How old is too old to wear...



  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Okay, wait, are your pictures here really you? If so, it seems a little odd to me that you have pictures up here in this public forum of you wearing practically underwear and you're concerned about a little frayed denim. I'm not criticizing your pictures. My opinion is that you look COMPLETELY amazing and "rules" about mini- anythings were not meant for people like you. I think at our age it's more about making sure a whole ensemble isn't trashy... mostly so you don't end up on a website that highlights clueless Wal-mart shoppers.

    ... and, I mean absolutely no disrespect to snkeller24 (another fit beauty, to be sure!), but I too think the 20-somethings should steer clear of making clothing rules for places they haven't been yet. That's like my non-parent friends giving me parent advice. By all means hold your opinions, then we will talk again when you've been there.

    A frayed denim wearing 35 year old

    PS- They're not stretch marks. They're your tiger stripes. ;-)

    Yes... the pictures are of me... and I am fine posing for fitness pictures in fitness clothing on a website about weight loss. After all.... how many people have I seen post images of themselves in their underwear on here... myself included... but that doesn't mean I'd go out IN PUBLIC that way (as I'm sure most of them wouldn't either). I certainly would not wear a sports bra and tights to Target to get groceries.... I'm waaaaaaaay more modest than that. So my question was more about wearing cut-off shorts in the context of daily life... is it appropriate for someone my age. I suppose if you're my age and you wear them you'd say yes!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    @melseid tiger stripes LOL :laugh:

    @stephanielynn76 Are you on shift? Shouldn't you be working? Oh yeah, checking mfp and updating posts help keep you awake. LOL I used to chew sunflower seeds to stay awake on the railroad.

    Between work, working out, and the pool... do you ever sleep? :yawn:
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    As long as your chicken doesn't hang out! =)

    Ok... call me a dummy... what does that mean???

    You're not a dummy. Think in simple terms. Chicken/****. If you don't laugh then I need to come up w/ a new name

    ew it **** out the other word. It's not that I can tell you what to wear, I'm 23 and have a hard time wearing anything above my knee unless they're shorts and I'm sitting on my couch painting my nails. Physically speaking you're 100% capable of pulling it off ... if you don't care what others think, labels they'll apply, and stares you may get; then by all means be your own person and just do it.

    Only you can dress yourself.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'm 39. I can be appropriate when I'm dead!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    @melseid tiger stripes LOL :laugh:

    @stephanielynn76 Are you on shift? Shouldn't you be working? Oh yeah, checking mfp and updating posts help keep you awake. LOL

    Between work, working out, and the pool... do you ever sleep? :yawn:

    sleep??? I've heard of it... it sounds really nice.... LOL.... no of course I sleep... but not well during the day after a night shift.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    You look fantastic, go for it! If you are not sure, why don't you get them and wear at home for a few days?

    As someone who is on the other side of 50 years old, I look back at my picture from 15, 20, or 25 years ago and remember how critical I was of myself. But now I see those pix and think I look just fine, and in some pictures real good!

    I GUARANTEE that in the future you will look back at your pictures from now and realize how great you look!!!

    So get those shorts and wear 'em!


    ... thanks... and you know what... you are so right! I know one day I might look back and say, "I should have worn what I wanted to while I could... screw what anyone thinks!!! ha!"
  • melseid
    melseid Posts: 12
    Yes... the pictures are of me... and I am fine posing for fitness pictures in fitness clothing on a website about weight loss. After all.... how many people have I seen post images of themselves in their underwear on here... myself included... but that doesn't mean I'd go out IN PUBLIC that way (as I'm sure most of them wouldn't either). I certainly would not wear a sports bra and tights to Target to get groceries.... I'm waaaaaaaay more modest than that. So my question was more about wearing cut-off shorts in the context of daily life... is it appropriate for someone my age. I suppose if you're my age and you wear them you'd say yes!!! :flowerforyou:
    :smile: Yes. I'd say Yes... and I think you hit the nail on the head, lovely. Anyone can see you here in this public forum in these petite fitness clothes, and it is appropriate... and has nothing to do with your age. You wouldn't wear frayed denim shorts in public to a job interview (short of a deck swabbing pirate career) any more than you'd wear your fitness clothes grocery shopping. I think appropriateness deals with the situations of your environment, not the year you were born.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't care what other people think about the way I look or the way I dress. If I like it, I wear, and everyone else can get over it.

    I'm only a couple years younger than you and own 3 pairs of short jean shorts.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Yes... the pictures are of me... and I am fine posing for fitness pictures in fitness clothing on a website about weight loss. After all.... how many people have I seen post images of themselves in their underwear on here... myself included... but that doesn't mean I'd go out IN PUBLIC that way (as I'm sure most of them wouldn't either). I certainly would not wear a sports bra and tights to Target to get groceries.... I'm waaaaaaaay more modest than that. So my question was more about wearing cut-off shorts in the context of daily life... is it appropriate for someone my age. I suppose if you're my age and you wear them you'd say yes!!! :flowerforyou:
    :smile: Yes. I'd say Yes... and I think you hit the nail on the head, lovely. Anyone can see you here in this public forum in these petite fitness clothes, and it is appropriate... and has nothing to do with your age. You wouldn't wear frayed denim shorts in public to a job interview (short of a deck swabbing pirate career) any more than you'd wear your fitness clothes grocery shopping. I think appropriateness deals with the situations of your environment, not the year you were born.

