How old is too old to wear...



  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member

    now that I'm looking at those on the model... the front looks ok but the back looks too short I think...
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    theyre really cute. I think theyre JUST on the cusp of being acceptable and i think you could get away with it, but id try them on and take someone with you to check whether your butt is visible when you walk.
    I do like them though
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    theyre really cute. I think theyre JUST on the cusp of being acceptable and i think you could get away with it, but id try them on and take someone with you to check whether your butt is visible when you walk.
    I do like them though

    Time to drag my husband to the mall.... LOL... I wouldn't even bother bringing my mom because I KNOW she'll say they are too short! LOL
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    theyre really cute. I think theyre JUST on the cusp of being acceptable and i think you could get away with it, but id try them on and take someone with you to check whether your butt is visible when you walk.
    I do like them though

    Time to drag my husband to the mall.... LOL... I wouldn't even bother bringing my mom because I KNOW she'll say they are too short! LOL

    I think I refuse to wear shorts because of my mother in a fitting room! You had to do a million different things to see if they were acceptable!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    theyre really cute. I think theyre JUST on the cusp of being acceptable and i think you could get away with it, but id try them on and take someone with you to check whether your butt is visible when you walk.
    I do like them though

    Time to drag my husband to the mall.... LOL... I wouldn't even bother bringing my mom because I KNOW she'll say they are too short! LOL

    I think I refuse to wear shorts because of my mother in a fitting room! You had to do a million different things to see if they were acceptable!

    YOU TOO!!! LOL.... I seriously had to do everything but stand on my freakin' head for her....
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I think, from a guys point of view, if you look good in them, wear them....
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    I looked at your pics, looks to me you can def strut em' DO IT!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    What got me questioning this is the older very well-to-do woman in my town who dresses way too young for her age. She's in her 60's and wears these above-the-knee halter-top/backless dresses that, imo, look like they were made for a 20-something. I have heard more than one person comment on how unbecoming her wardrobe is. Sure... she has a nice figure for a woman her age... but just because you can wear something.... doesn't mean you should!

    What's your opinion?

    1) get them
    2) I know this woman (or her type at least) and while I agree with you, I have spent so much of my life being fat that if I have I am in great shape at age 60, I might just join her- because, wth, you only live once!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I'm going to go against the flow here and say if they are too short and too tight you may look like you are trying too hard ;)

    Of course, you might not care about that and if that is the case more power to you.

    I know quite a few women who are a similar age to you in my social circle and they wear things like this:


    They are a good balance between sexy, funky and cool. I guess it depends on the look you are aiming for...
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
    I say go with your gut instinct... If you felt wary of them when int he dressign room then more likely than not you will feel more uncomfortable when you wear them in public....

    If you love them and aren't paranoid defo wear them.... who cares what age you are once you wear what you wear with confidence...
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Oh yeah, you have to sit, bend, jump, then she'd pull at the waist, make you do the finger tip rule. I finally just gave up and wore basketball shorts/hoodies/jeans all the time. Then you got the "well I'm paying for them" speech.
  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    You definitely have the legs for them!
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    Feeling comfortable (as in not feeling like you are slipping out of them, or they are about to fall off) is the most important factor, IMO. If you feel self conscious about wearing something, you'll keep tugging at them and drawing attention to them, which sounds like what you DON'T want.

    Dressing a decade or so younger isn't a problem to me. If you've got it, flaunt it. (Mae West) The older woman you refer to sounds like a pair of twin older ladies that went to my church when I was 10. They were in their 70s, and it was the eighties, and they wore matching neon yellow and black outfits to church. They were quite young at heart, so people didn't say much except to wonder where they got their clothes as they had quite the style.
  • loriltx
    loriltx Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, I'm going to give a different opinion (I'm 55 by the way). If you question whether to wear it or not and you question what other people think, then you obviously aren't really comfortable with the shorts and do care what others think of you. There is nothing wrong with that. We all care--whether we want to admit it or not. It usually stems from our own thoughts when we see someone dressed inappropriately (not just women--men too). Yes, it may fit well and it may be hot, but if it is something a 20-something would wear and you're not a 20-something, the message is that you wish you were a 20-something. If you have these concerns now, those concerns are not going to change when you wear the shorts out in public whether you look hot in them or not. Do you want to have those feels while you're out and about? Is it worth it? Woudln't you rather wear something that you are confident and sure of instead of spending time thinking about what others are thinking? .
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    If you have the body for it, show it off dammit!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Just checked out your profile pics. You'd look good wearing anything.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    If I were you're size I'd wear them.

    I'm always telling my husband that he should be glad I'm not 120lbs, because I would definitely dress $lutty - lol

    but the jean shorts are fun, and if you feel young and spritely in them, go for it!
  • bwyne03
    bwyne03 Posts: 137 Member
    35 is just a number!! I say if you feel comfortable and like what you see, go for it! You have an amazing body and should be proud of it! Besides you don't look 35 so unless people are close to you, they won't even know you are over 30 wearing short shorts :)
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    You can pull that off no problem. 35 is not old and you have the body to do it. You worked hard to look good, why hide it?
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    You are in great shape and COULD wear whatever you'd like, congrats to you! That being said after looking at the shorts you were trying on...I wouldn't do it. They are pretty short (probably a 3 inch inseam), and looks like something a teenager would wear. I have a teenage daughter and she wouldn't wear something this short out of her choosing not me telling her not too. Several of her classmates try to wear things like this but the school had to send home letters about appropriate summer time dress because they were deemed too short. I have pretty decent legs and have been on a quest for shorts that are shorter but not too short. Especially since, like you, I have children to chase around and am constantly bending over and moving around. I tend to err more on the side of caution and if I have even a twinge of 'could this be too short' than it is and I try something else. Better to be classy and sexy then risk coming off as trashy.

    Good luck on your quest for just the right shorts, I'm sure they are out there somewhere. When you find them let me know!