bc119 Member


  • My husband and I both do Crossfit and love it! We're not super hardcore but have been going for almost 1.5 years. I did it throughout my entire pregnancy (modified and less intense obviously), had a great childbirth and have lost all the baby weight and then some (baby is now almost 8 months). What keeps me going is the…
  • @original poster: are you breastfeeding? If yes, your sugar cravings could be hormonal. I have a 5 month old & I've been pumping & I now have the biggest sweet tooth (which I did not have before pregnancy). I also read if you're craving sugar you could be lacking something else that your body needs (i.e. dehydrated and…
    in Sugar Cravings Comment by bc119 May 2015
  • Where I live (in Canada) the BOB strollers start at $550 (not including any extras or attachments) so I ended up buying a Graco ClickConnect Fast Action jogger for $200 (on sale and with a coupon) - it would likely be cheaper assuming you are in the US. What I like about it is that it glides like a dream (compared to my…
  • Agarland34, it is totally a love-hate relationship, I'm with you on that! I started doing Bikram/hot yoga in 2006 or 2007 but I've never been able to stick with it consistently. I've always been on-and-off with it. Once did a 30-day challenge in 2009 and felt amazing after it but then I didn't go back for like a year, lol.…
    in Bikram Yoga Comment by bc119 March 2015
  • First off - good luck on your journey and congrats on your 30+ loss so far!! I just got married in September and did not lose the weight I wanted to on my wedding day. Regardless, I was a beautiful bride on my wedding day and you will be too. If there's one piece of advice I can give my friends getting married it's don't…
  • Sorry I can't help as I haven't tried it but it kind of reminds me of the South Beach or Atkins diet (high protein, low carb). I did try South Beach a looooong time ago and had some results but I was 19 at the time had a hard time sticking to anything long-term. I too have had stomach issues but have never been diagnosed…
    in Paleo Diet? Comment by bc119 April 2013
  • Bump! Thanks for a great suggestion! Can I ask what kind of cottage cheese you use in your shakes? The wet kind (in whey) or dry kind (no whey)? Thanks!
  • Sorry to tag on to the original post but.... how do you prevent them from browning/burning?!?! I had a recipe for roasted chickpeas (with olive oil, minced garlic, spices and parmesan cheese) that said to bake at 400 for 45 min. I let the chickpeas air-dry after I rinsed them (as the recipe instructed me to) but the last…
  • This reminded me...about 5 years ago I had lost around 30 lbs and had a client at work ask me if I'd had the baby (because of my weight loss)... prior to that on other occasions I'd had at least 2-3 other clients ask me when I was "due" (I tend to carry weight in my stomach area and tunic-style shirts with empire waists…
  • I pay $75-80/month for a joint gym membership with my husband. It's 24/7 and has all the equipment we need but the location is quite small. I'd gladly pay more for a bigger facility or one that was less busy during peak times. I've also "pre-paid" for a bunch of things like hot yoga, aquafit and zumba classes. If I include…
  • I lost about 30 lbs five years ago and I DEFINITELY noticed some of my shoes were loose. Some too loose to the point I couldn't wear them anymore. I thought I had just "worn in" the shoes but I think it had to do with the weight loss. I agree with a previous poster who said your fat gets deposited all over so why wouldn't…
  • I can't speak from experience this time around (not there yet) but I lost approx. 30 lbs in 2007/2008 and it definitely took MORE than 10 lbs for me to drop a clothing size. Clothes fit better after 10 lbs but it was more like 15-20 lbs before I had to go down a pants size. I used to think 10 lbs = 1 pant size but that's…
  • I commend anyone who can get up earlier than they have to and workout! Wow!! I did it for a bit (briefly) and would try to have a packet of instant oatmeal beforehand (plain, whole-grain w/ some frozen blueberries) and then have a protein shake after (mixed with water). A combination of complex carbs, simple carbs and…
  • First, just wanted to say thanks for posting that you run at 4.5 mph on the treadmill. For me too 4.5 is a jogging/running pace. I am not fast but I can maintain my endurance much longer at a slower pace than a faster one. Sometimes I feel self-conscious when I see other people at the gym hop on a treadmill and just start…
  • Bump... thank you for asking 'cuz I was wondering the same thing. When I calculated my TDEE at "sedentary" a 20% deficit was 1700 cals/day. When I calculated my TDEE at "light activity" a 20% deficit was 1950. Some days I do weights, some days cardio, some days both and some days I do absolutely nothing! I too have a desk…
  • Asides from MFP threads, a few resources you could try are: - seeing if your gym has a personal trainer on staff and hiring them for a few sessions. They could show you how to do some exercises or get you comfortable with the weight area. - bodybuilding.com (or other reputable websites) - Oxygen magazine (or other…
  • Oh yup, I totally have similar habits! I try to stay under 1800-2000 cals/day during the week and I often consume 3000-4000 calories/day on the weekends. I have a hard time restricting or saying no to myself. For some reason once Friday hits it's like my mind thinks the weekend is this huge free-for-all. "Oh it's time for…
  • I agree! I also think that with logging everything - even the "bad" stuff - you will see that sometimes you weren't as "bad" as you thought you were. Logging my cals on MFP made me understand why I likely gained weight in the first place (I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted) but it also helps me see that a cheat day…
  • Can't say this all-the-time about MFP message boards - but holy crap, what a great post! I really enjoyed reading it and felt like I could relate (even though I haven't lost much yet). Thanks for inspiring me for today!
  • I agree completely! I think there's "cleaner" options (especially in terms of sugars in the sauces/condiments, etc.)... but there's definitely a lot worse too! I enjoy Subway at least once a week :) If it was relatively healthy, you enjoyed it, it was within your calories, you're not obsessing over details and you're…
  • Is anyone else concerned about the amount of protein? The type of "natural" peanut butter I use has 3g of protein per tbsp. The whey protein powder I use has 26g of protein per serving. Unless you're having 8 tbsp of peanut butter per serving you're missing out on the protein your body needs after a workout (I'm assuming…
  • Some ideas: - Find a personal trainer to teach you some exercises or show you around. - Try to find out when the "quieter" times are and go when there's less people around - Go with a friend who's into fitness or willing to show you a few things. Or even just a friend who's willing to work out with you. - Research,…
  • A serving of a "Greek" casserole I made. It had: tuna, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, red onion, celery, lemon juice, oregano, broccoli, skim milk, cream of broccoli soup and brown rice in it.
  • If you like what you're already eating I'd say there's nothing wrong with sticking to it (and just make bigger portions so you have leftovers for lunches). If you're getting bored I'd recommend trying new things but if you're happy with what you're eating then I don't see anything wrong with sticking to it. My biggest…
  • LOVE everyone's support on this thread! Don't let the first class turn you away - bikram is VERY intense, especially if you're not used to the heat. It will take 2-3 classes (if not more, 5-7) to adjust to the heat. Once you can handle the heat is when you can focus on the postures and push yourself deeper in each posture.…
  • I agree with all the posters above! Avoid tempura/panko crumbs, hot sauces, mayo or anything deep fried. Last time I has sushi I ordered: a cucumber roll, avocado roll and a tuna roll (not the "tuna bakudan" since that has the crunchy crumbs and hot sauce) and I was FULL! Also, I think there are some rolls that don't have…
  • vleebow, I feel the exact same! Downloading new music or putting together a new playlist actually MAKES me want to go workout! Wish I could put new music on there all the time but at the same time I've had some great workouts zoning out to some of my favourite songs (that aren't new).
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with using whey protein as a breakast meal replacement as long as you are having something else with it. Say, some oatmeal with blueberries and your protein shake on the side (a combination of protein, complex carbs and simple carbs). I have a whey protein shake every morning for…
    in Whey Protein Comment by bc119 March 2013
  • Wow, I can't believe how little some of you spend! We spend $130-150/week for two adults (myself and my husband). Some months we've spent $600-700! That includes everything we buy at the grocery store though (toiletries, cleaning supplies, cat litter, etc.). I live in Canada where groceries tend to be more than you lucky…
  • There are a ton of great ideas on this thread - but are you guys using WET or DRY cottage cheese? I find wet cottage cheese (the kind in whey) to be quite salty-tasting so I'm curious as to how it would taste with some of the "sweeter" suggestions. Is there anyone using dry cottage cheese (not in whey) in their…