thanks. Do I eat back exercise cals?
thanks. Its appreciated. im going to try and cut the carbs slightly like ive changed my macros to and see if it helps. by default I think that will increase my protein too. thanks x
Thanks guys. I log everything and weight everything im a bit anal like that the macros I have put, are they workable or am I setting myself up to fail? thanks for the support. Im just at a complete loss and stupidly almost signed up to a low carb diet. The terri ann 123 diet.
I have stalled for literally mooonnntrtthhhhsssss. I then gained on holiday. Lost to the same weight and ive stalled again. Im just leeping at it.
Can anyone help?
Thanks everyone. ive been hypo for 20 years and am as medicated as best as gps will medicate you in the uk. im not sure how to workout my calories andcwhether I should eat them back. Ive read loads but must be a bit thick im 39 Female 5ft 2in Weigh 142 pounds My goal was 140 but ideally id like to go to 135.
Thanks everyone. I do weigh absolutely everything. The week.i didnt log I was on holiday and had no internet access. And the few days I ate under I was ill. I cant fathom this out. Im not in a position to exercise more or chamge it as I use the small amout of pay I have for the two classes. ill just keep at it I suppose.…
The main reading should be your free t3 and t4. Regardless of the tsh those should be im the higher end of the range. Ask for those numbers
Im.on thyroxine and have been hypo for 20 yrs. I take my meds at night and it helps me sleep better amd wake up easier too
Not sure where your from but I'm in the UK and we are having a hot one. We don't have air con and even the stores have run out of fans. I do love the hot weather but am lacking in exercise
Thankyou. I do pilates which helps with core. I'll just carry on :-)
OK. Im in :-)
Ok New question but still related. I do a group Kettlebell class on a Monday evening and a 1 hour group Pilates class on a Wednesday. I do quite a lot of walking and I just can't run and don't enjoy it. What exercise can I do at home to help in general. I do have a stationery bike but it hurts my back. I don't have much…
Thanks both. I'll just keep plugging away :-) is got this fat so I'll carry on
I'm officially on 175 of levo and my tsh has to be completely suppressed for me to feel good. I trialled t3 and didn't get on with it. I. Now take 200 of levo and feel great. Will tell my gp when I see her.
I use a bobble bottle.
Sounds to me like your undermedicated. You dont have high t4 so there isnt enough to convert to t3. It may not necessirily mean you have a conversiom issue. Ask yor gp to up your dose of levo x
I have the copper iud so no hormone at all
Anyone is welcome to add ms pls. I have about 4 pounds to lose but its not shifting. I exercise 6 days per week and eat well. Arrgghhh
We done hun. Hypothyroidism is a *****. Ive been hypo for 19 yrs and have lost 20pounds since jan. Well done xx
Im a just in case prrson so A. Saying i did throw 3 pairs of trousers in the recycling today
Makes perfect sense. Ill look into that as an option. Thanks. Great explanation too
Wow. Thankyou everyone.
If i eat a substantial amount of fibe i also have to drink loads of water. I also take a magnesium supplement which amongst other things helps keep me regular x
Ive been told 2pounds per week is great. Its easier to sustain xx your doing great x
I've only just recently purchased some protein powder. I got my protein whey isolate. There are loads of flavours. Its not horrendous and I mix it in my porridge.
Completely off topic but Vicki the dog in your profile pic is gorgeous
Good luck on your journey hun. My little boy has just turned 2 and hes the besg mistake i ever made ;-) Trusg me your world will completely change for the better xx
Thanks for your helpful replies ladies. Starting tomorrow :-) Just got back from kettlebells and im knackered