SenseiCole Member


  • Yes I am day 10 for me
  • was it was horrible, we tired the green house down just in case it took off the oz
  • it is hard to know without seeing a pic and or know height and weight, sorry
  • Potion control, be honest with yourself with what you are eat and log it correctly your body will show it exactly
  • same days i eat back my burnt cals some days i eat some, depends on my day
  • :laugh: are you joking? coz it sounds like it, just like saying eat as much chocolate aka coco beans and sugar as you want coz its a vegetable:laugh: at the end of the day each to there own, me i love my chicken fresh every day from my girls
  • I would personally more for breakfast, exercise a wee bit more, less processed food as they have a lot of salt I weight thru-out the week but log on Mondays stay strong you are doing really well :smile:
  • still looking
  • awesome way of thinking, and btw well done
  • home-make Ice cream normally vanilla or choc or almond and ginger shop bought -hazelnut all the way, i remember eating it when in Italy many years ago I also love cream de monthe and choc chips/chunks
  • I've had over 45 years of cheat days. this is why I am fat. if i am going out i make sure i do some extra cal. normally I know what i will be having and plan my day around that meal I do like the idea of using up the cal you haven't used for that week, makes sense. personally the only person you are cheating on cheat days…
  • out-standing job
  • firstly I think you are doing really well, a loss is a loss that is all that matters :smile: try drinking more water or logging it if you are trying and get out and do more exercise, do 30 mins 5 times a week, if this hard doing some small changes, like park the car farther away, take the stairs, gt off the bus a stop…
  • I try and eat healthy foods, lots fresh veg and fruit, lean meats and mid to low cabs I exercise minimum of 4 times a week keep positive find like minded people to keep you focused if you have a set back, don't this its all over, its a step back, your not back at the begining be kind to yourself be your best friend and…
  • I would up you cal intake are you drinking enough water? if not try a little lemon if you don't like the taste. I cant see you diary of what you are eating, however i would eat lean proteins, lots of veg and 2-3 fruit, limits cab like bread and paste rice potatoes etc you might to mix up what exercise walking, swimming,…
  • welcome to MFP, one of the best things to do is to get some friends, I also have a message pal, each day we write to each other about the highlights and low-lights today's quote “A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself.” ~Anthony…
  • Hubby like to snack at night, so does make it hard on me, he is trying so what i do i plan an evening snack, something healthy 1/2 a fruit and custard or something like that I hope this helps
  • I've had a look at your food Diary I would change a few things personally * eat breakfast *eat way more veggies and fruit * drink more water *cut back on processed food *cut back on bread ideas do some more exercise,walk in your lunch time or after school or work, if you cant find the time, you can do little things like…
  • I too had a look at your food diary try upping your water intake do some form of exercise, it doesn't have to cost a lot, e.g. going for a walk at lunch times or after work, take the stairs, park your car a bit farther away, get off the bus one stop earlier. that type of thing try veg soup, chickens salad, salads, home…
  • you are doing so well, keep up the good work I have a message pal, we sent a message to each other telling how our day has been highlight and low-lights and basically give support, I just sent my pal this quote and thought it was a good one , i hope you like it “A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem…
  • everyone has days where life just doesn't go the way we want it, its a bit like a plane heading for LA from New Zealand, the wind keep blowing it off its course. the pilot can do one of two things, turn around and head back to New Zealand and try on a diff day (yer right like that every going to happen lol)or the pilot can…
  • Thanks so much sounds lovely
  • great links, thanks
  • I have shown after alot of study about alterantive to sugar and i have have came to realize that our body can deal with sugar alot better the artificial sweetners, I was a 8 can diet coke girl and i felt ill all the time, 4 years ago i stop eating and drinking artificial items and feel so much better I'm going for a…
  • We are going out for dinner and i plan to log all i eat and drink, I plan on going for long walk, if i go over my cal count i am not that worries coz i did boot camp today and never eat back those cal I think it is important to log what you eat and drink no matter what the day, xmas, birthday etc
  • Glendowie here
  • I think that would be a great idea and wished i lived closer. have lots of fun:smile:
  • personally you dont need to do an emergency Detox, work out how many cal over you eat and just work it off, if you can do it in one day then over the next few, eat healthy clean food, if you enjoy juicing have some. just because you took a small step off track doesn't mean you have to beat yourself up. I am sure you are…
  • well done and also a good reminder for me , many thanks
  • apple are filling for me, I enjoy the tart of grapes, lemon juice in water helps if i am hungry also.