i hate myself right now



  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. Today is another day and you are back on track. Most people let themselves have a cheat day, you can call that your cheat day.
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    bump for later.
  • TheRunnerDad
    TheRunnerDad Posts: 33 Member
    Don't even sweat it. You need a cheat day every once in a while to help stay on track. You can't deny yourself all the time. And so what that it was so many calories. Like others have said, if you're back to your normal intake the next day, within a few days those calories won't even matter.
  • WanaBMom
    WanaBMom Posts: 43 Member
    Drink lots of water! I'm guessing your sodium is off the charts and that's why you feel like you've gained 10 lbs. It's ok to have a cheat day but know that the days following you need to stay hydrated and get back on track to minimalize the effects.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Don't worry.. you're not alone. I hate you too.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You didn't do ANY damage. All you did was PAUSE for a day. Just get right back on track and carry on! If it takes longer, it takes longer. As long as you are moving in the right direction overall, you are doing AWESOME! :drinker:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Let's say it takes 2200 calories a day to maintain your weight. You ate 2000 over that. 3500 calories = 1 pound. So 2000 calories is 0.57 pounds. So yesterday you could have conceivably gained just over a half pound. You've lost 18lbs. You did not undo all of your hard work.
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    You're only defeated if you stay down. You realize that you made mistakes and now you are more cautious for the next day. Don't give in just because you had one bad day! Just get right back on track and try to figure out why you were eating like you were on your mess-up day. Trust me, we have ALL been there.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    What you had yesterday was a learning experiance. You logged it all and are aware how easily it can happen. Hopefully you also learned you need to be eating enough on a regular basis so that this is less likely to happen. I for one am all in favour of a cheat day each week, a little less extreme perhaps but over for a day. So, add a few extra minutes of cardio today to ease your conscience and get back to eating well.
    You could also consider adding a few more friends to inspire and encourage you. I am happy to be there for you.
    Remember we all have these types of days. Congrats on the success you have had this far. 70 days will not come undone in 1.
    Forgive yourself and move on.
  • meparker757
    meparker757 Posts: 50 Member
    Well...things happen. There are 365 days in a year. You have 364 days to make up for what happened. Just stay the course the majority of the way and you will make it.
  • Everyone has a blow out some time...you are only human after all! I have done that so many times. The danger though is that I then say ''oh well, I've ruined it now, may as well give up''. It's like the saying goes - falling down doesn't make a failure - STAYING down does. You've had a 'cheat' day but get right back on the wagon and it'll take care of itself. Good luck and well done for your amazing loss so far :)
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Today is my 70th day on mfp. I've done pretty well with my willpower and have stayed under my daily calories most every day. If I've gone over its never been by a whole lot. But yesterday ...oh my gosh I went crazy. I don't know what happened! I ate everything I could lay hands on and at the end of the day I had went 3000 calories OVER my daily allowance. That's a total of 4200 calories in one single day. I feel terrible and ashamed of myself. I know its just one day but I feel like I've really let myself down and undone some of the success that I've worked so hard every day to achieve. How do I get over it and get back on track? And how long will it take for yesterday to be out of my system? I didn't weigh today but I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. Which I know is silly. But yesterday has really shown me how easy it is to fall off the wagon. And that really scares me.

    Welcome to my world!

    No matter my good intentions, there is always one day a month like this...I was a fat person because of binging and I will not be a fat person again because I refuse to be guilty over this - I feel that for me, the guilt is what makes me say "I may as well give up since I blew it". Exercising HARD the day after the binge and feeling like total POOPPPP from the sludge in your body might make you think twice before doing it again! If anything, that keeps me in line...

    One day won't stop your progress if you get back on the bus and ride - you obviously didn't give up, or you wouldn't be here logging :wink:
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    I want to thank all of you so much. You are right...all of you. It was one day. I don't think I'm normally depriving myself. I'm pretty sure ut was psychological along with hormonen (just now started TOM). However I can't blame it entirely on that because in my previous life (before mfp) I used food as a crutch for everything especially boredom. I quit doing that cold turkey the day I joined this website. I think I'm afraid of old habits rearing their ugly heads. However I don't think that is going to happen simply because it made me feel terrible. Physically and even moreso mentally. I do not want to lihis ave my life like that again. I took myself to the park this afternoon and walked 3 and 1/2n miles then drank a bottle of water. I feel better already. I CAN do this and I WILL. I know that temptation will come again and I also know that I'm not perfect and will have bad days. I am so thankful for you guys and gals and your support and encouragement. It means more to me than I can say.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    Sorry for the typos...I'm on my phone
  • As others have said, drink lots of water. Flush your system out and start anew! Get right back on!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Well around here we call that a cheat day. So yeh you cheated and you fessed up and told us about it. It's okay our relationship isn't over. We forgive you and I believe we can get past this together :)

    LOL, don't beat youself up. It happens and you learned from it which is good. It's when you continuously do it all the time where you will start to see issues. You will be fine just get right back to your regimen and all will be good.

    Hope that helps,



    ^^^^^^^^ He couldn't have said it better! Just move on because you can't change it. The past is just that... the past!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Sounds like you had a cheat day. Which we all need to do now & then. I actually had one yesterday myself. But, today is a NEW day and you will do great today :)

    Make sure to drink your water to help with any bloating from yesterday.

    And, most importantly...Don't Give Up!!
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Today is my 70th day on mfp. I've done pretty well with my willpower and have stayed under my daily calories most every day. If I've gone over its never been by a whole lot. But yesterday ...oh my gosh I went crazy. I don't know what happened! I ate everything I could lay hands on and at the end of the day I had went 3000 calories OVER my daily allowance. That's a total of 4200 calories in one single day. I feel terrible and ashamed of myself. I know its just one day but I feel like I've really let myself down and undone some of the success that I've worked so hard every day to achieve. How do I get over it and get back on track? And how long will it take for yesterday to be out of my system? I didn't weigh today but I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. Which I know is silly. But yesterday has really shown me how easy it is to fall off the wagon. And that really scares me.

    Hi there.

    Let me brush your emotions to the side for some science.

    Eating 4200 calories in a single day is 700 calories PLUS 3500 calories.

    It takes 3500 calories ON TOP OF YOUR TDEE to make you gain one pound of fat.

    Your TDEE is far greater than 700 calories.

    Thus, you will not gain one pound of fat.

    Whatever the scale says, it is water weight. Get back on track, eat appropriately today, do not restrict yourself, drink plenty of water.

    And Relax. Science wins in the end.

    ^^^^^Love this Chick :smile:
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Well around here we call that a cheat day. So yeh you cheated and you fessed up and told us about it. It's okay our relationship isn't over. We forgive you and I believe we can get past this together :)

    LOL, don't beat youself up. It happens and you learned from it which is good. It's when you continuously do it all the time where you will start to see issues. You will be fine just get right back to your regimen and all will be good.

    Hope that helps,




  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    I want to thank all of you so much. You are right...all of you. It was one day. I don't think I'm normally depriving myself. I'm pretty sure ut was psychological along with hormonen (just now started TOM). However I can't blame it entirely on that because in my previous life (before mfp) I used food as a crutch for everything especially boredom. I quit doing that cold turkey the day I joined this website. I think I'm afraid of old habits rearing their ugly heads. However I don't think that is going to happen simply because it made me feel terrible. Physically and even moreso mentally. I do not want to lihis ave my life like that again. I took myself to the park this afternoon and walked 3 and 1/2n miles then drank a bottle of water. I feel better already. I CAN do this and I WILL. I know that temptation will come again and I also know that I'm not perfect and will have bad days. I am so thankful for you guys and gals and your support and encouragement. It means more to me than I can say.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: