Kettlebell Workouts

Used to do kettlebell workouts and enjoyed it. Trying to find some new workouts for it now.

Anyone know where I can find some good ones?

Any help would be appreciated!


  • patsully98
    patsully98 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm doing Simple and Sinister. It's really minimal but it works for me because I have a full-time job, an infant and other fitness activities.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Depending on your level of conditioning and lifting experience, Dan John's 10,000 swing kettlebell programme is high quality:

    It'll put you in the ground if you're not ready for it, though. Plus, the lift selection is key to getting the best out of it.

    If you're looking for something a bit more "on ramp" his twenty day programme will slowly bring you up to speed:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Here are a couple of websites that have tons of info on DVDs (video clips, reviews, fitness level)
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    The Fitness Blender channel on Youtube is pretty good, I think.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Remember, single, good workouts are all fine and good...

    ...but your best bet is to start a programme that has some kind of progression built into it.

    The Strongfirst programme in the second post (or the earlier RKC stuff) is a good recommendation because it will take you somewhere
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Ditto on Simple and Sinister. I did Simple and SInister last winter to go along with my Powerlifting training. I appreciate the basics..maybe because I also powerlift and like the basics of my barbell moves.Simple and Sinister doesn't break me. I REALLY love it. I don't need 12 different moves. 2 moves and I am all good.

    I like Lauren Brooks Be Slam program as well.. It's progressive...Key word. Progression just like another poster mentioned. Her book is great too. Programmed out for you. Workouts are 30 min or less. Fun too. Ladders, For time, etc. Basic moves but you won't get bored!

    Although it's best to know the moves first from personal instruction though before attempting it. She has Dvd's as well with great instruction tutorials(especially on her latest DVD, although in person instruction is still preferable!). Great workouts, but having a specific PROGRAM that grows with you is important.

    I also do kettlebell sport..but I started off with an RKC instructor and hardstyle. I learned the movements from an RKC instructor and then just did Lauren's Book and then to her Be Slam program, and eventually became an HKC instructor myself. But i got instruction in the movements first. IT was good having a program instead of just a workout. I saw myself getting stronger and knew exactly how to proceed.