have it ready if you want it but don't make any definate plans because you never knnow what your going to want untill your actually in labour and you might find you don't want anything either.. :D hope this helps lol
  • boomboom011
    you ladies that give birth naturally i applaud you! im serious.
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I would avoid Stadol (butorphanol) at all costs. Might not be able to get it even if you wanted it right now due to national backorder situation and only one US approved manufacturer. I was given that with my first child because I was experiencing some significant back labor pain and wasn't sure yet that I wanted to go the epidural route. I hated it. It did nothing to relieve my pain. It just made me fall asleep between contractions during which brief naps I would begin to dream vivid and often unpleasant dreams. Then I'd wake up as the next contraction started and would be babbling crazy stuff out of my dreams leaving my husband and mother wondering what I was going on about. I'd realize it had happened again and tell them never mind, but I started to wonder if I was losing my mind. Boy was I glad when *THAT* wore off! I wound up having an epidural later and felt no pain after that. I could still feel the contractions come and go, they just didn't hurt, and I didn't have problems pushing.

    My second labor was a much better experience, the epidural failed somehow (never got pain relief from it), but the baby was in the proper position (first child came out sunny-side up and got a little stuck in the birth canal), I had come up with some good personal techniques for dealing with the pain, and due to the quirk with the epidural my nurse turned down the oxytocin (IV drug that stimulates contractions) long enough that I relaxed better and dialated quickly. World of difference.

    So I feel like an epidural or not is entirely up to you and the situation in which you find yourself, but I don't recommend butorphanol. The hospital I work at now is using low dose fentanyl in its place, but I've never had fentanyl to comment on it. I highly recommend practicing relaxation/calming techniques before your labor begins... teach yourself to feel your muscles relax one area at a time, slow and deepen your breathing, and feel your heart rate slow a little. If you can talk yourself into letting your stress seep out and leave your muscles deeply relaxed like that you can use that to help diffuse some of the pain... tensing against the pain will only make it worse and I feel like it makes you labor longer too.

    Best wishes on your birth!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    you can get fentol in your iv if the pain gets to much
  • valmb2
    valmb2 Posts: 41 Member
    I had 3 natural births and the last 2 were at home; no pain meds at all. And I FREAKING love giving birth! LOVE it! I would say to just go with your body and not fight it. Your body knows what its doing. Go in to it strong, cofident and focused, and you will be alright. :) And on the plus side, you get such a natural high after. ;)
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I had stadol with my first, after 14 hours of pitocin enhanced contractions to take the edge off. It made me feel like I was drunk, and it confined me to the bed. I couldn't even keep my eyes open between contractions.

    The place I felt the best was in the whirlpool tub or on the birthing ball.

    When my second was born, I started crying when they mentioned the word pitocin. (Both times, I was fighting the clock since my water had broken.) I freaked out and knew I couldn't handle it again without something, and I didn't want stadol. I ended up getting an epidural, but 10 minutes after having it placed (and only numb on my right hip) I delivered my son. That was an ineffective and expensive 10 minutes.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I just had 2 doses of iv fentanyl with both of my girls, and only during transition. With my eldest, it was a 6ish hour induced labor, lasted until transition before I needed anything. With my youngest, 4 hours of labor, again lasted until transition before I needed anything to take away some of the intensity.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I was induced both times. I had an epidural with my first. It was the worst thing ever. I refused it with my second. My labor and delivery was a million times better the second time.
  • MeliJean78
    Thanks everyone!!! The problem I had with my epidural was that I could not feel to push!! I wonder if the walking epidural would do better for me. I plan on talking to my Dr. I just wanted to hear others experiences too!! I appreciate all of your suggestions ;)

    Have your epidural when you are ready. When you are complete (fully dialted to 10) ask to "labor down". "Laboring down" simply means to rest until you have the urge to push. During this time do not push the button for another dose (PCA). Slowly you will regain feeling, pressure and the urge to evict the kid will come.

    Best Wishes :-)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I had an epidural for two out of three kids. My middle one came too fast for anything so it was a local afterwards for stitches - ouch. I had no problems with my epidurals. The first one; I was completely sensation and pain free, and the last one, I could feel pressure but no pain at all.

    I had IV meds prior to my epidural and had bad reactions from both - one made me itch like crazy and heat up and turn red - the other one made me throw up repeatedly. So I refused them on the third baby.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide. Truthfully, my middle child (with no epidural) came so quickly it really wasn't that painful, but there is no guarantee if you go drug free it will be fast.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    With two of my kids I had the demerol. It didn't really help me with the pain at all. With the third, I didn't have any pain meds by choice. I just found something to concentrate on, and focused on it as hard as I could to block out as much of the pain as I could. I wished now I had tried to go without meds with the other two. I just had a clearer mind, and was able to relax more. After it was all over I then had a couple vicodine to get on top of my pain. I do have an unusually high tollerance for pain though. I didn't feel the first cramp with the contractions until I was dialated to 9 1/2 centimeters...lol
  • BoatReadyBody
    I think it is a very personal desicion but I have had both drugs twice and the third time it went bad. They did it wrong so it wore off right before it was time to have my son and then I got bacterial menigitis from the epidural. But if it had worked I would of not be so lucky because the baby was choking and I would of never been able to deliver fast enough. crazy sceniro. It was Gods work at the finest. I say no. But until the one went bad I would of said yes to everyone.
  • Fitorbust73
    Fitorbust73 Posts: 80 Member
    I had a baby in May --- laughing gas takes the edge off and the effects are very short lived--- no feeling stoned when it counts... And it makes you giggle... Humor is needed during delivery...
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I went through a midwife with both of my pregnancies and survived birthing each of them with no drugs at all, so it can be done if you opt to go that route. :) The midwife had me drinking some horrible tasting tea to help...do something...relax the cervix, maybe? And I made use of the whirlpool tub and did lots and lots of focused breathing. Just something else you might consider. :flowerforyou:

    You rock too!

    To the OP, I had a natural drug free birth. IF you desire to look into that option, I studied hypnobabies and bradley method. Both are amazing programs.
    Drug-free here, too (except the pitocin for inducing, which I don't recommend, but I was overruled due to other risk factors going on at the time). It didn't feel good. Scariest thing I've ever felt in my life, but as soon as she was born, they put her on my chest, and she lifted her head up a bit (I didn't even know they could DO that!) and looked straight at me with eyes wide open, totally alert...no way to know if drugs/no drugs had any impact on that, but it was amazing, and I wouldn't do it any differently.
  • xnikkixsikkix
    I finally relented and got an epidural after 5 hours on pitocin due to a labor that didn't progress. It ****ing sucked, pardon my language. Look into hypnobirthing, it is fantastic for pain management without drugs (I did it up until my doula had to leave, and it kept my head clear even with the pitocin).