i need to lose this stomach fat or get lipo!!! plz help

Ive been dieting sonce late august, and have lost 21 pounds. i really want to lose this stubborn belly that i hate soo much (i was asked today if i was expecting, and that just made me feel more like sh**) i am 5'0 ans was 145 and am now 124. i know i need patience but i feel so miserable! plus i dont want to try harder if i wont look how i want to in the end. ugh, will i ever get rid of this or do i needto resort to lipo!!?? sorry for ranting, im just having a real bad day. are there any tips from those who were in a similar situation as me? please dont leave any rude comments, my day is already real bad as it is.


  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    losing weight that quickly isn't helping, as it takes time for your skin to catch up. Even if you just maintain your current weight, activity level, eating habits, your stomach will likely look a little better in a few months.

    Other than that, though... you need to work on retaining your lean body mass while shedding bodyfat. That requires a small deficit, and strength training. Strength training can be body-weight training, it doesn't have as fast results as lifting weights, but it is effective over the long term.

    belly fat isn't something that goes away quickly (sorry - I'm struggling with that too, so I understand). It can go away though, so don't give up.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Start adding weight training or resistance training of some kind to reshape your body. Just give it time and ignore stupid comments by people :flowerforyou:
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    My belly is the last place for me to loose, so in the meantime if I'm wearing a particular tight top or dress I wear a girdle! Undergarments are key, and it's not like an old grannie one either, it's lacy and girlie and lovely, I feel very feminine in it. I got mine from my local retro style clothing store, but you can order a decent one online for like 50 bucks. It'll smooth everything out.

    While being patient with it, I would recommend trying out some strength training, even just using your own body weight. Planks are lovely for your core section, so are over head presses and if done properly, squats.

    You'll get there!! and congrats on the 21 pounds, that's awesome!
  • You want to get to a low body fat percentage, and the answer is weight training. Eat lots of protein and lift heavy. That's the best way to get the body composition that you want. Lipo is not what you need.
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    As the other lady said, patience is hard but the most important part. Strength training and working your ab muscles is important. Strength training should be done for your whole body. Clean eating (the part I suck at) is also important. I struggle with eating too much sugar. If you want a nice core diet is a major part. August really was not that long ago. Continue to set specific, time oriented goals but do not feel defeated if you are off a bit. Stay strong! It is a bout your overall health more than a specific weight. Hope this helps.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    As the other lady said, patience is hard but the most important part. Strength training and working your ab muscles is important. Strength training should be done for your whole body. Clean eating (the part I suck at) is also important. I struggle with eating too much sugar. If you want a nice core diet is a major part. August really was not that long ago. Continue to set specific, time oriented goals but do not feel defeated if you are off a bit. Stay strong! It is a bout your overall health more than a specific weight. Hope this helps.

    Clean eating has absolutely nothing with getting abs... There are two things you need to get abs... 1. low enough body fat and 2. enough lean body mass you give you abs.

    OP, give it more time, minimize our deficit to 1 lb per week or 20% less than your TDEE, alter macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and fats (this should allow for 1g of protein and .35 of fat per lb of lean body mass) and start lifting as others suggested.
  • do i need to lift weights for lean muscle or like one of the answers stated, can i use my own body weight?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    do i need to lift weights for lean muscle or like one of the answers stated, can i use my own body weight?

    Lift heavy for strength. You can use your own body weight, but you will probably get better results with real weight. Keep in mind, unless you are eating a surplus, you will not gain any new muscle outside of 1-2 lbs of noobs gains, but that may not even happen.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    do i need to lift weights for lean muscle or like one of the answers stated, can i use my own body weight?
    Either one, or a combination of both:)
    Good body weight exercises: lunges, pistol squats, burpees, planks, push-ups, pull-ups
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    you are doing great so far! Doing resistance training ( I recomend with free weights) will go a long way to helping you meet and maintain your goals. Squats work wonders ~ give them a try
  • i have dumbbells ranging from 4 lbs to 8, is that a good start? plus i was thinking of doing the 30 day shred. Im not a heavy lifter type and i respect those who are into that, but there must be other thing i may do to help tone and preserve my muscles.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    i have dumbbells ranging from 4 lbs to 8, is that a good start? plus i was thinking of doing the 30 day shred. Im not a heavy lifter type and i respect those who are into that, but there must be other thing i may do to help tone and preserve my muscles.

