Jiu Jitsu



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    There's a Martial Arts/Sport Fighting group on here if you have any other martial arts questions.


    Thanks will definitely look that up.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Do many women do it, or is it mostly men?

    My daughter does, she loves it (jui jitso and mma, that is). Only problem she had is they're not keen to show her some of the moves - I think it's an embarrassment thing as it's all guys. She trying to talk a buddy into going so she can do more.

    How old is your daughter.

    I think sometimes the clubs are a bit reluctant to show too many moves to kids that are still at school.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I called the only place in town to sign up for it. Got told I wouldn't like it since I'm a woman. I said I really thought I would. Got told no. So that was that.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I oh wish there were more women in my class. If they've got that kind of attitude there probably not right for you.

    Keep looking. Ju Jitsu is a good all round martial art. Regardless of what you're told no martial art offers the best of everything. Sometimes it a case of trying a few a picking the one that suits you best.

    What are you looking to get from it?

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to go with them even if they let me, with that attitude.

    I was just looking for good fighting, honestly :D That just really appeals to me, but not like boxing. The face is no fun (to me).

    Have you looked at kick boxing. Good for fighting and great for fitness.

    Ju Jitsu has both with the added fun of bouncing people off the floor (and getting bounced yourself).

    Nothing beats a full speed body drop.

    The gym I'm checking out has that for free, so I am looking into it. Kicking is what I'm good at, so I wouldn't mind anything that has enough of that. The floor stuff just sounds so fun, though!

    If they do contact or even semi contact, it should be enjoyable.

    Worth taking a look at of its free
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    I train bjj (gi and no gi) judo , kickboxing, mma. My wife trains bjj with the gi mainly. She has done some no gi but not much. My 19 ,9 and 5 yr old boys train bjj. Its great for women in my opinion. My wife and the other females on my team all train with everyone. No reason not to train with them to push them and keep things real world for self defense if ever needed.
  • bsenka
    bsenka Posts: 33
    How did I miss this thread!!??!

    I currently train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Been doing it for approx. 2.5 years, and I recently got my blue belt. I compete occasionally, but so far nothing metallic to show for it.

    The school I train at is Gracie Humaita, our head instructor is Rodrigo Munduruca, and we are under Royler Gracie's lineage. Royler (and Royce) come and teach here on occasion. The school also offers kick-boxing and MMA classes, but I haven't ventured into those yet.

    Lots of women train here, lots of kids too. The kids learn all the same things that the adults do, and in some cases start doing more advanced stuff quicker than we do because their bodies are able to do athletic things that fat middle-aged guys just can't.

    My 10 yr old daughter trains here too. She just got her yellow belt, and she competes (and wins) regularly. Technique-wise, she's already miles ahead of me.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Yes, I know that I am using the dark arts of thread Necromancy here, but don't often get to post on Jiu Jitsu.

    Trained for 4 years in Judo, got to Ikyu (one step before Shodan, 1st Black Belt) but our club kind of imploded. Right up the street from my work a new MMA/BJJ place opened up and I started there. Definitely had to do a bit of starting over without the Gi, but I'm definitely had a lot of fun and am doing my blue Belt test this Saturday.

    I think Gi training is extremely important too, just makes you more tactical and technical as you can get away with a lot less based on attributes like speed and strength. Also, in the real world people have clothes on (most of the time) and it's good to know how to use that basic advantage to great effect.

    I do like that I have done MMA grappling, as it's a real eye-opener (or eye-blackener) to what happens when you start being able to hit and nobody can just 'lay and pray'.
  • patsully98
    patsully98 Posts: 40 Member
    Poorbikrchick, if you're still thinking about training BJJ, do it. I see from your profile that you're in SoCal, which is basically jiu jitsu Mecca. If you had any schools in mind, I and some other posters would be happy to vet them for you, but there are so many schools in your area I hesitate to recommend any without knowing where you live, how bad is traffic, etc. Starting to train jiu jitsu is the best thing I've ever done for myself (about 4.5 years in, blue belt).
  • quietlyscheming
    Awesome to see some other BJJ folks out there in the MFP world. My wife and train together. We've been training for a little over three years now and are both blue belts under Alvis Solis and Kevin Henderson in Houston. Our head instructor, Alvis Solis, is a student of Carlos Machado.

