Iron Deficiency - the unsuspected culprit

I have been STRUGGLING to lose weight for just over 18 months now. I eat really well, I strength train, I run, I walk, I count calories, I have a physical job where I am moving on my feet for at least 8 hours 4 days a week and I am a busy mom, student and wife. I am in school to become a nutritional consultant so I do have an idea of what to eat and what not to and I STILL can't lose weight.

I hired a personal trainer in Novemeber of 2011 and even he is baffled by why I can't lose weight! He suggested I get my blood checked for thyroid issues. My Naturopath suggested that when I go for the blood test to check my thyroid I should get my iron checked as well because through my family doctor blood tests are covered but not through my Naturopath so I got my iron checked as an after thought.

I am the kind of person that takes a while to get any kinds of tests done so this has been a while in the making. What spurred me to go was gaining 8lbs in the last 2 weeks for no reason. I went on Tuesday and had my appointment with my doc this morning. My thyroid was a little on the low side but still within "normal" range but my iron is seriously low. For a woman your iron should be about 70 a man's should be over 200. Mine is at 12. WOW. My doctor told me that this is tprobably the cause for my lack of weight loss. When you are deficient in iron your body holds onto EVERYTHING! Check this quote out!!

"Most iron rich foods are animal in origin. For this reason, it can be tricky for vegans, vegetarians and people who avoid red meats to get enough iron in a day. Luckily, there are plenty of supplements you can take, but if you’d rather get iron through your daily diet, you’ll want to incorporate some red meats and other foods rich in iron into your diet.

Iron is important for weight loss as your body needs iron to produce red blood cells, which are required to oxygenate and burn fat and calories. This is why starvation diets don’t work: if you don’t eat foods that are high in iron, you won’t effectively lose fat, only muscle and organ weight. You need to have food high in iron if you want to stay in shape.

If you don’t have any good sources of iron in food, you may feel lethargic and fatigued even when you’ve eaten and rested. People who get enough iron in a day tend to be more up and active throughout the day.

To be clear, overdosing on iron will not help you burn fat more quickly. Oxygenated blood is a necessity for any effective fat burning, but that doesn’t mean that an extra piece of liver will result in double-time fat burning. You can overdose on iron just as easily as you can overdose on sugar, so be reasonable while arranging your diet."

So, my doctor has perscribed me a iron supplement needless to say. A water pill to get rid of all the water my body has been holding on to (he expects a big weight loss in my near future) and a very low dose of Synthroid to help kick start my thyroid!!

I NEVER would have thought of iron causing this reaction. If you are stuck and haven't seen any weight loss I highly suggest getting your iron checked just to be sure. It can't hurt!!


  • Shana999
    Shana999 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank God! I have found some else in the same boat . I have just recently found out i require medication for my Iron levels and like you have struggled with weight loss for no reason for a full year . I am intrigued to how you have got on with you weight loss after medication was in effect?

    I have not started medication as yet I have to go back for a few other tests my calcium also low and GP wants to check Vitamin D levels . Like you my Thyroid is within the Healthy range and it has been so frustration but relieved that there is a reason!

  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    original poster has deleted account. so no idea how things worked out for her.

    I was severely anemic several years ago and could not lose weight no matter what i tried. I didn;t have the energy to exercice poroperly but I did try. Once I started to take the iron supplements I was a new person! The difference this will make for you in general is huge. Having the energy to do things will make a difference in your ability to exercise. I was more mentally alert after my iron stores recovered too. Your whole system will function better. Your stress levels and cortisol will decrease too I would imagine. These two play a big part in weight loss. See what effect it has on your hormones as well. This was the biggest reason I struggled with losing and seemed to gain no matter what i did.
    What you really need to find out is why are you anemic. (I had a fibroid tumor and needed a hysterectomy to permantly fix things. After which I have lost the 20 lbs I wanted to and have never felt better). So if your periods are heavy or if you have recently had a child this may be part of the cause. While stress itself wont cause low iron, it is a key factor in hormone levels and they are key to weight loss. I repeat that because it is a serious issue many ignore or don't give enough credit. (the low iron and stress lead to a bout of alopachea~total hair loss, not a fun look on a woman lol.

    So hang in there and I hope the iron helps. Always happy to support a new friend too :)

  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I hope to be feeling really great soon then, too :) I've been taking Rx iron for maybe a month now, and I go see a specialist this week to check my gastro system. My periods may be the cause of my deficiency, but I also have (had?) an ulcer. There may be a slow bleed, which kinda freaks me out a bit. They took their time getting me in, so I assume it's not a very big deal :)

    I believe I'm also on meds that reduce iron absorption, so that may be it. In any case, a doc should look into the underlying cause! If someone has a bleeding ulcer, they need to know about that!

    I didn't know my weight loss could be hard because of it. Good to hear! I thought my metabolism was just a bit on the slow side of average for some reason.Maybe not. Cool!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I've been anemic in the past and it is no fun. I was cold all the time, tired, losing my hair, and light headed at times. My doctor put me on an iron supplement and within in a month I felt like a new person!:smile:

    However, please do NOT take iron supplements without having blood work done and checking with your doctor. Your iron levels should be monitored because too much iron in the body can be dangerous.

    If you think your iron might be low, be sure and check with your doctor.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    I knew I was anemic but never thought that would be a reason for my weight loss not going anywhere. Thanks for that, good to know!!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I am iron deficient and also low on B12. It's worth getting both tested. I am taking high doses of iron and B 12, but an injection is most effective apparently. I am finding eating eggs and things like that for lunch and a good solid meat and vege meal helps. The past week I had chilli beef, loaded with beans. The reason eggs are for lunch is that I am at home, and I need something quick for breakfast.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I have a history of anemia, as did my mom's side of the family. I tend to not eat a lot of red meat and I bruise like a peach and wounds would heal very slowly.Menstruation would wipe me out and I'm also constantly cold and ghost pale (being a hypothyroid doesn't help, either.) Low iron is definitely something for people to look out for, especially us ladies.
  • GabiCiorogar
    GabiCiorogar Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for the information. Very helpful. Now a lot of things make sense. I will go and get my iron check as soon as I can. Thanks again.
  • remmylady1
    remmylady1 Posts: 4 Member
    Not only do you need to check for iron deficiency but also for food allergies. Food allergies can mess with your nutrient absorption.
  • MarKayDee
    Huh, I guess I should talk to my doctor about this because I have low iron too, the last time I tried to give blood I was a single point above the minimum (I say tried because I cried, as soon as I knew there was a needle nearby, and they had to throw out my donation). I have always know that my low iron was the cause of my tiredness, which I attributed a bit of my pudginess to but I never assumed it could be making it harder to LOSE weight as well.
  • GetFit__Now
    This is a few months old, but I was wondering what iron supplement you are taking now.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    I no longer take any supplements. I get all my iron from food sources these days. At my neediest I took slo fe, an over the counter supplement doctor recommended. For a short time I took a multi vitamin that was iron rich. The supplement you take should reflect your deficiency..