

  • I love it... have lost 10.5lbs in four weeks and 1 lb off my target... onlty had 12lbs to lose. During that time I went to a wedding and splurged for the weekend so the lost aint to shabby considering... I advise you to be adventerous and try the different recipes there are as it makes it sooooooooo much easier. Best of…
  • All oat bran is the same... i used it as a porriage with sweetner or drop it into a yogurt xx
  • I have just adjusted the meassures to the following and it is even YUMMIER:- 3TBSP of balsamic 3TBSP of soy sauce 2TBSP of sweetner 2 TSPof chilli paste Garlic.... Yummmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeee xx
  • Im am also doing the Dukan... I actually like it, HATED it with a passion on the first and second day of attack (currently on day 5) until I found my savour......... sticky chicken wing/thighs/breast... OMG what cant I say they are delicious can canbe eaten unlimitedly in each phase... You must try it, I went out to buy…
  • I'm Irish and we defo celebrate :) I suggest bringing Colcannon... its a typical Irish side dish to accompany a main course and yummy and easy to make, it can be heated in the microwave... you can always swap the ingredients for low cal options... Ingredients 1 pound cabbage 1 pound potatoes 2 leeks 1 cup milk salt and…
  • By the way, your profile picture *is* sexy. It has sex appeal. That is all. -wtk [/quote] ^^^^ Exactly why I don't accept males.... that is all.
  • Theres nothing crued about my profile... 1) I dont speak about sex, threesomes, body parts and THEN in the next post speak about my children and husband... 2) I don't flaunt my body parts all over MFP or worse still crop certain body parts for photos 3) I don't accept males so my photos (2 of my face) are for my female…
  • Seriously... this is a weightloss/support/fitness site NOT a friggin dating site... Personally, I think some people have to get a life. I had to delete a few of my friends on this (don't accept males) because these ladies were in the late 30's and 40's and starting up these crued sexual threads/updates on their pages…
  • how long does it take for you to counteract your sodium intake....i went WAAAAAAYYYYY over at the weekend and nervous about my Saturday weigh in :( have been drinking water like mad
  • bump
    in Adios ..... Comment by 90210UK July 2011
  • thanks for all your help guys, I am going to try and mix my routine up, perhaps strenght train 4 x a week and then 3 days perhaps 30DS, jogging or walking/sprint... I REALLY dont want to bulk up...in fat my egs are too bulky now...I was to have lean long muscles in my legs and tummy...I have a weights bench at home just…
  • Thanks for your advise.... It isnt regarding my excercise routine whilst on holiday, it is for the build up. I want to tone and loose a bit off my legs but am afraid to cut out cardio if that will make me gain... I am so confused..
  • I started and quit about a onth ago. I will start it again tomorrow and do not want to fail this time, I loved it, dunno why i quit...
  • I'm 5'7" and weigh in at 127lbs... have never took my meassurement (perhaps I should) and I can honestly say I would never fit into a size 0/1... I just am not built that way, I have hips that would never shrink to that size, I am currently a 4 and that is the smallest I will ever be even if I drop another 7lbs. I am a…
  • You can get some meds from over the counter at a pharmacy. It is for cyctitus and it works almost immedietly. I am based in the UK nad use the Boots, pharmacy, own brand one but you can get other ones callede cystopurin... I always get it as I am prone to them and I always carry these disovable packs in my purse...
  • Id you really want to avoid it you should bring a packed lunch. Explain to people why and they are sure to understand and support you. I doubt it will offent them and then you can keep track of what you eat. If you dont know what is going into these meals then it is impossible to judge the calorie amount. Some foods are so…
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is amazing... Pros: 20mins workout Hardest workout I've done to date Really sweat and burn calories I noticed a change to my body after a few days Got rid of my cellulite after 7 days Cons: Her voice is annoying so I mute her and put on my own music. You can buy it on amazon for really…
  • Pardon my ignorance but what is it? :) x
  • I was stuck at a plateau for 2 weeks and added the sodium column to my counter and I realised I was wayyyyyy over, sometimes in the 1000's :( I totally cut back on this and lost 2lbs last week which is alot for me as I am near my goal weight... I totally recommend you cutting down on sodium... It just holds onto all your…
  • Personally I dont log cleaning as an excercise unless it was hours long one off spring clean type thing where you really worked. If it is everyday/weekely cleaning then I dont add that, to me that is just part of everyday life... When cleaning you are stopping and starting, your heart rate is not raised all the time and in…
  • I say go with your gut instinct... If you felt wary of them when int he dressign room then more likely than not you will feel more uncomfortable when you wear them in public.... If you love them and aren't paranoid defo wear them.... who cares what age you are once you wear what you wear with confidence...
  • I never dress for men.... I love fashion and love clothes so I buy and wear what I like. A lot of the time my boyfriend doesnt like what I wear as it may be too fashion forward but no way would I dress for men.... they dont dress for us do they :) And if they did they wouldnt be wearing ill fitted jeans and shabby trainers…
  • Hello, my name is Laura and I'm a Mac Donalds addict :) I loooooooovvveee Macca D's.... I could eat it for my breaky, lunch and dinner.... On the plus side I stayed away from it for 2 weeks (hardest 2 weeks ever) and then had a big mac meal and ditn enjoy it....WEIRD
    in MCDONALD'S Comment by 90210UK June 2011
  • It is impossible to advise according to your diary as the majority of it is quick added calories. You should inputting your foods from the database as it counts carbs, sodium and protein and therefore you can see if you are going over on any of them. Sodium intake is so important as it can hold onto excess water and carbs…
  • I HATE level 2...it's really putting me off doing it...
  • I ahve exactly the same problem and have had it since last Thursday. I even feel like my whole body is bloated with water. I only started checking mine too last week and one bowl of canned soup took me 1050 OVER my daily sodium allowance. I love that soup but not anymore... Really thinking about taking water tablet to see…