loricshields47 Member


  • I see an endocronologist annually. I lost 16 lbs between my last visits. It did not go unnoticed. His focus is on all things hormonal. It is understandable that he would fear the loss is not deliberate and safe. Big changes stress the very glands he is trying to monitor or treat. So go back to tracking ~mundane or not. You…
  • back/biceps straight arm press downs 5 x8 bent over rows (reverse grip) 4 x10 lat pull downs wide grip 4x 10 nos(3 set) lat pull downs narrow grip 4x10 nos(3set) hammer curls 4x10 nos(3set) ez bar curls 4x10 straightbar curls 4x10 20 mins treadmill intervals / incline 4
  • this is actually how I work out (its a metal barn) brrrr gloves on and those bars are still cooollldddd! but I get out there 4 times a week, so does my husband. So if you have a heated training facility.... snuggle up when you are done! but gettr done !!!!
  • chest and triceps bench press 5set 4-7 reps dumbbell press 4 sets 5-9 incline flyes 4 ses 8-10 tricep press downs 4 sets 8-10 single arm tricep extensions 7-9(11) It was darn cold out there, but i got it done lol, then brought up a load of firewood for the night....time to cozy up :)
  • Your goals made me laugh, not because they are funny (they are amazing) but because they seem so unobtainable to me. I was just praying you were have my age! And thank goodness you are. You go for it, I am sure you will reach them in no time. A liitle heavier each week and bam! you'll have a pb to brag about
  • leg day ~ it was a new routine with the focus on strength( i think lol) so tinkered with the weight a bit squats olybar+30lbsx5 next 3 sets 25lbsx 8/7/7 leg press 4sets 194x8 leg extensions 70lbsx10/ 72.5x8/8 70lbsx10 leg curls 40lbs/8 37.5x9/8 35x8 leg press calf raises 174lbsx17 184x15/14/13 may not sound like a lot to…
  • A trainer is a very effective tool in becoming fit. Through exercise you will eventually lose some weight, but the real benefit here is muscle growth and endurance. Your caloric intake will dictate scale weight loss. However if you are going to workout be sure you are eating the right kinds of calories. Proteins, carbs and…
  • you are doing great so far! Doing resistance training ( I recomend with free weights) will go a long way to helping you meet and maintain your goals. Squats work wonders ~ give them a try
  • Try reposting as a gaining muscle topic.. You may find thats a better place to get some helpfull advice from the guys here who have experienced something similar.
  • hit the weights hard eat at a healthy surplass ~ lots of protein use a mass builder as your protein shake be patient ~ you are just reaching the age where your body will start to fill out good luck :)
  • original poster has deleted account. so no idea how things worked out for her. I was severely anemic several years ago and could not lose weight no matter what i tried. I didn;t have the energy to exercice poroperly but I did try. Once I started to take the iron supplements I was a new person! The difference this will make…
  • over the past 25 years ~ there was better and worse there was richer and poorer there was sickness and health there was love honor and cherish ♥ there was go forth and multiply :) there was joy, sorrow, laughter and forgiveness there still is I could have experienced all those things alone but I was blessed with a best…
  • ground chicken/turkey sheppards pie with a spinach salad on the side. Use mashed sweetpotatos for extra yumm~doesn't get much easier or tastier. 1lb ground meat 1pkg sheppards pie seasoning (or flavour your own way) 1 cup water 1.5 cups mixed veggies (use just peas or corn if thats all you like) top with garlic mashed…
  • What you had yesterday was a learning experiance. You logged it all and are aware how easily it can happen. Hopefully you also learned you need to be eating enough on a regular basis so that this is less likely to happen. I for one am all in favour of a cheat day each week, a little less extreme perhaps but over for a day.…
  • if you can complete ALL the reps with the 8lbs give the 10lbs a try. I don't use this workout so much for the resistance as the cardio benefits, so I stick to lighter weights. I use 3lbs for the shoulder involved movements but keep the 5lbs for some of the other moves. I do the weight lifting seperately so for me I'm only…
