re-disciplining yourself



  • dez_yaoichan
    I think we all get stuck on this "it was so easy last time" really, it's just as hard every time. It's like getting a tattoo I guess. it hurts but after it heals you think "oh it wasn't so bad" so you get another one and it seems to hurt more, then it heals and you realize you just needed to push on.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I believe that many of us treat weight loss like a really important "project". Give it time, attention, focus and drive. And once the project is complete, its easy to move onto the next. I've certainly been there. It's reading stories like yours that remind me that indeed, this isn't a year or two out of my life. That it IS my life and the focus and attention need to be on-going, forever. And I'm so tentative to toss the fat clothes, so maybe this is a warning to put them in storage for the short run. At least the good stuff.
  • NymphetamineGirl
    I think we all get stuck on this "it was so easy last time" really, it's just as hard every time. It's like getting a tattoo I guess. it hurts but after it heals you think "oh it wasn't so bad" so you get another one and it seems to hurt more, then it heals and you realize you just needed to push on.

    I have tattoos and that totally makes sense. I guess I never thought about it that way... You've given me something to think about. Thanks. :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yes, it's hard, really hard!
    I mean, I knew losing weight would be hard but I had underestimated just how hard it would be not to gain it back again.

    For me, it's about habits - all my adult life I've had the habit of eating junk when I'm sad, or tired, or lonely, or sick, or frustrated, or... well, whenever really. I know that I'm eating good meals - they are almost all home cooked and full of real food, not too much rubbish or empty calories in there. But, it's the chocolate and lollies (candy) and cakes and snacks that tempt me and as soon as I start eating them to excess the weight just goes back on - which is no surprise.

    For me, I find that the best thing to do is to set a date to start again - after a month or two of gradually picking up the bad habits again, on 1 November I decided to get back on the wagon. Up til 31 October I didn't worry too much about what I was eating, didn't log, didn't stress about junk. But, that's over for now and it's back (mostly) to the good habits that saw me lose a significant amount of weight last year.

    I really don't know what it is in me that makes that switch turn on or off - when I'm in the right zone I can resist buying and eating junk (mostly) and can happily have just one small slice of cake instead of going back for more and more.
    I've decided that all I can do is work on keeping up my healthy meals and treat each day as a new opportunity to make good choices.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    This stuff is so inspirational! It's everything I go through.. It's like I'm riding on a roller coaster and my hormones or emotions or whatever, call the shots. I've learned that if you don't understand what you are eating, and only eat what tastes good and what you crave, that you will continue to crave those things and more frequently and more of them. If you don't get "proper nutrition" you go hungry.. You wander about eating this and that, not really knowing what it is, just that it tastes good, and it just doesn't work right.. It always ends up happening.. I end up "following my crave" I saw someone write, I'll be logging food the rest of my life, yes! The key is awareness! Knowing what we are eating will be the best thing for us! Unless we just don't log in anymore or stop logging our foods, we can't escape the truth about what we're eating.. And knowing we can burn it! This is going to be my friend for life! I've only been at it a month but.. Nothing has ever
    Made me feel this optimistic about forever results!!