patsully98 Member


  • Definitely not. If you're sparring regularly, you learn pretty quickly how scary and dangerous fighting actually is and that there's always someone out there who can kick your *kitten*. Second, you are too tired, sore and banged up to be a ****!
  • Thanks Ray. No luck on logging to MFP. I might wear my HRM during the swing portion, but as Turkish getups are a grind like a set of bench presses (for example), an HRM probably won't do much. I'll most likely continue to record the workout as cross training, and just be conservative with eating the calories back. Thanks…
  • I log it as BJJ for rounds of rolling, and "calisthenics, light/moderate effort" for warmup and drilling.
  • I think most people do it as circuit training. But remember, kettlebells aren't a workout, they're a tool. Just like you won't find an entry for barbells or dumbbells but the individual exercises (squat, bench press, etc.), it's the same deal with kettlebells. That said, there does seem to be a dearth of…
  • You might want to try a rowing machine. You have to drive with your legs, but you're not slamming down onto your feet like you are when you're running. Rowing workouts can be brutal.
  • I've been thinking about giving this one a shot. How long have you been doing it?
  • I also use the Yoga Studio app. It's very inexpensive and has some really great routines. I especially enjoy the 30 minute intermediate flexibility, balance and combination practices, as well as 15 minute intermediate relaxation. I just picked up David Swenson's Short Forms DVD of modified ashtanga practices, and I've gone…
  • I'm doing Simple and Sinister. It's really minimal but it works for me because I have a full-time job, an infant and other fitness activities.
  • I'm doing a kettlebell program called Simple and Sinister. It's minimalist: a warmup circuit, then 100 swings and 10 Turkish getups. Takes about 25 minutes. It's not perfect, but I have an infant, a full-time job and other hobbies (Brazilian jiu jitsu a couple nights a week, wish I could train more), so it works for me.
  • If the jiu jitsu place has a website, I'd be happy to take a look and give you my impressions on whether it looks like a legit place to train.
  • I think for your goals, many martial arts will fit the bill. I train Brazilian jiu jitsu, and one of the hallmarks of BJJ, as well as arts like judo, muay Thai kickboxing and Western boxing and wrestling, is live sparring. Not only is sparring the best (perhaps only) way to get good at actually fighting, it's absolutely…
  • Rowing machine, which is actually even more miserable than running, but I love it Biking outdoors Brazilian jiu jitsu (number 1 for me) Kickboxing/muay Thai--pad work, bag work or sparring Kettlebell swings A vigorous Vinyasa yoga practice
  • I used to watch martial arts instructional videos while I row, but recently switched up to either an audiobook or a podcast.
  • When I was cutting weight for wrestling. They're incredibly dangerous, miserable, and any weight you lose you will put back on when you rehydrate. Stay away.
  • Punch in some stats and this will give you a somewhat customized program: There's also the beginner Pete Plan, which has a mix of long slow distance and intervals: My main activity is Brazilian jiu jitsu (it's a martial…
  • You guys rule. I managed to do a quick workout this morning after the baby got up. I was seriously dragging during the warmup since we got less than five hours of sleep last night, but by the end I felt really good. After calming the baby and giving her to my fiancé to nurse, I brushed my teeth instead of crawling back…
  • This. We have a saying in jiu jitsu: leave your ego at the door. You don't have to be fit to start martial arts; martial arts will make you fit! Good luck and have fun. Starting martial arts (as an adult; did karate as a kid) was the best thing I've ever done for myself.
  • This is awesome. I think I have a new mantra! Thanks.
  • Blue belt in BJJ, have trained under two Renzo Gracie black belts. Also have a year of muay Thai but I never fought, just trained and sparred. Wrestled for 10 years as well.
  • Alehmer, what is Pablo going to be covering? Hope you get to roll with him! Let us know how the seminar is. I used to train with a guy named Dillon Danis. I met him when he was a 17-year-old purple belt, and let me tell you, there are few things better for keeping a grown man's ego in check than catching a beating from…
  • Oh man, I feel for you. I've pulled my groin three times, and each time it is misery and it takes forever to heal. Definitely don't rush to get back in the gym if that's what it turns out to be. Rest is key. Sorry, I don't have much more advice from you, other than to hang in there and take it easy.
  • Check out the Concept2 website. They have great stuff, from technique to workouts of the day. The forums are pretty good as well; knowledgeable people but not too many posts per day. I'm giving the Pete Plan a shot but I'm only on week 2. One thing I noticed on my last row that helped is keeping my shins perpendicular to…
  • I had a pair of 16 oz Everlast that lasted a good long time through plenty of hard sparring. I'd say that wraps are even more important than the gloves. The human hand is a lousy club, and properly wrapping your hands keeps all the little tiny bones a bit safer. Get the longest ones you can find and have someone show you…
  • Poorbikrchick, if you're still thinking about training BJJ, do it. I see from your profile that you're in SoCal, which is basically jiu jitsu Mecca. If you had any schools in mind, I and some other posters would be happy to vet them for you, but there are so many schools in your area I hesitate to recommend any without…
  • Spicy hummus, grilled chicken, baby spinach (or lettuce), shredded carrot, dried cranberries and goat cheese. Maybe some alfalfa sprouts and diced tomato.
    in Wraps Comment by patsully98 March 2014
  • This might sound crazy, but consider judo. I saw some AMAZING blind judo in the 2012 Paraolympics. Granted, these athletes have been training for decades, but they had to start somewhere. The matches start standing and the competitors each grab their opponent's uniform (regular judo does not start with the competitors…
  • I hear you on that, but editorgrrl is right; it's really optimal to go to a studio for a while so you know what you're doing. But if that doesn't work for you, there are a lot of good resources out there. I use my sister's Yogaglo account, which is awesome but fairly expensive ($18/month). If you have a smartphone or, even…
  • Lol, that second instructor's name is Dana D.ickerson, did not realize the forum censored that particular combination of letters :P
  • Hi Fox, I looked up the town you have listed in your profile, and there are two jiu jitsu black belts in your area: Alex Sung at Positive Impact and Dana ****erson at Synergy I don't know much about either, but they both have winning MMA records…