  • Protein shakes are great (and necessary) after any resistance training to support muscle recovery. Personally I don't like to see them used as meal replacements. To supplement your meal plan here and there , sure. We get busy and they are low cal and loaded with protein ( i mix mine with water) and they travel well. Many…
  • agree~ protein from multiple sources is best. I prefer all the protein in my meals be from a lean source. An after workout shake from the whey, as he said its fast absorbing. And cottage cheese to get me through the night as its a good source of cassien protein (slow digesting). Whey protein is ok as a meal replacement in…
  • LOL I've been here 8 months ~ to embarrased to ask. I knew they were good and I wanted one, but that was it :) thanks and I hope your first nsv is a great one
  • I do a personalized workout. 4 days a week 1-2 body parts. I change it every 4 weeks. I bore easily and well it can't hurt. I can send you the current scheduale a little later if you would like. It's out in our home gym,(aka the barn lol) but will bring it in after my workout today. if interested let me know
  • always in need of a new breakfast idea....thanks
  • I can't imagine going hungry anytime of day. If you wait until your 'hungry' to eat, you have waited too long. My goal is to keep my metabolism up. I have cottage cheese and fruit (pick your own healthy favorite) in bed everynight at 11~ even if dinner was at nine! Food itself is not the enemy. Eat enough of the right…
  • Lifting is great~good for you. it is possible to gain muscle and loose fat at the same time, just takes a little longer to show on the scale. Be sure you are eating enough for both to happen (I'm 5'2, 113lbs and 51 i aim to eat 1800+ cals a day! ) Be sure your protein macro is about 1gram per lb of body weight. I eat 20…
  • google the reipes for refridgerator oatmeal, egg muffins(much like a mini quiche~make ahead and heat 2 to go) use weight watchers bread and make ahead frenchtoast and pop it in the toaster to reheat at breakfast. Tuna or salmon on a bed of spianch makes the start of a great lunch~ my diaries open lol and I'm never left…
  • 'very gently' sand the edges with steel wool. wipe clean and go over with more gloss using a sponge brush if you have it. If not try a high gloss clear nailpolish. Next time (lol) remove the stickerby dabbing with goo gone if its available to you. Mayonnaise will dissolve the sticky as well and should not harm the finish…
  • I am not going to guess fat% as that would further add to your confusion lol. What I will suggest is that you get to work on building some muscle. Your body fat % is low enough to start to bulk up from, it will change more as you build muscle. But get started before you loose any more of the muscle mass you still have.…
  • step 1~ look in the mirror and see the beautiful women in the profile pic step 2~ stop comparing yourself to the perfect people! there are none step 3 ~ develope a plan~set your cal/macro goals and start logging your food ~ honestly and accurately step 4~ decide on some form of exercise program to start you off ~walking,…
  • morning! here it is day 1 chest and triceps~ 4sets 8-12reps per exercise barbell press push ups - to failure (I do as many from my toes as I can then drop to knees) flat flyes incline flyes tricep extensions tricep rope press downs day 2 back and biceps 4 sets 8-12 reps per bent over barbell rows reverse grip dumbbell rows…
  • weight training is much more rewarding than cardio for me too. I still do about 60-80 min a week on the treadmill, but much prefur the time spent lifting ~ even when i don't want to. Would love to share my regime with you, but its after midnight and my notes are in the home gynm(aka the barn lol). so in the light of day i…
  • I may have 1/2 a shake before a workout if I need a bit of energy. I always have a post workout shake. By workout I refer to weight training not cardio. I don't mind it mixed with water to keep cals down but do half milk now and then. I personally do not encourage shakes as a meal replacement, but they can certainly fill…
  • Add me to please! Love to show support and share what I have learned. I love food and have relearned how to fillup on the good stuff. I no longer fear sugar as I no longer crave it or consider it one of the food groups lol. Replaced it with protein and have never felt better. I work out with weights and do limited (but…