Dealing with Stress

Hey all-

I need some advice. I've been under a lot of stress lately (Not going to get into details) and it is really hindering my weight loss efforts. Does anyone have advice on how to lessen the effects of stress and deal with it in a positive manner? Thanks for your help!


  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Hey there! :happy:

    I can surely offer some things that have helped me. I've had tons of stress over the last year. My mom got sick last summer and it seemed from that point, I was a yo-yo about watching my food and exercise. We were traveling so much to see her, that it was really difficult to make it work. Now that they live close, it is better but a challenge. And besides I am an anxiety person and put stress on myself... so I'm always looking for ways to decrease my stress so I can stay healthy. Here are some things I do....

    1. I make sure to get plenty of sleep, but not oversleep because I'm depressed. So every night, I read a book, or listening to calming music to get me ready for sleep. 7-8 hours
    2. Jogging, walking by myself is something that has really helped me. I love my husband, but sometimes I feel I'm emotionally getting more out of it if I take an evening jog for at least 30 minutes. When I get home my body feels less tense and I just feel revived.
    3. I try to eat clean and get lots of fiber. This personally works for me. The better I treat my digestive tract, the better I feel. If I feel sluggish or tired that only enhances my stress.
    4. Yoga - I love to incorporate yoga here and there. I will do it at home and just sometimes quickly for like 15 minutes. Just some stretching and easy poses. Just that makes me feel so relaxed!! I really encourage anyone with stress to look up some easy yoga and incorporate that.
    5. At work I go to this website for breathing. It is an interactive website where you breathe slowly.. there are varieties to do it and it is free. If something happens at work and I feel anxiety.. I will just go to this website and breathe. It really helps!
    6. Laugh and Laugh some more. This keeps me upbeat, even if something is bothering me at home.

    Also, I think the most important thing to keep in mind is "What can I do to better the situation for myself and keep myself in tune and healthy?" Answer that for yourself, make a plan, and do it. Take steps towards things you can do to make your self feel better. Once you help yourself, the rest will come into play. You'll be great! :happy:

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Work out the stress! When I get really stressed ( my husband and I both work from home, so it can be hard to get away from work stress) I go for a run.

    It's great to just get out of the house, all by myself, blast some music and run it out.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    These are great suggestions! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to go check out the breathing website right now!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I used to do all kinds of bad-for-my-body/mental-health things when I was stressed. Now I pound pavement. I have found that running really allows me to think through whatever it is that is bothering me and the endorphines are great, too! That's my "it's free" advice.

    Listening to Dan Savage also makes perks me up.

    Also, I am a firm believer everyone should see a therapist. Just a few sessions maybe but seeing someone outside of your 'life' is amazing, and I adore my therapist and looked forward my sessions with her a lot.

    I hope it gets better soon! :flowerforyou: