Healthy food that isn't gross?



  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    I do wish you luck and I do understand that eating food you dont like sucks - but you sound very inflexible. IT will be very hard to do what you want if you are not willing to change. People are giving you ideas and you just keep saying "I dont like those" and "I dont have any money". Not sure there is much help available if you are not willing to try. I dont mean to be snotty but there is a pattern to your answers.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    So my wife and I are always on a tight food budget (always). But we do like to try new recipes and get as much fresh veg and produce into our diet as possible. She grew up in a small town in the South that was very much a meat-and-three kind of place, not much experimentation there. We do a lot of her traditional foods like okra, collard greens, and biscuits and gravy when we can.

    - check the flyers before going to the store and make a plan
    - check for a discount produce rack - our local has one that's usually stuffed with salad kits, mushrooms, eggplant, all kinds of things. If you can find out when the store restocks, even better, because right before that is when things will start going on clearance.
    - snag bags of frozen veg when they're on sale. Seriously. It's just as good nutrition-wise as fresh, easy to keep, you can get blends of different things, and you can steam them in the microwave with a bit of water and some plastic wrap. I like mine with lots of pepper and a very small pinch of salt
    - add frozen veg to everything. Pasta? Cup of frozen peppers and spinach in the sauce. Box of mac'n'cheese? Equal parts pasta to frozen peas. Meatloaf? Cram some peppers and onion in that thing. Rice? Fry up some edamame and green onion.
    - find out what's in season locally because that's going to be the cheapest. Then google recipes until you find something that looks good
    - everything tastes better with a little bacon fat (unless you are vegetarian). Especially brussel sprouts.
    - pan-frying is better than deep-frying, and baking is better than pan-frying (plus, to my mind, less work)
    - sauces can be great, but watch out for how many calories and added sugar are in them
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2017
    That's a great weight loss for two weeks! You can do this.

    Try to get outside the thinking of how someone else prepares foods you think are disgusting. I had to do that myself so I totally get it. :) But there are many ways to prepare different foods. I like my rice with veggies mixed on it or along with grilled chicken. If you like spices you can spice up rice with different spices just like you do with salt as well.

    Also, chicken broth is pretty cheap. When you cook your rice just use the chicken broth in the pot instead of water.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    That's my biggest issue, I don't really know what I like as I've never been able to experiment with foods. As a child my parents weren't the best, and rather than cooking meals we would eat out 2-3 times a day. So I know I like burgers and fries haha. I do like to try new things, but my bigger concern is having enough money for food for everyone in the house. My partner does not like the foods I do, she never has. And especially now that I'm trying to eat better. So I have to ensure the money will stretch all month for us both for food. Which is why I don't bother buying new veggies or things like that, because then if I don't like it, I end up having less food and less money.

    Try this. Get a package of frozen broccoli florets (and stop wrinkling your nose - just bear with me!! :D ). Also hopefully you have some sort of seasoning, such as Monterey Chicken or Italian seasoning...something along those lines. And some olive oil. Open the package of brocolli and dump into a bowl. Sprinkle with a bit of olive oil, and toss with a spoon to coat. Then take some seasoning, and give it a good sprinkle, tossing with a spoon as you sprinkle. Now take a cookie sheet, line it with aluminum foil, and preheat the oven to 400. Spread the florets out onto the foil-lined sheet. Give another sprinkle with seasoning, or salt/pepper. Put in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Take out and enjoy (trust me on this).

    You're welcome.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Eat what you know you will like, and just eat less of it. If you want to experiment, try grating carrots, or zucchini and mixing it with ground beef for a meatloaf. Make soups out of the stuff you like, and add one new thing. Everyones definition of what is healthy is different, but if you wont eat it, doesnt matter a lick how healthy it is, it wont do you any good!

    I dont like kiwis, or grapefruit, or green or yellow beans (ARRGGHH!!) but I will eat spinach (in a salad, or in a stir fry), mushrooms, carrots - broccoli (stir fry or roasted) and the spawn of satan, Brussell sprouts (roasted or sauteed only). I like to roast cauliflower - actually, almost any veg, as roasting caramelizes the sugars in the veg, and they taste sweeter. Try it with carrots to test it out.
  • ConnieT1030
    ConnieT1030 Posts: 894 Member
    If you dont like a certain veggie cooked, try it fresh- they can be VASTLY different. Or vice versa, try it cooked, or cooked differently. I think canned or cooked spinach is nasty (I can deal with some on pizza though) but I love it fresh, its just like eating lettuce. Just a nice plant-y taste.
    I dont like lentils either =P

    But mostly, do what others said, focus on what you know you like, in measure portions, and go ahead and try some new things a few at a time.

    There's no reason you can't drink diet soda. Its no calorie and safe for you unless you have a personal reaction to the sweeteners. (Like just because someone else can't eat peanuts, doesnt mean you shouldn't.)

    Im not sure what water you are saying is too acidic, I drink bottled water every day. The ph of water is 7, or isn't water.

    Try some frozen meals like Lean Cuisine and the others, i eat those frequently too, and you can find stuff you didn't know you might like. If you are bored with the taste of white rice, try brown rice, it tastes a little more heartier. I add rice to meat all the time to make a meal, so add whatever meat you like, and some sauce you like.

    Fruit works fine for weight loss, the suagr in it isn't a problem for weight loss. No food helps or hurts weight loss, except in excess calorie amounts. The only thing that makes weight loss happen or not happen is calories.

    Let MFP set your calorie target and then eat up to that target, (weighing to be sure) whatever you find tasty and most filling, and you will lose weight.

    Weight loss is not linear and there's nothing unusual about not losing weight even while in a deficit for a short while, and many things can affect that. Just be patient, and check some of the stickied threads that help you with what to expect.

    Try not to listen to fear-mongering websites and authors that are trying to sell you something. You don't have to eat or not eat any certain food to successfully lose weight.

  • keeshaoliver1234
    keeshaoliver1234 Posts: 10 Member
    jmp463 wrote: »
    I do wish you luck and I do understand that eating food you dont like sucks - but you sound very inflexible. IT will be very hard to do what you want if you are not willing to change. People are giving you ideas and you just keep saying "I dont like those" and "I dont have any money". Not sure there is much help available if you are not willing to try. I dont mean to be snotty but there is a pattern to your answers.

    The reason I keep saying I don't like those is because I mentioned in the original post that I don't like lentils or spinach and for some reason that made people give me ideas with lentils and spinach, I wanted ideas that exclude that. That was my point.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Okay, let's start over. I'm a vegetarian, so I can't really help with meat/fish/poultry recipes, but what kinds of fruits, grains, veggies, and legumes do you like?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Sorry, I was one of the people suggesting different ways to cook things you said you don't like :smile:

    OK, so what kind of foods *do* you like?
  • dawnellemom
    dawnellemom Posts: 76 Member
    Since you like fresh veggies, one of the things I like is to chop a variety of veggies really, really small and mix them all together and add a protein and dressing. Ex: peppers, cucumbers, mushrooms, zuchinni, tomatoes, all diced really small. Chop lettuce really small and mix all together. Tear up a rotisserie chicken and add a reasonable amount of ranch, some salsa and a couple of tortilla chips all crushed up at the top!