
:tongue: I am curious.

A couple of years ago, I lost 50 lbs. Most of my clothes were very loose. I decided to go to year-end sales and replace my entire wardrobe (less than $1,000). At that polnt, I got rid of all my "BIG(ger)" clothes -- donated them. I had gone down about 2 sizes.

As I lose additional weight, I am saying "Goodbye/Adios/Sayanora" to what is in my closet now. As I shrink out them, they are OUTTA here.

Are you the type who:

A) Keeps clothes in all different sizes "just in case." Or,

B) Do you walk in faith that you are not going to revert to old ways and keep your closet stocked with clothes that fit

I am defiintely a "B." If it does not fit TODAY, or I haven't worn it in the past year, it's G-O-N-E!

This is a non-scientific study! LOL


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    I keep a few pairs of jeans from when I was my heaviest.., just to put them on and toot my own horn and give myself a pat on my back, good motivation to keep going!

    Plus it feels good to wear something that is too loose instead of too tight ;)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Cortez ordered his crews to burn the ships once they arrived in America to motivate them not to be tempted to go back to Spain.

    I'm keeping one or two of my shirts/pants to do the "before/after" thing, but everything else is going. I don't want to keep clothes "just in case". I don't have any plans on going back to the weight I started at.
  • sharonmunday90
    sharonmunday90 Posts: 129 Member
    Im a just in case prrson so A.
    Saying i did throw 3 pairs of trousers in the recycling today
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've donated (or tossed out) just about everything as I've grown out of it. I have some t-shirts because they're confy to clean, work-out or sleep in, one pair of pants for that infamous "before/after" pic and of course I still have my wedding dress. My only trouble is holding on to clothes for sentimental value. It's silly but I just can't part with all those concert and vacation tees...