thatcrazykat Member


  • I need to get back on track myself. Been off since July. Yesterday I logged my food and drank my water. Today I am eating my 5 full serving of veggies and cutting my dinner portions. Tomorrow I will concentrate on lowering my fat intake and upping my protein. Set small goals that are easily attainable. Do it. Pat yourself…
  • Why did you set that goal in the first place? You need to remember and then kick yourself for wasting time not trying to achieve the end goal. What works for me is the realization I am not out of danger of risk of heart attack. I cannot run a 5k yet. I am not a size 10 yet. So even though I feel great, am getting…
  • I agree that you need to reset your goals. Remember why you started being healthier. Have you reached that target yet? I had been steadily doing great, getting those compliments, needing new clothes, and slacked off for all of May. No gain, but no loss either. I am pissed off at myself for settling for "overweight" after…
  • Absolutely motivational!! Great job sticking with it and best wishes for your new life ahead!!
  • beautiful!! congrats on your gorgeous self!!
  • I am already hearing "I am bored" from my 11 yr old daughter. So I said "well, let's just take a walk, it's a nice after noon." She said " and do what?" I told her " just enjoy being out or go to the park and kick a ball around" then she says "how about walk to starbucks?" My daughters do like to get out and walk, but…
  • I also run a daycare of average 4 kids per day and have three teenagers plus husband. To feed everyone healthy and nutritious is $300 per week. Seems like I also live in one of the most expensive places on earth to live. Silicon Valley, Ca.
  • Hi! 5'4" CW: 167 Bust: 43" Waist:41.5 Hips: 43" Started MFP end of January and have only lost 1.5" in waist for the 15lbs gone. Also started C25K Last week so am looking forward to hopefully more inches lost!!
  • What about getting him a few Brewery Anniversary beers? I"m not sure what distributes in California but Unibroue makes their own Anniversary Ale called Unibroue (Grand Reserve) 17. Sierra Nevada had some good ones out a few years ago for their 30th Anniversary you can still find. Avery makes one each year and I'm guessing…
  • Ok, I need to put together a six pack for my husband as part of his anniversary present. I found great tasting glasses that fit onto a wooden block for great presentation. Please advise! Some favorites of his: Chimay Franziskiner Hefe Anything from Unibroue (Don de Dieu at the top) Deschutes Black Butte Porter Celebrator…
  • I love your testimony because it is so very truthful. There are a lot of things I can't imagine doing at this moment in time. I actually didn't believe at the end of January I could stick to any weight loss plan that only let me loose 1-1.5lbs per week. Here I am still with the program. Almost everyday I read success…
  • Thank you for sharing. It's an amazing difference for only 4mos. You inspire me to keep going and quit whining about how hard it is and how slow the weight is coming off.
  • I was at the doctor's for a sinus infection. The nurse took my blood pressure and said "uh-oh". Never a good comment! I have always had low blood pressure. Very low. Now it's an "uh-oh"? The doc comes in and takes it again. Says it's alarmingly high and I need to do a full blood panel to find out why. He then says "it…
  • You can add me if you would like! I log almost everyday and am totally excited about my progress so far! 38 years young 5'4" Heaviest was 185lbs lost some and regained some after having 3 children within 5 years. That was 11 years ago so no more mommy tummy excuses lol! Current weight 170lbs Goal weight 145lbs for now but…
  • I can't wait to look 20lbs lighter!! Please count me in!
  • I just started yesterday so please count me in!! L1 and my muscles are already sore today so I know this will be good for me!
  • How many weeks have you been logging and what is your average weight loss per week? A glance at your diary shows you over on fat often. I would definitely reduce that to include mostly fats from avocado, olive oil, nuts. Make sure you are eating lean meats. As you adjust your intake, your body needs to catch up to that so…
  • Greek yogurt, fresh dill, green onions, pickles and a little juice, celery, salt, pepper, lemon zest plus a little sqeeze, little garlic and onion powder. All by itself or in a tomato or on top of a salad. No need for salad dressing then.
    in Tuna Comment by thatcrazykat March 2013
  • Love your story!! It's great to see how fit you are now, very inspirational. I keep that picture of success in my head and know I can loose the weight.
  • Eat more to weigh less. Also keep healthy snacks. Eating before the pang starts will help you portion control. Even a handful of carrots, blueberries, grapes, or almonds can help you from eating a full meal before it's time. Also protein is very important for me because I am always on the move. A slice of turkey and I am…
  • Don't give up! You are in this for the long haul, also known as the rest of your life. Take pride in the fact that your heart is healthier and you have lost 2 pounds. Drinking enough water is sooooo important and making your calories count by eating veggies, fruits, and try not to eat processed foods. You can do this no…
  • It's not that I feel left out, I usually end up caving in and having that one more, ok one more, ok really just one more. I also log it so I can look back and ask myself if it's really worth it. I also enjoy feeling better, no more Saturday morning headaches. One thing I have done is try to hang out with friends who don't…
  • You wonderful, strong woman! No excuses!
  • So very fun! We don't brew our own beer yet, but you gave me an idea on a great annual get together with our fellow beer drinkers!
  • Woooo Hoooo! I KNEW beer was better than water after a work out!
  • Congrats on making it this far!! That's incredible!
  • I am loosing at a rate of 1-2lbs per week. I do not eat back exercise calories as it's hard enough for me to eat enough calories in the first place because I am eating pretty clean. If I do go over I don't really have the guilt when I know I had calories to spare. I agree with not eating when I am not hungry although I do…
  • Beer for Fun Friday tonight!!! Almost a guaranteed Friday Cheat! (Is it cheating if you log it and still stay within your calories?)
  • Just got my husband on board too! Excited to have the best partner in my weight loss journey!
  • Loosing only 1-2 lbs a week may seem slow going, but remember you are in this to keep off the weight and form healthy habits in the long run. You are doing all the right things, I myself had to adjust my carbs down to 20%. Apparently my body hates breads, grains, etc. and feels like it needs to hang on to them. Maybe try…