edack72 Member


  • I bet you are not the only married guy on here with the same thoughts friend request the guys I am sure in general there are more females than males on here anyway we are definitely a different species i think it would probably really help you to have more men as fitness friends training buddies
  • I gave up alcohol completely January 8th 2015 and not for weight reasons it was ruining my life and I won't bore you with those details but I dropped almost 30lbs like nothing and I can say I don't miss it at all
  • Do some light exercise I was super sore from a heavy leg day and felt so much better after a slow run I also worked the upper body
  • Do you do any cross training weights/strength are important to be a strong runner if you are on facebook join one of the gazillion running pages and ask your question you may get a better answer than here I am still pretty new to running myself and use those pages to ask questions all the time ...good luck and whatever…
  • Yes its not a diet but a lifestyle change I tell that to people all the time when they ask me how my diet is going ...I have had so much success since changing the way I think about eating my body is a machine that needs to have fuel to preform well I focus on eating clean and exercising most days of the week
  • I feel exactly the same way about exercise I wish I could get my friends to feel like this I try so hard to motivate them but nothing works
  • Take care of you and hopefully he will follow you can't change someone who doesn't want to change its very similar to people who quit smoking its not going to work until you want it to work set a good example and see what happens .....I am craving oreos now
  • Unbelievable person is either just a plain old *kitten* or jealous
  • Vegetables over fruit my diet plan limits my intake of fruit I have one orange with breakfast some berries with my oatmeal for a snack and thats it I load up with vegetables
  • One meal doesn't make you fat go out and enjoy yourself , keep up your water intake and exercise that day don't worry about it
  • go for 15.....you are stronger than you think you are :smile:
  • keep one new battery flat surface and a 5lb bag of sugar
  • ditch the weights for your cardio I agree that it could potentially do more harm if you insist on it look into a weighted vest I dont think you are lifting an amount of weight that you need to be worried about rest but when you do rest will be vital for the muscle fibers to repair .......and lastly listen to your body you…
  • I use herbalife Sport usually just for lunch I think its really helped my weight loss
  • Have a Goal have a plan if you bite it write it!!!! I finally have a formula that works for me and it includes using this site !!!! Its hard work but so worth it !!!!!
  • Dont do it unless you have had a hard workout I have lost the most weight by being very careful about not eating back my calories burned in exercise if its something intense or heavy lifing of course I need to replenish so the body heals but I choose wisely....I am telling you that by not eating all my calories back I have…
  • You must have the will power to just not do it remind yourself what your goal is and where you are headed for me I just dont buy anything unhealthy so in the event that I do start snacking its not with food that is bad , water reach for a sparkling water with fruit or even a cup of strong tea or brush your teeth that…
  • Make friends with a weight routine if you need some ideas feel free to friend me and I will glady share some of my workouts
  • I disagree with the comment about HRM not being accurate during these kind of workouts...find your target heart rate and push harder I have found this to be the case with me lately because I am getting into better shape I have a HRM that also does calories and its fairly accurate when I compare it to other machines or my…
  • green tea / coffee is ok as long as its not loaded down with the good stuff there even has been some articles I have come across that says coffee before your workout is good for you ...everything in moderation
  • just because something is low calorie doesn't mean its good for you or helps you lose weight often times these things are loaded with sugar i have had the most success recently by hiring a health coach and following a meal plan no calorie counting ....when i used this site 100% I liked that it also tracked the sugar/carbs…
  • Over the weekend -Hiking flat trail on Sat. then the mountain on sunday so I got in a leg workout eating not so good but not the worst ....Cardio and weights planned for tonight
  • Quitting smoking does mess with metabolism and Kudos for you for doing it as its no easy task!!! I notice you said you do workout DVDs if you arent already doing i try Insanity or PiYO , that HIIT is usually what will jump start change in your body again .....Are you feeling good, Eating Right , exercising regularly then…
  • Oh yes same boat .......very entertaining thread here
  • Get a heart rate monitor and you don't have to spend alot I got one on clearance from Olympia and it has served me very well and I feel it is very accurate ( I had a friend who had one of the real pricey ones with chest strap) mine has survived 3 mudruns and numerous amounts of hikes water and bugspray
  • Everyday is a chance to start fresh and new ..You can do it!!!:smile:
  • I rocked my workout looking so cool with my pants on inside out so the little cotton crotch was showing the hole time
  • Wow that is a tough lifestyle , I am always the person who says you can always find time to exercise but trucking , maybe you can turn your cab into a gym of sorts and start a whole new trend....I feel your pain man this is a hard journey and never easy I have been onn and off the weight loss bandwagon for many years and…