Quick Survey About Facebook



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    So I'm doing a group project for a class and we've decided to include a short survey. It'd be great if I could get answers from anybody on MFP. If you're worried about personal info its not included in the survey.

    1. Do you have a Facebook? NO!

    2. What do you like about Facebook? Not interested. I get in touch with people the old fashion way: visits, telephone calls, e-mails. I don’t care to put my life in display.

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? I am sure that if I had a FB account, I would be there all the time. MFP is enough for me.

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. I don’t know since I am not on FB.

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Yes, I would if I were.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook?
    I have a Facebook account, but I haven't logged in for months, I've never used it very seriously.

    2. What do you like about Facebook?
    I don't like it. Not at all.
    I'm really not interested in the day to day minutie of people's lives - who cares if they are at a particular pub or have just had a haircut or if they are cranky with their sister in law. I just don't care!
    I'm a private person and I don't feel the need to share my life with anyone and his dog (literally!).

    But, it has been great for my husband who's family are overseas, so he can see family photos and get a visual update of how they are as well as phone calls.

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook?
    About twice a YEAR.

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all.
    The things I post are quite appropriate (the odd holiday photo or birthday shot) but I have concerns about what my "friends" are posting and what employers might think about me because of the types of things that show up from other people's pages. One of the reasons I don't like it.

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page?
  • judithaline
    judithaline Posts: 10 Member
    I think I'm going against the grain here, but I'll keep going.

    1. Yes I do have a Facebook Account.
    2. What do I like? Photos of friends and family

    Can I say what I don't like? The distraction it causes and the obsession, and the lack of human interaction. I was recently in a training course which cost around $600 for the day. One of the participants spent the entire day on Facebook. Total waste of time and money - why did she bother going? My partner works at a printing firm and the Operations Manager - again a female and I don't know if this is significant - spends her time between the phone and Facebook, and is constantly getting the orders wrong through lack of concentration.
    3. Yes, I do sound like an old codger, and I am - BUT - I still like Facebook and get a kick out of the updates - it's just that it seems to take over people's lives, and they forget to have a life or pick up the phone and talk to someone or go and see someone. Another instance - a married couple I knew of (now divorced, no surprise) sat next to each other on the couch and sent each other messages!
    Yep - I'm an old grump - well I'm really not and I've got a sense of humour (and a thick skin so anyone can say what they like - I can take it!). If you're on Facebook all day - when do you work and how well are you concentrating on what you're doing? Just askin'
    4. Appropriate for future Employers - see above. If I was an employer and I knew that my workers were spending over 50% of their time on Facebook, I guess I'd be having a close look at their work output.
    5. Content? Haven't got a problem - pretty easy to delete anything that you don't like.
    Hurrumph Bah Humbug - Grumpy old Woman is alive and well!
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? Only way I hear what is going on with my kids or grand kids :). And finding long lost friends
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? No clue. 6-10? Depends what I am doing
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 1
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Depends on my mood but generally yes
  • MySunshine76
    I don't have facebook.
    I don't understand why people feel the need to tell everyone every little thing they do throughout the day.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? connecting with old friends from high school, keeping in touch with my friends and family that live out of the country or the state
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? maybe 4
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 1
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? of course! I have children, I'm friends with their friends, etc...there are some things that just shouldn't end up on Facebook:embarassed:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? No.
    2. What do you like about Facebook? It was useful for keeping in contact with friends.
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? When I had it it was everyday... probably 10+ times a day.
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. It was 1
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Yes I did. It was what expressed who I was.

    I quit Facebook a long time ago. I'd rather get in touch with people in person and also don't like being searchable.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook?

    2. What do you like about Facebook?
    Being able to keep in touch with old friends who have moved away
    Sharing pictures

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook?
    5-10 times

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all.

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page?
    Yes. What gets on the internet stays there forever, so it better be something I'm not going to regret in the future!
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? Yes.

    2. What do you like about Facebook? Keeping in contact with everyone.

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? Its signed in on my phone all day, but I probably actually look at it 3 times a day.

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 2.5

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Not really.
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Wow. Thanks for all the great answers you guys! I forgot to mention at the beginning that if you DON'T have a Facebook I'd still love to hear your thoughts on the other questions.
    What?!? How can you write about facebook and not have a page? :grumble:
    Sign up so at least you know what it's all about. You can cancel at anytime.:angry:
  • Irish_Chica
    1. Do you have a Facebook? Yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? Keep in contact with my long distance friends and family; passive efficient way to keep up on the "news" and gossip
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? Once or twice for 5 minutes
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. In this day and age, I'd say a 2 or 3 depending on industry. You can get a very good impression of someone's life and priorities based on FB
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Yes. I keep it very blah and minimize the amount of info I share. I cringe at what some people over share on there. Grandma is watching for gods sake!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook?

    2. What do you like about Facebook?
    Keeping in touch with friends, family, entertainment, news.

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook?
    No clue. But it's a lot.

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all.
    Most of my postings are set to private, but even the private stuff would only be an issue if my future employer was... well... a douche. My religious, social and political views shouldn't matter to an employer.

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page?
    Not particularly. If something particularly offensive is posted on my timeline/wall, I'll delete it. If someone repeatedly posts offensive things, I'll delete them.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook?

    2. What do you like about Facebook?
    good to connect with old friends (from high school, college) and family who I don't see often
    good to find out about parties (my fave DJs are my facebook friends so I always know about events/parties)
    good to post pics, get pics from my friends, etc.

    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook?
    usually log in a couple times a day. I'm on my computer a lot.

    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all.
    1. I do have pics of me at parties and stuff but never so that I look really drunk/high. I don't post anything. I party a lot, but I am not ashamed of it, and I don't think that's something that would prevent me from having a job. Well my manager knows I party all the time and that's fine. That's probably as bad as it gets? Oh I am a fan of a page that promotes drug use harm reduction. But that's good ... harm reduction is good!

    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page?
    Yes. If there happens to be something inappropriate, I will remove it. Why? Job-wise. Although my settings are very private, you never know!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? Yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? It's decent for keeping in touch with distant relatives and friends.
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? Maybe once every couple of weeks or so.
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 2
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? My infrequent posts are probably boring to most people. I get tired of some of the bickering between other people.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? not much, just a boredom killer at times
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? 1-2 times or some days not at all.
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 1
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? yes
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I don't have facebook.
    I don't understand why people feel the need to tell everyone every little thing they do throughout the day.

    maybe those are the friends you had, or the ppl you imagine. I dont do that, if I post some funny thing or a status twice a day its enough.... I dont let them know what I ate, or if im in the bathroom nor write good morning/good night every single day.
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? Yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? Being able to keep in contact with friends both near and faraway and I enjoy the humour my friends post to my wall :laugh:
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? Every couple of days
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all.) 1
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Yes. And it isn't something I let any Tom **** or Harry look at either, just my friends.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? no
    2. What do you like about Facebook? not much
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? never
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 3
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? very much
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? No.
    2. What do you like about Facebook? I think it is a useful tool for advertising and social event planning.
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? None.
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 2.7
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? If I had one, yes.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    1. Do you have a Facebook? Yes
    2. What do you like about Facebook? Keeping in touch with friends who live all over - nice to have the detail of their daily lives. Oh yeah, events, too
    3. About how many times a day do you look at Facebook? - Once or twice, ok twice
    4. On a scale of 1, 2, 3: How appropriate do you think your Facebook is to the eyes of future employers? (1 being very appropriate and 3 being not appropriate at all. 2. However, it's entirely inappropriate for employers to be anywhere near it. I use the privacy settings
    5. Do you care what is on your Facebook page? Yeah, I guess