Depressed... Post workout injury

I recently injured my calf muscle and found that I cannot follow my normal workout routine. I’ve seen my Doctor and have an MRI schedule so we can see how bad the injury really is. Its day 4 and I’m walking with a limp so it doesn’t look to good.

I find that I’m starting to get depressed and frustrated because as I sit and do nothing I want to eat. I’m almost ravenous to some extent but I’m fighting it as best I can. I don’t think this is completely due to boredom as it might be a side effect of recovery mode my body is going through.

My question for everyone is have any of you gone through an injury that has stopped you from working out or doing the exercises you have come to really enjoy? If so what feelings did you experience and how did you get past them? Any insight on what you all experienced will help me get through what I am or what I might experience. Thanks


  • ziggy55311
    ziggy55311 Posts: 20
    I impinged my shoulder recently and could hardly do any upper body lifts for a few weeks. I researched the heck out of it, found some rehab exercises and did lots of lower body work in the meantime.

    Do whatever else you can with your injury. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Keep on working your arms and abs if you can. That way, at least you're still moving and working something and you won't feel at such a loss.