

  • WOW!!! I'm.. amazed! You ma'am are an inspiration to everyone here!
  • Very well said but right now, I am a slave to the scale. I like to see that number drop. I guess I am fortunate in that if I eat right and exercise, I *normally* see that number go down every week. My problem is I get bored with eating 'right'. I crave Japanese food or worse still.. Chinese. I want that large order of…
  • I am kind of going through the same thing. I find myself slacking off and trying to catch up on my food diary all at once. I have also slacked off in going to the gym lately.. Maybe this is normal? I decided to lose weight in Jan.. just like almost everyone else and now I have noticed people, including myself, not signing…
  • Honestly, I tried to cut out soda one time.. Or I should say Caffeine. I made it around 4 hours. I had the WORST headache of my life and nothing could make it go away. If I could cut out soda, I would, but I simply can't handle that headache. No way. I do drink diet though :) Interesting info. I will have to pass this…
  • Yeah, I am going to either get one that asks my weight or just kind of go by the machine as a rough idea of how many calories I have burned. There is no way this watch is giving me the right amount without it knowing my weight and it didn't have me input my weight so.. I'm returning it today or soon. I did cheat today, I…
  • Thanks everyone. I was hoping I would hear GO WITH THE TREADMILL lol.. because it is always higher but I will go with the watch. I suppose that would be the smarter thing to do.
  • I'm still not to the point of RUSHING to the gym, sometimes I have to make myself go, but I can say.. after I work out, spend about 20 minutes in a sauna, shower and walk out of the gym.. I honestly feel like I'm 20 years younger. I have found that walking up the stairs is not nearly as hard. I also work faster, and feel…
  • That is kinda my plan. I have told everyone that when I lose 20 lbs of my total amount I want to lose, I am going to treat myself to a Japanese meal because that is what I crave the most (Rice, shrimp sauce and chicken) but, the day I decide to go eat this meal, I'm going to the gym before I go out to eat. I am going to…
  • You're at the right place. If you take this site seriously and check in every day, you will find the support you need. I joined this site and told some of my friends about it. It really is a very cool site to make connections and therefore, push yourself to do the best you can do with the diet you choose. Good luck to you!
  • Welcome. It is a great site and full of support. Not even joking you, this site has 'made me' want to exercise more when I go to the gym just so I can report it back to this site. I have linked it to my facebook too which makes it even more important to do the right thing. I have found if you have someone or better yet, a…
  • I'm not even joking.. I have found myself craving most of these foods on this list. Eggs, Apples, Almonds, Turkey, Roasted Chicken, wow.. I wonder if the body 'knows' what it needs in order to speed up metabolism when you go on a diet? Odd really.
  • I am slowly learning to cook but I'm no where near good enough to come up with recipes on my own.
  • I really understand this because I work 3rd shift. I am not a 'morning' (even though I get up at 8pm) person.. so going when I get up is out of the question. I try to go when I get off work but..let's face it..sometimes that is the LAST thing a person wants to do when they get off work.. SOO.. I try to hit it hard on the…
  • Indian food??? I've ALWAYS wanted to try Indian food.. but..well, I live in the south lol. Actually, I live in Hillbilly country. Unfortunately, I don't think, ( I could be wrong) we have any Indian places around here. We are lucky to have Japanese and Chinese. I swear, I think if McDonalds served Soup Beans and…
  • Oh and she TOTALLY didn't say anything about who introduced her to this site!!! GRRRRRRRRR :`(
  • I'm glad you are doing this.. not only to lose weight but hell, you'll save a ton of money too!! LOL.. I laugh but I am serious as well. We didn't really talk much when I was giving up dipping skoal. I was..HORRIBLE there for a few days but really, I was spending $5.00 a day on something that I really didn't I…
  • Strawberry Wine -- Deana Carter.
  • I don't know if it helps with weight loss but it sure does make me feel good afterward. I like the steam room more than the dry sauna though.
  • Yeah, there are no Carl's Jr. places around me. Hardees? Yes.. I live in upper northeast Tennessee, around the Tn/Va border.
  • I can't stand Mayo, it literally makes me sick so I don't have to worry about that, I also hate mustard. I have been thinking about trying the flatbread but so far, I am sticking with the Whole Wheat.
  • I doubt I could handle that. lol. I need my meat.. plus, I HATE mustard..ugh.. It is interesting you bring up sodium. I have an interesting story about that, it would be more suited for a blog and I'm pressed for time right now but keep an eye on my page and I will post it. Sodium is basically the reason why I decided to…
  • Never thought of Oregano. I think I will try that tonight before I go into work. I also skip the cheese. It is a great way to avoid extra calories .
  • I love how, at least here, Subway offers a full menu even in the morning. I work 3rd shift and this is great for me.
  • I love the Oven Roasted Chicken right now but in time, I know I will need to switch it up. Thanks for the advice.
  • What about the Sodium at Taco Bell? I know normally, in most things, it is very high there. Do you count Sodium?
  • Yeah.. maybe.. lol.. Actually, I've never listened to Bob Marley so I really have no idea if Bob would be a good work out 'buddy' or not.
  • Now that is a good idea. I never thought about Prodigy. WOW.
  • Mariah.. hm.. not my style. Shania I could get into her music while working out.
  • I just discovered "Pretty when you cry" through a friend recently. It is AWESOME.