Fed Up :(

Feeling so fed up right now. I just don't seem to be getting anywhere. Small loss one week, back on the next and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Although I am 33.5 lb down it has taken me 18 months to get this far. I was doing slimming world up until a month ago and I thought I was maybe eating too much so decided to calorie count for a while. I have never gone over my calories am doing more exercise than I ever did as due to ill health I was a bit of a couch potato. So the million dollar question is what can I do? Thanks


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Looking at your diary my initial thoughts are you're eating more than you think. There are a couple of generic entries (which are normally inaccurate). You also have an entry for a 120 gram Banana at 70 calories. A banana of that weight would be nearer 120 calories. Also you have things like half a red pepper. Yes not huge amount of calories but what size is the actual pepper? Weigh and measure everything double check you are using accurate entries. I also note a few quick added calories and some foods that you would normally cook with oil which isn't listed. You need to be honest and accurate with your logging
  • teddyedward04
    teddyedward04 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you. I do try to be accurate but I didn't realise some of my entries were wrong. I do weigh and measure everything. The 120 g banana was weighed without skin and that was the calories mfp stated. Would I be safer checking calories elsewhre and adding as quick add? I didn't realise they could be wrong. The quick added calories are taken off packaging for the item where I was rushed for time. I never add any oil to anything - anything fried is dry fried or grilled. Thank you so much for replying.
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I would suggest upping your calories a little. I hit a bit of a plateau at 1,200 and after reading a few of the posts for 'Newbies' (which I'd highly recommend!) thought I would try 1,400 calories. It's made a huge difference to my mood and resolve, and has got me losing again. This website (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) is good for calculating what your intake should be which you can then put into MFP manually. I'm no expert but if you have any questions I'll try to help. :smile:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, and no one in the real world loses as quickly as they do on "The Biggest Loser." It took me a year to lose 20 lb. You are not alone.

    That said, you may be underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burn. Weigh your food. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    firstly I think you are doing really well, a loss is a loss that is all that matters :smile:

    drinking more water or logging it if you are
    trying and get out and do more exercise, do 30 mins 5 times a week, if this hard doing some small changes, like park the car farther away, take the stairs, gt off the bus a stop earlier, when walk to the bathroom take the long way, that way you get in extra steps
    try and eat more fresh fruit and veg
    limit processed food
    limit refined sugars

    and remember its the small things that make the change, if you just cant do without choc, instead of having a whole bar, have 1/2 or a 1/4 and slowly cut it down. I had to do that with diet coke, I have been soda free for about a year, took me 3 years to do, but i did it

    stay strong and remind yourself you are doing a great thing for your body and its ok to take it slowly, i say to myself, it didn't take me a couple of weeks to get this big and fat it isn't going to take a couple of week to get slim again

    be kind to yourself:smile:
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Don't give up. You already lost 33lbs!!! That's great. If you stop, do you want to gain those lbs back? I doubt it.

    People gave you good advice about staying away from processed food. Plan your meals ahead. That may help you.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Your protein intake is way too low. I don't know what you weigh, but even 60 calories would only be appropriate for a person around 80 lbs. in body weight -and normally you aren't even getting that.
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    Hi, I would suggest upping your calories a little. I hit a bit of a plateau at 1,200 and after reading a few of the posts for 'Newbies' (which I'd highly recommend!) thought I would try 1,400 calories. It's made a huge difference to my mood and resolve, and has got me losing again. This website (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) is good for calculating what your intake should be which you can then put into MFP manually. I'm no expert but if you have any questions I'll try to help. :smile:
    I completely agree with this. I started out with the 1200 and lost about 9 pounds really fast, then actually did research (thanks to postings like this from other MFPrs) and realized I wasn't eating enough to be successful long term. I upped my base MFP calories to 1390, and usually eat back most of my exercise calories. While I plateaued for a week or so, I'm now down a couple more pounds. I've also added some free weights to my exercise routine so that I'm working on building muscle, which will in turn help me burn more calories.
  • beth4dieting3
    beth4dieting3 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, You've had lots of responses on the calorie side of this so I'd like to respond from a different viewpoint. You are fed up because it's taken so long to lose the weight you have dropped and are frustrated that it's not coming off as quickly now. I want to say that I am very proud of you and your consistency during this loss. Weighing everything you put in your mouth takes a lot of dedication. Also, I write a blog you may be interested in called "1 Fat Chick 2 Another." Although it IS about losing weight, it is also written for women/men who struggle (and possibly have always struggled) with food - as I did for many years. It is not just about calories but about you as a person - acceptance, self-sabotage, judgement, forgiveness, sex, style and more. I think you might get something out of it. If you read it, go all the way down to the first post and start there and work your way up. Some of them are pretty funny so it's not heavy reading but meant to be heartfelt, sincere but humorous. I am on Facebook (but it's written as onefatchicktoanother). My blog is 1fatchick2another.blogspot.com. It is my hope to bring encouragement to women who struggle with weight/food and motivation to keep going when it gets rough. All the best, Beth
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi, I would suggest upping your calories a little. I hit a bit of a plateau at 1,200 and after reading a few of the posts for 'Newbies' (which I'd highly recommend!) thought I would try 1,400 calories. It's made a huge difference to my mood and resolve, and has got me losing again.

