Pebble321 Member


  • I made them for breakfast yesterday and was surprised at how well they cooked up - I was expecting an omelette with bits of banana, but they really do look like pancakes, I guess the starch in the bananas replaces the flour. I blended my egg/banana mixture with a stick blender which made them very smooth. When they were…
  • Yes, winter is annoying. It messes up my running when it's raining or cold or stormy. The good thing for me is that summer is nearly here, hooray!! Of course, 40+C days mess up my runs too, but if I get out early it's OK.
  • Running is the best thing ever for my mood. And that helps my general wellbeing and helps me keep on track with healthy eating. And I don't mind burning extra calories - how can being more active be a problem? So, for me - it's a winner. Not that I'm knocking strength training - I know that's good for me, but doesn't do…
  • If you like them - eat them. Just be aware that while 1 serving may be labelled as 0 calories, that doesn't mean a whole jar full has 0 cals - it's a marketing/labelling loophole in the US (doesn't work in Australia because they have to show the cals for 100g (or ml) of any food as well as 1 serving). Having said that,…
  • In my experience not too far off - but that assumes you have set a realistic weight loss goal and you are eating around about your goal calorie. I tracked them for a while last year and found they were pretty close somedays, but not others. The days where I got a wildly inaccurate prediction was always one where I ate very…
  • They sound like sensible things to do - but no one will be able to tell you how much weight you can lose, you just have to go with it and see what happens. My only advice is that you don't suddenly cut your calories to a minimum and workout like a crazy thing - eat well (reasonable quantity of nutritious food) and exercise…
  • I'd suggest that you drop the weightwatcher's meals and eat those calories in real foods - I suspect you'll get more solid food for your calories that way. Also, try playing around with the times you eat (I always feel better and less hungry later in the day if I have a substantial breakfast) and the combinations of food…
  • $US and $AU are really close at the moment - don't worry too much about converting. You need to allow for fuel, meals, outings, souvenirs, snacks/water etc. I would work on about $100 a day, that allows some activities, some meals out. Some days can be much cheaper (if you take the tram to the beach, have a picnic and have…
  • Interesting - I actually checked at the supermarket last week and the almond milk I bought had exactly the same cals as skim milk. It's the second brand I've tried and they are both pretty nasty - I've decided to stick to skim milk. I think it's useful if you don't like the taste of milk or have an intolerance or don't…
  • Use the recipe section of MFP! You enter all the ingredients/quantities and state how many servings it makes. Then you can choose from these items to add to your diary.
  • Great plan. I don't think you have to obsess about eating every single calorie back, but you do need to be getting enough good nutrition and calories to keep your body healthy and give you energy to do all things that matter.
  • I have this discussion with people pretty often (my work is related to telephones) - and my conclusion is that while it's great to have a range of options for communication, there are still times when you want to have a real time conversation. The problem with email, SMS etc is that they are send/receive communication…
  • Hell no, I have no interest in eating so little. I think I've only seen that message when I'm sick - and probably not even then because I don't usually bother to click the "complete" button.
  • Wireless keyboard - can I send them an email asking them not to attack?
  • Same thing :) My best advice is to think about the quantities you are going to be cooking and get a small, medium or large one to suit. We have a pretty big one and when my husband is away I don't tend to use it because it is really only useful for cooking big batches.
  • It's either about the width/shape of the shoes - which you can't change, or the way you are tying them. I find that my current shoes need to be tied quite loosely otherwise they are really uncomfortable. I suggest you google " running shoe lace tying options" and you should get some good ideas. Changing sock sometimes…
  • Did you use MFP to calculate your daily calorie goal? If you did, then exercise calories make up part of your recommended total daily calorie allowance, so it would be wise to eat at least some of them. If you use another system to work out your calorie goal, check to see if they have already included exercise - which most…
  • So if it's not the number of cals, perhaps it's the combination of foods that you are eating or the times you are eating that aren't working for you. I find that if I don't have carbs in a meal I tend to feel hungry. Also if I don't have fat in there. Actually what works best for me is a combo of carbs/fat/protein. If I…
  • Hehehe... it's not the HUGE spiders you need to worry about - they are scary looking but not poisonous. It's the small ones you don't see that will cause you more damage - under the toilet seat, in your boots, under pot plants, in your mailbox. But hey, come on over!
  • Call him Bond. (can you tell I've just been reading an interview with Daniel Craig?)
  • You really want to try something that has this claim on their front page: "Here’s the best part No Diet - Semelia Fat Burner works without you having to change your eating plans. No Exercise – You don’t need to follow a strict exercise routine to see results. Just take the seed once every evening before you go to bed! That…
  • Broccoli itself is very good for you - but getting into the habit of guzzling down leftovers doesn't seem like a great idea to me. And eating mostly broccoli with a tiny bit of pasta/chicken isn't exactly a balanced meal. I wouldn't be concerned about the nutritional value of the food itself, but I would be bothered by the…
  • I buy tuna with chilli oil and mix it with avocado - it's a great dip or spread or sandwich filling.
  • If you're hanging out for a cookie - eat it. Just one, then give (or throw) the rest away. For me, depriving myself of something that I'm craving just makes me feel deprived and cranky and obsessed with food. Eating a little bit of it lets me move on and forget about it. I'd also add - is there a good reason you are only…
  • Having a mix of carbs, protein and fat seems to work for me - i had a salad with chicken breast, noodles, salad veg and fat free dressing a few weeks ago and was ravenously hungry - then realised I hadn't added any fat (I forgot the avocado!) and it just didn't make me feel full. I also find that leaving out the carbs…
  • If you are using MFP to calculate your calorie goal, then they assume that you will eat extra on days that you exercise - which means that you want your net calories to match your goal calories - or another way to look at it is to eat enough calories that you have 0 left over at the end of the day. Having said that - all…
  • I'm an Aussie and there are lots of great things about living here - most parts have great weather, employment opportunities are pretty good (though it varies depending on where you go), there are lots of great things to do in the outdoors, you shouldn't have too many language issues (just don't expect it to be exactly the…
  • Yes, it's hard, really hard! I mean, I knew losing weight would be hard but I had underestimated just how hard it would be not to gain it back again. For me, it's about habits - all my adult life I've had the habit of eating junk when I'm sad, or tired, or lonely, or sick, or frustrated, or... well, whenever really. I know…
  • I have in the past and it worked well for me - when I stuck to my cals. I've never had a calorie goal of 1200 per day and I'm not planning to start now - lost most of my weight eating 1500 - 1700 net (ie eating that amount plus exercise cals). I agree with the pp who says that the numbers you are are only as good as the…
  • 1. Do you have a Facebook? I have a Facebook account, but I haven't logged in for months, I've never used it very seriously. 2. What do you like about Facebook? I don't like it. Not at all. I'm really not interested in the day to day minutie of people's lives - who cares if they are at a particular pub or have just had a…