I love a challenging workout!

Nothing feels better to me then the feeling you get after a great workout and being sore! In the right ways of course. I workout mostly everyday (fall apart a little on weekends bc I just turned 21) but I'm in the gym for almost 2 to 3 hours usually start off with an hour of cardio and the body parts I'm doing that day. At the moment I'm trying to beet my PR in squat it's 165 at the moment and in everything else! I'm determined, I love to push myself and see my body change in amazing ways. Any questions just let me know (:


  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    I feel exactly the same way about exercise I wish I could get my friends to feel like this I try so hard to motivate them but nothing works
  • Katiesue806
    Katiesue806 Posts: 46 Member
    Yea thank god I have my bestfriend who works out as much as I do except my bf does not so I know how you feel! If he had the same motivation as I did I feel like it would help to motivate and push me more! Expecially with dieting