

  • What? There's a summer party?
  • 1. Is it possible that there are people that just can't run no matter how hard they try? I think everyone can run, its whether they want to or not and the self talk. I always told myself I was not a runner and could not run. But once I told myself I could and slowly (very slowly) increased my distance from only running…
  • Haha! I agree, its summer from March to early November, every day....sunny, hot, humid
  • That happens to me when I don't get enough Iron. Are you taking a multi-vitamin? That's just me personally, but start taking a vitamin with iron in it and see if that helps.
  • I'm also in Orlando and run usually around 1pm or 2pm, the hottest part of the day. Yuck! I suppose you just get used to the heat and you forget about it. Plus, the faster you run, the better of a breeze you'll get. LoL. I also have found that running in the heat really helps when I do races in the morning. Getting to run…
  • Did my workout last night and apparently the leg sensor battery was almost dead, so it wasn't registering a lot of exercises. There was a lot of running, but all my avatar would do is slowly walk. LoL. I just counted on my own for a lot of leg exercises and then selected skip exercise. Sure, the trainer yelled at me, but…
  • I have some Black Eyed Peas and some good 80's rock stripper songs. I just really need a good beat to run to and distract me.
  • Thats good to know it can underestimate. Sometimes I'm doing something and I know the game isn't registering right, so I end up doing twice as many and it says its barely a burn. I'm like, what?! LOL! For some reason my foot fires don't register right, only registers every other one maybe
  • Make sure when you do the squat that your knee doesn't go past your front toe, that can cause your knee to hurt. My knee was hurting a little from the running I do outside and I noticed that this is helping me build additional muscles in my knee, so it actually hurts less now.
  • That's all I've been using is hand weights. I think it works better because there are some things were it was too easy with the bands or it was too difficult and I knew I was doing it wrong.
  • That's awesome and I LOVE Maurices!
    in OMG! Comment by jabbogurl July 2011
  • Keep on working your arms and abs if you can. That way, at least you're still moving and working something and you won't feel at such a loss.
  • LoL! Ya, most my neighbors think I'm crazy when they see me running, but honestly, I think, "train in the worst conditions and races will be easier". Plus, I'm not a morning person and the evenings I do my other workout.
  • Go outside and go for the run. Its not that bad actually, I'm in Florida too. I find that I feel hotter and more humid when I'm stretching outside and before the run. Once I start to go, I honestly don't feel as hot. I usually run around 1-2 pm.
  • I've found it best to use it on a hard surface. So if you use it in a carpet area, place a board underneath or something. I can weigh one day and the next it will say a 7 pound loss. What?! Then the next day a 8 pound gain. I don't rely on mine as a scale, plus I think one of the sensors is broken or something.
  • Thanks! :flowerforyou: I couldn't even run around the block in January and I despised running. I did the Warrior Dash with my husband, which is a 5K obstacle course and I though, "hey, if I can drag my self through this run along with all these obstacles, I can do a straight run" Mind you, the Warrior Dash took about 55…
  • Yup, as the previous poster said, you can't spot treat weight loss. What you can do, is start doing some ab and core work. You may not see a change, but when you start losing body fat, you will have some muscle already developed under the fat. And don't give up, unfortunately for us girls, the mid section is the last to go.
  • I like the 2nd one way better than the first one. I am doing the 9 week challenge, but had to restart it because of an injury, so I will be on day 2 tomorrow! The one thing I don't like is kick-ups. I don't mind doing them, but I feel like they never register. I'll be working hard and it shows me just barely walking, but…
  • I'll make a tomato basil salad with a little S&P and balsamic. Then I can keep it on hand for a few days and eat small portions of it. You can also toss some fresh mozerella or feta in there, depending on your allowance. It'll last about 3 days and gets better each day because it marinades. Otherwise, I will slice up a…
  • Hey BOBers! I've decided that I'm taking a month off for weighins. I've been watching the scale too much and its bouncing around and frustrating me, although I can tell that my clothes are getting looser. I'm going to keep on running and just got me EA Active 2 and started the 9 week challenge. I want to stay off the scale…
  • Work out the stress! When I get really stressed ( my husband and I both work from home, so it can be hard to get away from work stress) I go for a run. It's great to just get out of the house, all by myself, blast some music and run it out.
  • I did yoga a few times, but me personally, I like pilates. I definetly hurt the next day! I have a great video that I got from walmart for like 5 bucks...its Crunch! 10 min pilates. It's 10 min abs, 10 min butt and 10 min legs. I made my husband do it and he was in so much pain! lol!
  • No offense, that's great that you have that kind of background :flowerforyou: , but I don't really see the purpose of posting just to say that. This is a community where people are sharing their experiences. I rarely see anyone give advice on something that should be only asked to a professional. Or, when they do ask those…
  • I can't run without my headphones. If my music goes out during a run, I almost lose all motivation and its so hard to finish. As far as safety issues, I stay on the sidewalks and the jogger path. My neighborhood isn't busy during the day when I run, but I still pause when crossing the street and check for traffic. Never…
  • It depends what kind of swimming you are doing. Are you lap swimming? Chasing the kids around? Tossing the kids in the water? If you are actively moving the entire time, I'd say mark as leisurely. The resistance of the water is great to move around in.
  • I have EA Active 1 and love it, just started the 30 day challenge again. I can definetly tell a difference. It may not seem hard when doing it, but I can see a change. Only bad thing with the first one, I snapped my rubber exercise band. So, now I use hand weights, but its very difficult to hold those and the remote at the…
  • Personally, I train in the worst conditions. For example: I run during the hottest part of the day, when its in the high 90's and the sun is beating down on me. I also try, at least once a week, to run further than a 5k. That way, when the morning of the race comes, it will be a breeze.
  • Newness::: Today I downloaded some new songs and new route while running. Was actually a good run, because I didn't know how much further exactly was left or have the route memorized.
  • Thanks for all the ideas everyone! No, pork is not unhealthy, if you trim it. LoL, it took me forever to convince my husband that and he still doesn't believe me and yup, also about the portion control When I mentioned freezing to him, he got a sad face:sad: , like it would ruin his precious smoked pork.....so I'll do it…
  • wow! that is amazing!