RedfootDaddy Member


  • You can boil eggs in a kettle if you're allowed to have one, which is a good and cheap source of protein and healthy fats. Instructions are here, I do mine this way even though I have a kitchen.
  • I have made two batches of hummus and three batches of salsa so far, I'm in love. And I'm off to the library tonight:
  • Mio (or similar) with caffeine is not available in Canada ;-; I asked my American MIL to send my some of the Walmart-brand cherry limeade energy mix for my birthday.
    in Mio? Comment by RedfootDaddy April 2017
  • So my wife and I are always on a tight food budget (always). But we do like to try new recipes and get as much fresh veg and produce into our diet as possible. She grew up in a small town in the South that was very much a meat-and-three kind of place, not much experimentation there. We do a lot of her traditional foods…
  • I'm awful about remembering my water at home. When I'm at work I fill my tumbler (21 oz) every time I get a cup of coffee, and don't let myself get another coffee until I finish the tumbler. So far it's working out. Which reminds me, time for more coffee . . .
  • Oooo tuna salad! I might have to make that for my wife. Her 'recipe' is just a can of tuna, a small spoonful of relish, and a big spoonful of mayo. But if I can stuff some more veg in there . . . I made a 3-cup batch of salsa for our zoo trip on Saturday, and my wife and my mom went through two cups of it in one sitting!…
  • Days off are the worst for me! Foodwise anyway. I just want to snack snack snack. At work I can structure my day and my meals. When I'm home it's just temptation constantly.
  • I don't have a ton of free time either, I'm trying to maximise the ten or fifteen minutes I can steal in the middle of the day. Go for walks on my lunch, run errands from one end of the office to the other, take the long way to the copier.
  • So I watched the first one yesterday, and I'm watching the second one now. They're actually really interesting. The nutritionist says flat out that a 60-day juice cleanse is extreme and is definitely not recommended by any stretch of the imagination, which the host agreed with. I think the point is to go cold-turkey on…
  • It's here! I've named him Roberto: I sliced and shredded everything for ham and cheese scalloped potatoes in under 15 minutes. I'm in love.
  • Having a tortoise is a great way to keep greens in the house. She eats lettuce, dark leafy greens, eggs, fruit, and some veg like mushrooms and squash (she doesn't like carrots and throws some serious sass when I try to feed them to her).
  • @Hungry_Shopgirl :O What do you use shredded apples for? Baking? Salads? My tortoise would like that . . . @mjbnj0001 Thank you so much! I do make my own bread but I knead it by hand (I actually really enjoy that part of the process), maybe I will have to try it in the FP! I was planning on tossing the little guy, but…
  • So lesson learned over Easter: I have zero self-control when it comes to milk chocolate. But dark chocolate kills the chocolate craving and I can stop after half a serving. Good to know.
  • I'm bingeing on weight loss documentaries on Netflix right now, I have this one in the queue. Might be good for a bit of humour if nothing else!
  • I'm also stuck at a desk most of the day. Now that the weather's nice, I'll try to go for a 15 or 20 minute walk on my lunch break. I'll also get up and walk over to someone's desk to talk to them instead of calling. Sometimes I'll just get up and walk a loop of the office for no reason other than to stretch my legs. Maybe…
  • @AlexandraCarlyle *kitten* is what happens when you try to say *kitten* or damn or *kitten* or any of the other fun adults-only words - it's really a fill-in-the-blank. ETA: Ha ha! I can say damn!
  • Holy cow, great weight loss! I also started up near 360, I'm sitting at 328 now. You're doing amazing!
  • I feel like people on this thread would feel this song on a deep emotional level (while wincing in pain):
  • Good for you! I totally understand about not judging others but harshly judging myself . . . This thread reminds me of this song, hope it'll make you smile:
  • I'd be interested to see your results, PT. Please keep us posted :)
  • Check out what facilities your university has as well - you might have access to a weight room or even a personal trainer through the athletics department. I know that was an option at my school, I regret not taking advantage of it.
  • How do you like MapMyWalk? I've been considering using it for my walks on my lunch break, but I don't know if it's just another gadget (so to speak) or if it will actually be helpful.
  • I just swim with my glasses on . . . maybe I should be more worried about losing them in the pool! When we were kids my mom had terrible eyesight, so she always bought us really bright swimsuits so she could see us without her glasses on. I started wearing mine while swimming when I was a camp counselor, fewer kids lost in…
  • Congrats on the loss! You should check out the Low-Carber Daily Forum group, phenomenal resources for low-carb everything, from the science to recipes to motivation. I'm only low-ish carb and I'm there every day.
  • I'm 30 and my sister is 26 . . . our parents still hide Easter eggs for us to find. My sister gets really into it. I think next year I'll suggest hiding the eggs that say things like 'do ten sit-ups'.
    in Oops Comment by RedfootDaddy April 2017
  • We also did a quiet Easter at home, just the two of us. I managed to stay under my calories for the day, lots of veg with the ham and stuffing. A very good Easter for me, despite a trip to the Lindt factory outlet store near our house.
  • I cannot wait to get rid of these things . . . my dream is to lose a ton of weight and then get top surgery completely if I need to have skin removed. I pray I'll lose weight faster up top!
  • Definitely check out Budget Bytes, she has a ton of vegetarian recipes and I've never had a dud from her yet. I'm not a fan of tofu, and some meat replacements can be iffy, but black beans and chickpeas can go a long way to fill up dishes.
  • Amazing work so far! I agree with the above - wait it out, plateaus aren't unusual. How about other metrics? Are you losing inches? Is it getting easier to move around? Have you made your new choices into a habit?
  • Update time! My meeting with the dietitian was awesome! Really recommend her if anyone is in the Toronto area, Shannon Richter. We went over my food journal for the last few days, and my food habits and philosophy. She said that I'm on the right track, and I'm already doing all the things she would tell me to do - get my…