    +1 Same here I was at 1200 and hit a plateau so I upped my intake by even only 100 calories and started seeing a loss. Good Luck!
  • teddyedward04
    teddyedward04 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I am going to try and double check everything and see how I go. I'm a bit scared to up my calories as I am terrified to put any more on. I will try this for acouple of weeks and then maybe up it slightly.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I am going to try and double check everything and see how I go. I'm a bit scared to up my calories as I am terrified to put any more on. I will try this for acouple of weeks and then maybe up it slightly.
    Don't be frightened. Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you.

    Your goal should be to find the maximum number of calories at which you lose weight, not the minimum.
  • beth4dieting3
    beth4dieting3 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree 100%. Don't be scared to up the calories a little - even if you do see a small increase. Remember that the path you're on should be for life - not for the moment. Build habits you can maintain as a part of your daily living. You've done GREAT but weight will naturally fluctuate (water bloat anyone?) and shouldn't scare you. I agree that you should find the maximum amount of calories at which you lose weight (well put!) because if you feel like you are starving yourself, you will eventually go back to old habits or be unhappy. Find your happy place with your nutrition. Just stay on your path and reach out when you need advice or encouragement. That's why we are here.
  • Polarpaly05
    Polarpaly05 Posts: 74 Member

    Also, have you been to a doctor to check for any illness that may be preventing weight loss?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I'm assuming you set MFP to lose 2 pounds a week and that's why it gave you 1200 calories per day, right? If you only have 30 pounds to lose, 2 pounds per week is too aggressive. (I know 30 pounds seems like a lot, but it really isn't! You're already over 50% of the way to your goal, which is fantastic). As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss is going to slow down anyway. Try re-setting it to 1 pound per week and see how you do there. If it makes you too nervous to increase your calories in one jump, do it slowly. Add an extra 50 calories per day for a week, then another 50/day/week, until you're at the new goal.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm assuming you set MFP to lose 2 pounds a week and that's why it gave you 1200 calories per day, right? If you only have 30 pounds to lose, 2 pounds per week is too aggressive. (I know 30 pounds seems like a lot, but it really isn't! You're already over 50% of the way to your goal, which is fantastic). As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss is going to slow down anyway. Try re-setting it to 1 pound per week and see how you do there. If it makes you too nervous to increase your calories in one jump, do it slowly. Add an extra 50 calories per day for a week, then another 50/day/week, until you're at the new goal.

    ^^^ THIS.

    Set it to 1 pound a week. Increase calories slowly if it gives you a lot more to eat.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    You say you are keeping to the 1200 calories and you are exercising too. MFP builds in a deficit depending on the amount of activity you describe yourself as being and the weight you which to loose per week. Exercise particularly if you were doing non previously or if you are doing more is not taken into account so you are using more calories and could eat back some of the calories "earned".

    I am wondering if you have had recent blood works done. I read of your earlier problems. Thyroid can go on the blink after serious illness or accident. Just a though because it can mess many of the bodies system and weight gain, maintaining above a preferred level is only one of a myriad of associated symptoms.