Endo Dr tells me I'm losing to much weight. Discouraging.



  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    With all due respect; " guesstimating " means absolutely nothing....not as an argument with your doctor and even less here on MFP.
    I know, you consider daily logging to be too mundane, but it is the only way you can develop a data base of calories consumed that will be able to give you the right information on which to base action when you get stuck or hopefully get to goal and plan to maintain.
    Very few people ( and I am giving here the benefit of the doubt to someone unknown, because I personally don't know one single person ) have maintained on " guesstimation ".
    Good Luck !
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    At your age, weight, height your beginning loss is not that extreme at all. Why were you in the doc? Routine or are there issues that he was factoring in with your loss? You'd think he would be cheering you on, that's what my first reaction was. You know, I had a so-called specialist tell me my issues were "all in my head" and to go see physc....never went back to the idiot....saw diff docs that made me whole and well. Not one thought it was "al in my head".

    So there. I prob would go see a diff endo doc if I was in your shoes. Good luck to you on your weight loss and keep doing what it is your doing because obviously its working for you!!
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member
    I'm inclined to believe that "I could essentially eat between 1100 calories and 5000 a day if I needed" means that you eat closer to 1100 on most days, since eating closer to the higher number regularly would have drastically slowed (or stopped) your weight loss (especially since you tried to pass off 1900-2500 for Thanksgiving as some sort of big deal).

    You may or may not actually be eating enough, but I seriously question either your attitude or your beliefs here.

    That comment was towards the doctor. I was being a **** to him for suggesting I was starving myself.

    On most days my intake is easily 1200-1600. Yesterday alone (with out proper calculations..) I was at 140 fats, 80 protein, 12 or so carbs. This is reading the label and guesstimating.

    I'm not saying Thanksgiving was a big deal. I am saying his attitude made it seem that with the "whole holiday'' eating and what not he was more concerned of me starving myself than getting the essential fats, proteins and such.

    You really need to stop guesstimating as you put it.... Buy yourself a food scale and start weighing and measuring out your meals and log it... This is part of the reason you are dropping so much weight each week... Your eating less to the point you are running a large calorie deficit..... At some point you will need to track accurately so you can see where you caloric intake and macro's truly are....

    I don't want to live by the scale, or posting everyday. That's why I stopped posting what I eat here. Sometimes I wish I did calculate what I ate a day to demonstrate to people assuming like you are I am going in such a low dangerous calorie deficit. I could post today what I ate to help?

    I kind of don't care what the "true" macros are, I was so killed on calculating them everyday I got burnt out. Either I am over or I am close. The super low calorie intake is absurd to what I have ate. Sure you are right I 'should' track better but I got sick of a website owning a portion of my day with posting stuff.
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member
    At your age, weight, height your beginning loss is not that extreme at all. Why were you in the doc? Routine or are there issues that he was factoring in with your loss? You'd think he would be cheering you on, that's what my first reaction was. You know, I had a so-called specialist tell me my issues were "all in my head" and to go see physc....never went back to the idiot....saw diff docs that made me whole and well. Not one thought it was "al in my head".

    So there. I prob would go see a diff endo doc if I was in your shoes. Good luck to you on your weight loss and keep doing what it is your doing because obviously its working for you!!

    I had to go to him because I developed gullium barre and the neurological doctor suggested I go to a specialist encase there was any thyroid involvement.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I'm inclined to believe that "I could essentially eat between 1100 calories and 5000 a day if I needed" means that you eat closer to 1100 on most days, since eating closer to the higher number regularly would have drastically slowed (or stopped) your weight loss (especially since you tried to pass off 1900-2500 for Thanksgiving as some sort of big deal).

    You may or may not actually be eating enough, but I seriously question either your attitude or your beliefs here.

    That comment was towards the doctor. I was being a **** to him for suggesting I was starving myself.

    On most days my intake is easily 1200-1600. Yesterday alone (with out proper calculations..) I was at 140 fats, 80 protein, 12 or so carbs. This is reading the label and guesstimating.

    I'm not saying Thanksgiving was a big deal. I am saying his attitude made it seem that with the "whole holiday'' eating and what not he was more concerned of me starving myself than getting the essential fats, proteins and such.

    You really need to stop guesstimating as you put it.... Buy yourself a food scale and start weighing and measuring out your meals and log it... This is part of the reason you are dropping so much weight each week... Your eating less to the point you are running a large calorie deficit..... At some point you will need to track accurately so you can see where you caloric intake and macro's truly are....

    I use to track constantly on here, you can look at past logs if you want.. It gets really mundane to constantly everyday track. I eventually started eating the same thing everyday and that was making me gag. Started May 11th 2013 if you go back and look with in the months I was still tracking.

    See this is where we will differ because I do not believe in guesstimating anything, I started 4 years ago (3 years in weight loss and 1 year of maintenance) at 560 lbs. and from day one I measured and weighed out portions and kept hand written journals to track my calorie intake and macros... I can go back to June 22nd of 2010 and tell you exactly what I ate that day and the amount... There is nothing mundane about it and it just becomes second nature to do it once you hit your groove.... I have 2 or 3 choices that I stick to for breakfast and lunch but my dinners are constantly changing and evolving because I love to cook so I try different things and recipes... but that doesn't give me a free pass from tracking. At some point you are going to have to do it so you might as well commit now and get in the groove so to speak....
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    At your age, weight, height your beginning loss is not that extreme at all. Why were you in the doc? Routine or are there issues that he was factoring in with your loss? You'd think he would be cheering you on, that's what my first reaction was. You know, I had a so-called specialist tell me my issues were "all in my head" and to go see physc....never went back to the idiot....saw diff docs that made me whole and well. Not one thought it was "al in my head".

    So there. I prob would go see a diff endo doc if I was in your shoes. Good luck to you on your weight loss and keep doing what it is your doing because obviously its working for you!!

    I had to go to him because I developed gullium barre and the neurological doctor suggested I go to a specialist encase there was any thyroid involvement.

    Certainly nothing to sneeze at, geeze! Def show him your food log and bring it w/you to your other docs too....does your food choices aggravate this? Does he think you even have it? So many factors in their professional opinion. At any rate, it sounds like you need a second opinion no matter what the diagnosis is.
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member
    At your age, weight, height your beginning loss is not that extreme at all. Why were you in the doc? Routine or are there issues that he was factoring in with your loss? You'd think he would be cheering you on, that's what my first reaction was. You know, I had a so-called specialist tell me my issues were "all in my head" and to go see physc....never went back to the idiot....saw diff docs that made me whole and well. Not one thought it was "al in my head".

    So there. I prob would go see a diff endo doc if I was in your shoes. Good luck to you on your weight loss and keep doing what it is your doing because obviously its working for you!!

    I had to go to him because I developed gullium barre and the neurological doctor suggested I go to a specialist encase there was any thyroid involvement.

    Certainly nothing to sneeze at, geeze! Def show him your food log and bring it w/you to your other docs too....does your food choices aggravate this? Does he think you even have it? So many factors in their professional opinion. At any rate, it sounds like you need a second opinion no matter what the diagnosis is.

    Main reason he wanted me to check out an endocrine doctor is because I was "so big" and was doing nothing according to him for my health. He wanted me to take physical therapy and see a endo Dr. After 3 bad spinal taps and a hospitalization all he had was maybe my thyroid could be effecting the spinal fluid. He couldn't get a drop so his diagnosis was based on electric needle things. (Forget the name of that..) And the weakness I was having to the point of not being able to walk.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member

    Main reason he wanted me to check out an endocrine doctor is because I was "so big" and was doing nothing according to him for my health. He wanted me to take physical therapy and see a endo Dr. After 3 bad spinal taps and a hospitalization all he had was maybe my thyroid could be effecting the spinal fluid. He couldn't get a drop so his diagnosis was based on electric needle things. (Forget the name of that..) And the weakness I was having to the point of not being able to walk.

    Was this weakness before or after you started dieting? Not eating enough can cause you to be so weak you can't walk. As someone pointed out there are days in your diary where you were around 1000 calories. Your BMR is roughly 2500. I'm 5'9" and weight 165 pounds. I can lose weight on 2000 calories, but I also track my intake so I know how much I'm eating.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    I see an endocronologist annually. I lost 16 lbs between my last visits. It did not go unnoticed. His focus is on all things hormonal. It is understandable that he would fear the loss is not deliberate and safe. Big changes stress the very glands he is trying to monitor or treat. So go back to tracking ~mundane or not.
    You can't know with certainty that your weight loss is strictly a result of your diet if you cant say for sure what you have been eating on a regular basis. Better to track and be sure of why your results are so desireable. Your long term health is more important than quick weight loss.
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member

    Main reason he wanted me to check out an endocrine doctor is because I was "so big" and was doing nothing according to him for my health. He wanted me to take physical therapy and see a endo Dr. After 3 bad spinal taps and a hospitalization all he had was maybe my thyroid could be effecting the spinal fluid. He couldn't get a drop so his diagnosis was based on electric needle things. (Forget the name of that..) And the weakness I was having to the point of not being able to walk.

