I Think I Pulled My Groin?! Help Please!

All you WebMD-certified physicians, this one's for you! :laugh: :drinker:

Ok, but really. Yesterday, I went out for a longer-than-usual run - clocked in about 4.16 (per MapMyRun). Well, afterwards, my body was D-E-A-D. I felt a little bit of soreness in my groin area and ankle, but didn't think anything of it. I figured it would be gone by morning. Well, as I slept, I could not get comfortable and it even became uncomfortable to roll over. Well, this morning, I had a little limp and it hurt to lift my leg (for example, I take the stairs at work, and taking the stairs took twice as long as usual). I've done some of my internet-doctoring, and I see there are different stages to groin injuries. I am taking today off, but I realllllllly don't want to have to take more than two days off. I GOT GOALS! :cry:

Anyone else ever had a groin injury from running/sports/etc? How long did you have to recover? Can I go back to the gym on Saturday?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    yeaaaaah, maybe we should give it a day or two of rest before we declare your groin cancer terminal and start making funeral arrangements.
  • patsully98
    patsully98 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh man, I feel for you. I've pulled my groin three times, and each time it is misery and it takes forever to heal. Definitely don't rush to get back in the gym if that's what it turns out to be. Rest is key. Sorry, I don't have much more advice from you, other than to hang in there and take it easy.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Pretty much only thing you can do for a groin pull is rest. Recovery time is entirely relative - depends on how bad the pull is, and how much you actually rest. With a week's rest, you could potentially be back to your regular workouts. However, take just a day or two off, and then try to work out again, well you could ultimately drag it out for weeks (says someone who has done exactly that :noway: )