    I love training. It's become very much a family thing with us. Our fifteen year old son trains off and on with us and our six year old daughter loves training as well.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Very cool that you have your wife and kids train with you. No better way to settle disputes at home than breaking out the mats LOL
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I do kickboxing.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Kickboxing is an awesome workout. Light sparring is as far as I go though. There are a few guys in my gym that current and ex mma fighters so I try to keep the beat downs I receive to a minimum. Kind of why I like sport jiu jitsu more because i don't get punched in the face !
  • Carlg1967
    I've done kickboxing, Thai boxing, judo and Japanese combat style ju jitsu for the last 19 years. Half the class are female and we all train together. When fighting someone weaker, back off the power and use technique only otherwise neither learns anything. Train with gi and no gi. Learn everything. No style is best so have some of everything.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    I've done kickboxing, Thai boxing, judo and Japanese combat style ju jitsu for the last 19 years. Half the class are female and we all train together. When fighting someone weaker, back off the power and use technique only otherwise neither learns anything. Train with gi and no gi. Learn everything. No style is best so have some of everything.

  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    ive done quite a few MA over the last 25 years or so. got a BB in tkd and 1st kyu in shotokan karate. also dabbled in capoeira and ICHF Hapkido.
    The art i was doing when i gave it up was Okinawan Kenpo (Koryu Uchinade Kenpo Jutsu), which is basically MMA but done in a more traditional japanese setting with gi and kata etc. www.martialartsadelaide.com was my school, there is a demo video (starring me and the reason i joined this site) that will explain what it is..
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    I currently train in Kenpo, Kick Boxing and Tang Soo Do, but due to travelling around a lot in my previous career I have tried my hand at a few things.

    Funnily enough though, a good friend of mine who is female loves jujitsu and trains with a fairly tough mma gym near me and competes regularly but even though she is well known there, one of the hardest workers in the gym, sometimes she still gets odd comments from the men. One claimed he couldn't roll with her because he is happily married!
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I used to and I really miss it. I sparred and grappled usually with my husband. The instructor was a policeman, taught jiu jitsu and he was a big jeet kune do fan, plus a little kali. Had the opportunity for a fantastic weekend seminar once years ago in NY with Richard Bustillo, Ted Wong, Chris Kent, that was amazing. I quit when I got pregnant with twins and never made the time to go back. Now that they're almost 13 I really should talk them into going with me, but will have to find a new place now.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i love seminars. wish i had the time and money to go to more. the stand out ones ive been to were Dan Inosanto and Jeff Speakman. Mr Speakman was awesome, acted like any other student, not a movie star or "superior sensei"
  • urban_ninja
    urban_ninja Posts: 175 Member
    Kickboxing is an awesome workout. Light sparring is as far as I go though. There are a few guys in my gym that current and ex mma fighters so I try to keep the beat downs I receive to a minimum. Kind of why I like sport jiu jitsu more because i don't get punched in the face !

    I agree with not getting punched or kicked in the face. Don't like that so much anymore. I do like that I can go 100% in ground fighting for a better "real world" experience (except for eye gouging and biting). Wing Chun compliments BJJ so well. I used to be a high kicker back in the days but my flexibility is no longer there...unless they are 4 feet tall :laugh:
  • Kekkling
    Kekkling Posts: 9 Member
    I started Jiu Jitsu in February of this year and I completely in love with it, will be going for my yellow belt very shortly. It gives me the drive and the energy I've been looking for. Our Sensei is a strong believer in combining Jiu Jitsu with Kickboxing in order to get more of the finesse in our movements. I started Kickboxing also and now I cannot seem to get enough of doing both at the same time!