    Was this weakness before or after you started dieting? Not eating enough can cause you to be so weak you can't walk. As someone pointed out there are days in your diary where you were around 1000 calories. Your BMR is roughly 2500. I'm 5'9" and weight 165 pounds. I can lose weight on 2000 calories, but I also track my intake so I know how much I'm eating.

    After I started the diet. Though...

    Numb legs and weakness was due to using a product called Aquaphor on my psoriasis that ranges from my knees to the tops of my feet. (Both legs.) Almost immediately my legs were numb and itchy. I had to scrape this cream off it was unbearable. Next day numb from waist to toe. 5 days later to weak and went to a hospital. They didn't think anything was wrong.. Went to a different hospital again after 7 days because I just could NOT walk with out being in hold of a kitchen chair to the car.

    Now after roughly 50 of diagnosis I am starting to get strength in my legs, but by no means normal.
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member
    I see an endocronologist annually. I lost 16 lbs between my last visits. It did not go unnoticed. His focus is on all things hormonal. It is understandable that he would fear the loss is not deliberate and safe. Big changes stress the very glands he is trying to monitor or treat. So go back to tracking ~mundane or not.
    You can't know with certainty that your weight loss is strictly a result of your diet if you cant say for sure what you have been eating on a regular basis. Better to track and be sure of why your results are so desireable. Your long term health is more important than quick weight loss.

    Another thing is stress I have been going under too. I don't lose 20 lbs EVERY 5 weeks. It ranges from 9-15 lbs a month and I do not own a scale that weighs over 350. (350 isn't that far, but I don't stress over my weight either.)

    Though he still thought I was blatantly starving myself. (aka eating nothing at all.) He called his nurse in there once to talk to me because she was a girl thought I would understand.

    Most the 1k days I was either up for a few hours of the day or I was just NOT hungry what so ever.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Sure you are right I 'should' track better but I got sick of a website owning a portion of my day with posting stuff.

    I have not been with MFP very long , but during the last eight month I have been fairly active have never come across someone who took more than 10-15 minutes a day to log their food. I log everything in detail and usually take about five minutes. Unless you spend more than 20 hours in bed each day I don't think you can be saying that logging " owns a portion of your day ". I think that probably you just don't want to log. That of course is fine, but also could mean that MFP is just not for you and that you would be happier using other resources.
    Good Luck !
  • G0ATLY
    G0ATLY Posts: 14 Member
    Sure you are right I 'should' track better but I got sick of a website owning a portion of my day with posting stuff.

    I have not been with MFP very long , but during the last eight month I have been fairly active have never come across someone who took more than 10-15 minutes a day to log their food. I log everything in detail and usually take about five minutes. Unless you spend more than 20 hours in bed each day I don't think you can be saying that logging " owns a portion of your day ". I think that probably you just don't want to log. That of course is fine, but also could mean that MFP is just not for you and that you would be happier using other resources.
    Good Luck !

    You are right about one thing. I got sick of logging in each day regardless of what I was doing.. It was more of a hassle and I was getting to the point of loathing it. For the first part of my diet it was easy and entertaining to watch how it came out.. Then when I noticed I was getting sick of it I would eat the same thing EVERYDAY. Had to plan what I was eating the day before. It wasn't fun for me and I didn't want to depend on a website each day to document what I was doing. I just plain stopped logging because you are right I did NOT want to anymore.

    I still ate the same things then gradually changed around foods I wasn't eating. Deep fried fish or chicken in olive oil with no breading and just seasoning. Lots more nuts on some days so I wouldn't get sick of fish/chicken. I literally got so sick with pork rinds for higher fat that I haven't ate any since. Hamburger got to where the taste is familiar but not friendly to my mouth so I have to make them as salad toppings crumbled or a meatloaf; sometimes with taco seasoning. Fish and chicken, nuts, eggs, and cheese is my main thing right now along with unsweetened almond milk. powerade zero, tea, coffee and water.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would try eating more protein, 80g at your size isn't much and you want to be protecting lbm
  • jimjamsjet
    jimjamsjet Posts: 57 Member
    He is a trained professional who has dedicated over a decade to his training. I think you should listen to him rather than all the people on here who say otherwise. He is an expert. These people are anecdotal experts.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    I see an endocronologist annually. I lost 16 lbs between my last visits. It did not go unnoticed. His focus is on all things hormonal. It is understandable that he would fear the loss is not deliberate and safe. Big changes stress the very glands he is trying to monitor or treat. So go back to tracking ~mundane or not.
    You can't know with certainty that your weight loss is strictly a result of your diet if you cant say for sure what you have been eating on a regular basis. Better to track and be sure of why your results are so desireable. Your long term health is more important than quick weight loss.

    Another thing is stress I have been going under too. I don't lose 20 lbs EVERY 5 weeks. It ranges from 9-15 lbs a month and I do not own a scale that weighs over 350. (350 isn't that far, but I don't stress over my weight either.)

    Though he still thought I was blatantly starving myself. (aka eating nothing at all.) He called his nurse in there once to talk to me because she was a girl thought I would understand.

    Most the 1k days I was either up for a few hours of the day or I was just NOT hungry what so ever.

    it concerns me that you are not hungry at all and that you are only up a few hours a day. A little more food may give you the energy you need to be more active. ergo needing more fuel.

    It may sound as if he is overreacting, but I think you have a doctor who genuinely cares. Don't downplay his concerns too much. I hope you find ways to effectively deal with your stress. Stress doesn't do the body any good, ande it won't help on an emotional level either. I don't believe in waiting until you are hungry to eat. Eat something small at regular intervals if need be but eat~healthy balanced and tasty mixtures of carbs fats and proteins. We don't wait until the car wont start to fuel it up~treat your body the same way.

    Logging is still beneficial to you. I get the sense though, that since youre losing weight~ and isn't that the whole point~ you see no need to bother. Until its all under control and you have a healthy weight and eating habits I would say its necessary . hate to harp, but thats what the mother in me does.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    At your age, weight, height your beginning loss is not that extreme at all. Why were you in the doc? Routine or are there issues that he was factoring in with your loss? You'd think he would be cheering you on, that's what my first reaction was. You know, I had a so-called specialist tell me my issues were "all in my head" and to go see physc....never went back to the idiot....saw diff docs that made me whole and well. Not one thought it was "al in my head".

    So there. I prob would go see a diff endo doc if I was in your shoes. Good luck to you on your weight loss and keep doing what it is your doing because obviously its working for you!!

    I had to go to him because I developed gullium barre and the neurological doctor suggested I go to a specialist encase there was any thyroid involvement.

    Certainly nothing to sneeze at, geeze! Def show him your food log and bring it w/you to your other docs too....does your food choices aggravate this? Does he think you even have it? So many factors in their professional opinion. At any rate, it sounds like you need a second opinion no matter what the diagnosis is.

    Main reason he wanted me to check out an endocrine doctor is because I was "so big" and was doing nothing according to him for my health. He wanted me to take physical therapy and see a endo Dr. After 3 bad spinal taps and a hospitalization all he had was maybe my thyroid could be effecting the spinal fluid. He couldn't get a drop so his diagnosis was based on electric needle things. (Forget the name of that..) And the weakness I was having to the point of not being able to walk.

    Developed Guillain Barre in 2008. Was not a flipping joke. Paralzyed and almost died. Not cool.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    After reading this thread, do you think that logging is a discipline that you don't wish to tackle? Is logging a hurdle? Perhaps if you look at logging as a hurdle to conquer, you may feel better about it. And logging can get drudgery I know, especially if you're eating foods that you've cooked yourself....cuz then out comes the recipe calculator. But seriously, once you start the recipe its not that difficult to take a basic recipe and recalculate.

    A good support system (here or IRL) can be fantastic for your health.

    If you are awake only a few hours of the day, then I do suggest going outside for fresh air to clear your head, get some perspective. Even walking a little ways down the block gets the body circulation going thru.

    I do wish you well no matter what happens. Please do take care of yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't want to live by the scale, or posting everyday. That's why I stopped posting what I eat here. Sometimes I wish I did calculate what I ate a day to demonstrate to people assuming like you are I am going in such a low dangerous calorie deficit. I could post today what I ate to help?

    I kind of don't care what the "true" macros are, I was so killed on calculating them everyday I got burnt out. Either I am over or I am close. The super low calorie intake is absurd to what I have ate. Sure you are right I 'should' track better but I got sick of a website owning a portion of my day with posting stuff.

    I weigh myself 2x a day and log what I eat but I don't feel like I live by the scale, nor do I feel like a website owns a part of my day. Logging what I eat probably takes me about about 15 mins a day. Granted, I don't take much notice of the macros except for the protein but, once you get the hang of it, it doesn't take all that much time.
  • I love logging my food. I bought a food scale a few days ago and it has absolutely changed my life. My weight loss was stalled out and I was feeling terrible, turns out I was undereating. I had NO idea what 4 ounces of meat looked like (chicken i thought was 6 ounces, was in fact 3.5 - turkey meat i thought was 3 ounces was 0.2 - seriously) and was just... wrong on everything.

    guestimation is the worst!

    anyway, losing that much weight when starting at such a high weight is not, in my mind, alarming on it's own. very obese people do drop faster than smaller folks.