    At those weight levels, it's going to be more cardio. I am not saying it won't work but whats the objection to lifting heavy?

    You can try that path and make sure you aim to get around 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass and see how it plays out. Once you get to a lower weight, you might have to alter your path and consider real weight training or bulk/cut cycles depending on your composition.

    Personally, I would start a real lifting routine (something like a full body routine 3 days a week) and up your protein.

    ps- tone is a fancy word for lowering body fat.
  • thanks for your answers. im still new to all this and thought toneing meant tightening lol. so say if i were to sign up for a gym, where do i start if i want to lift?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    thanks for your answers. im still new to all this and thought toneing meant tightening lol. so say if i were to sign up for a gym, where do i start if i want to lift?

    I would start with doing a full body routine with reps around 8-12. You can youtube or google to get routines. Or you can look into a program like new rules of lifting for women.
  • clarabkyu
    clarabkyu Posts: 11 Member
    For sure try out some body weight exercises. Those will help a tone because it will build and tone lean muscle. If you ever feel like doing some at home, just look up some 'ab exercises' on youtube. Scroll through and pick out what you like most!
  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    Not trying to scare you, but my nephew's Godmother did the water lipo. The doctor left dead cells in her body. She has a nice chunk of money so I don't think she was using a subpar doctor and this is in Chicago, so it's not some rural practice. Since this has happened she has to have several more surgeries to correct that botched lipo. Plastic surgery is not an easy fix and has serious risks.
  • Not trying to scare you, but my nephew's Godmother did the water lipo. The doctor left dead cells in her body. She has a nice chunk of money so I don't think she was using a subpar doctor and this is in Chicago, so it's not some rural practice. Since this has happened she has to have several more surgeries to correct that botched lipo. Plastic surgery is not an easy fix and has serious risks.

    actually, i want to thank you for telling me that! it gives me more motivation to do this the right way! thank you!
  • For sure try out some body weight exercises. Those will help a tone because it will build and tone lean muscle. If you ever feel like doing some at home, just look up some 'ab exercises' on youtube. Scroll through and pick out what you like most!

    will it give me similar results to those who say lifting will? i heard planks are really good
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I have the same problem you do, and I'm still fighting the good fight. My second child weighed 10lb's, and I gained a good bit of weight. With me being 5'3" most of the weight was in my belly. As you can probably imagine, my belly was big as a house! Lol. I think a lot of my problem now is that the skin is not as tight as it should be. Anywho, since I started lifting heavier, I've lost a few inches from my belly, and it looks tighter. I've gotten a lot of compliments from my friends at the gym. I definately recommend heavy lifting. I was doing light weights for a couple years with very little results. First I bought a weight bench for about $100 at Walmart, and it's worked well for me so far, but honestly the gym has things that I like better, like the lift rack, and boxes for my step-ups, and a good variety of dumbells, so I don't have to keep buying more every time I want to increase the weight. I bought New Rules of Lifting for Women from Amazon for like $12 and it's the best thing ever!!! Good luck!!!
  • clarabkyu
    clarabkyu Posts: 11 Member
    Yes! Planks are excellent. Those basically challenge your entire body. Weight lifting will be much more noticeable in terms of strength and muscle definition; depending on how much weight you use and how many reps. It will burn fat, but it will also demand more out of you in order to keep that definition. Try body weight lifting and body weight exercises at the same time to help you get definition quickly and to burn off as much fat as possible.

    Also, if you only do exercises targeting your stomach, it won't be very efficient. You have to work out your entire body. A youtuber I follow is Cassey Ho with 'Blogilates'. Pilates and exercising, it's pretty fun. She has a ton of videos that focus on the stomach. Plus, since she's a fitness instructor, she doesn't neglect the rest of the body while targeting the abs. Just as a heads up, a lot of her exercises will challenge your knees.

    It's a bit difficult for me to explain, mostly because I don't want to tell you the wrong stuff. This is all based on what I've personally done.