It would be better if you went to restaurants that had their nutritional info available. You can lose weight on fast food. just depends on creating a defecit with that food.
My tardis has landed.
Sounds to me like you are overthinking everything way too much. Read some articles about diets and lifting at Or get help in the fitness and exercise forum on here.You need a surplus of calories and carbs and protein in order to build muscle.
Try isopure zero carb protein drinks.43 grams protein at 240 calories. No carbs.expensive but taste like fruit.
My opinion would be there probably isn't much difference on the body with 240 vs 280 carbs.
simple thing to do. go to the grocery store and buy the bags that steam the veggies in the microwave. There are all types and its easy. Just start serving them with your usual meal.
Pork rhinds, pickles, beef jerky watch the carb count, Maybe change the type of cheese you are eating.
Cant see your diary but hopefully that one meal you did eat was 1200 or over calories.
If you are trying to build muscle you need to eat at a surplus. Might be better for you to bulk first and build muscle and then do the keto diet.
Try eating more veggies. If you are low carbing and eating mostly protein you have fewer bowel movements.
You should have no problem maintaining a keto diet while in the usa. You can find super markets everywhere. Also are you going to have microwave and stove and ovens where you are staying. Pounds are excess calories so if you just watch those and aren't so strict on the low carbing you should be able to maintain your weight.
I used all kinds of artificial sweeteners and ate cheeses and I still lost weight. Id do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Stick with your current regiment and then if you arent losing any weight consider changing it.
If you dont like cooking much go to the store and buy hot dogs, and sausages. Most are precooked and not high in carbs. Also frozen chicken wings are pretty good.
I usually compare the food to restaurant food with nutrition info if im wondering. for instance I think one fried breaded fish filet from long john silvers is 260. So I would just say its around that amount. Cant see home made having more cals then at a fast food place.
Only thing I noticed about some of your days is that I dont see many green veggies in there. Lettuce broccoli or green beans. Your fiber seems ok for the most part, but if you are having issues with bowel movements, or lack of them. I would suggest you eat more veggies. This diet can cause constipation.
Your protein intake looks in a fine range to me.
had my second one and it was just as delicious as the first.
I was wanting to go out for lunch and dinner. Would have spent around 120 for the last 5 days and that definitely wasnt in my budget. I would just eat something and still want to eat more.
Sausages are great. You can find raw and precooked ones in the store. You can find turkey chicken beef and pork. Having snacks like pork rhinds and cheese sticks are good too.
I wouldn't be too concerned with the protein in take. Body builders average around 160 and they are still able to get benefits from low carbing.
I looked a few days at your diary and noticed your protein wasn't too high at all. Bodybuilders do low carb diets and probably average twice as much protein. Not sure why you are that concerned.
I'm only low carbing for 30 day periods with breaks inbetween. Sometimes I feel real tired when I diet like this so I don't do it long term.
When I low carb I can eat between 1200 to 1500 calories with no cravings or hunger pains. I'm male and eat less than 30 grams a day.
I'm doing another 30 day session of low carbing. Currently I'm on day 19 and feeling much better than I did last time I low carbed.
I used to feel tired until I started taking a multivitamin.
Do you have access to a fridge and microwave at school Dinner can be any type of meat. Also look up low carb veggies.
Ive got a diet drink problem today I had 2 diet dr peppers, 1 diet mountain dew, 2 propel zeros, and 1 seven up 10 =X
One tortilla probably doesn't have that many calories. An average taco is around 200 calories. I usually go for fajitas when im dieting cus its simple and you know what it is. If you get a typical meal your talking about calculating rice, refried beans, and some Mexican dishes use a lot of cheese. Stay away from the multi…
Try meat and a veggie. No sauce, or added cheese. Its easy to figure out what you are eating when you keep the food simple.
if you aren't losing weight after a year of low carb Id watch your calorie intake and see if that has something to do with it.