    Good point! I think it does matter WHERE you wear them!!! .... LOL @ the "pirate career" ... I like your personality!!!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its up to you, but im 35 and i probably wouldnt wear them unless i was on the beach.
    I saw a woman wearing some the other day and she had a lovely figure, but her bum cheeks were half hanging out with every step she took and then when she turned round you could see she was about 40 and i thought it just looked a bit silly, like she was trying too hard. They could have done with being an inch or so longer at least.

    Saying that, i probably wouldnt like them on a younger girl either for daytime wear

    If you really want to wear them though, then go for it
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm 39. I can be appropriate when I'm dead!

    exactly! and i'm 19 and wish i had a body like you! if you got it flaunt it baby!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If I had a figure like yours, I'd wear shorts in January! Definitely go for it.

    Let's face it, not so long ago it wasn't considered appropriate for the over 30s to wear jeans, but now you see grandparents in them!

    I'm 43 and do sometimes wonder what I should and shouldn't wear, but so long as it doesn't scare the horses, right?
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    its up to you, but im 35 and i probably wouldnt wear them unless i was on the beach.
    I saw a woman wearing some the other day and she had a lovely figure, but her bum cheeks were half hanging out with every step she took and then when she turned round you could see she was about 40 and i thought it just looked a bit silly, like she was trying too hard. They could have done with being an inch or so longer at least.

    Saying that, i probably wouldnt like them on a younger girl either for daytime wear

    If you really want to wear them though, then go for it

    Yeah I wouldn't be caught dead anywhere with cheeks hanging out (or even almost hanging out)... even on the beach. All my swimsuits are full bum coverage... no string bikini here... I've got kids to chase around and I can't have stuff floppin' out while doing that.... LOL
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    Steph, go buy 'em.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Steph, go buy 'em.

    Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah!!! I luvs you!!!! ;)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    with your figure though, youd probably carry them off a hell of a lot better than most younger girls, wow, just checked out your profile, slim, beautiful yet strong toned and muscle definition. Youve totally got my dream body <3
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    do you mean that sort of length.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I think with in reason they would be ok. I'm one of those people that swear by no mini-skirts after 30. There are still plenty of acceptable, hot, amazing, ways to dress that don't boarder being from the juniors department.

    Furthermore, when shopping, if you don't love it and feel 100% comfortable in it no matter where you'd be wearing it, then I wouldn't buy it. Save your money for something else.

    Hmmmm.... that's the thing.... wouldn't mini-skirts sorta be on par with these??? And by the way... you are still young my friend. When you get to 30 you're going to think... "Gosh... what's the big deal about 30... I don't feel 'old' at all!!!" It sounds old when your 23... but when you get there (and beyond)... you sometimes feel like you are still 23!!!

    I'm also a believer in no mini's after 30 with erring on the side of caution. Because you're right. No matter how smokin' your body is (and it REALLY is), wearing age inappropriate clothing is a quick route to looking trashy. I think the fact that you are asking here says you probably wouldn't feel comfortable in them anyway. You'd probably just be wondering what people were thinking the whole time you wore them anyway. Find a pair an inch longer or so longer and relax. You can't hide those great legs in ANY shorts!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I think with in reason they would be ok. I'm one of those people that swear by no mini-skirts after 30. There are still plenty of acceptable, hot, amazing, ways to dress that don't boarder being from the juniors department.

    Furthermore, when shopping, if you don't love it and feel 100% comfortable in it no matter where you'd be wearing it, then I wouldn't buy it. Save your money for something else.

    Hmmmm.... that's the thing.... wouldn't mini-skirts sorta be on par with these??? And by the way... you are still young my friend. When you get to 30 you're going to think... "Gosh... what's the big deal about 30... I don't feel 'old' at all!!!" It sounds old when your 23... but when you get there (and beyond)... you sometimes feel like you are still 23!!!

    I'm also a believer in no mini's after 30 with erring on the side of caution. Because you're right. No matter how smokin' your body is (and it REALLY is), wearing age inappropriate clothing is a quick route to looking trashy. I think the fact that you are asking here says you probably wouldn't feel comfortable in them anyway. You'd probably just be wondering what people were thinking the whole time you wore them anyway. Find a pair an inch longer or so longer and relax. You can't hide those great legs in ANY shorts!

    You are probably right. I think I would be self conscious and wondering if people are thinking I'm just trying too hard. .... gonna look for some a tad longer but the same style!