

  • I started my C25K on Monday - completed Day 1 like a champ. Now my goal is to stay within my calories limits, which is a HUGE struggle for me. Hope to run a few 5k's this summer. Good luck to everyone!
  • You could always say something like "Oh, don't waste your hard-earned money on buying me a croissant. I don't need - I'm trying to cut back anyway." This way, it looks as if you're trying to save your boss the cash and you're thinking of him/her, while really you're trying to be good to yourself. I understand the…
  • Anyone know how to reset a manual scale?! Mine is 3 pounds off!
  • Thanks again for taking on the challenge....I lost 10 pounds with Donna in May I gained 5 of it back for some weird reason. So my goal is to lose the 5, and an additional 5 on top of that....130 is my goal, & I hope to really do it & stick with it by u guys!
  • I haven't been doing the posted mini challenges, but have been doin g a lot of strength & cardio....Ripped in 30 DVD & training for my first 5k! Just started back to ballet after skipping out for 2 months & am definetely regretting ballet & wish it wasn't such a long drive so I could do it more!! The one area…
  • Tuesday Mini Challenge...did cardio but forgot to do squats!! But I did the Ripped in 30 dvd so at least I got some squats in...I binged a little yesterday, but I am having PMS symptoms a little early so I think that may have contributed....lost a pound as of this morning so that is helping to motivate me to do better…
  • Monday Mini Challenge complete! Am sick, but definetely can't let that stop me since I've gained 5 pounds back....don't even know where it came from but I'm back into panic mode!
  • Definetely didn't get to the mini challenge yesterday....ate way too much Easter Candy...I'll be glad when it's gone, but I'm very excited to get sqats in today...
  • Well I didn't get the mini challenge in - I chose to rest & spend a quality time night w/ the puppy & boyfriend, which turned out to be a great night! Wwe made a healthy dinner together & sat down to eat at the table instead of in front of the tv, & we both stopped eating after 7, which was great since my goal is usually…
  • Thanks Donna! Getting re-focused w/ mini challenges!
  • I did the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Level 4 this about paaaaaiiiiin! But her video really helps w/ my sciatic nerve pain, & that's what keeps me coming back....still need to fit in a little walking today, but I'm home w/ the fam this weekend so that shouldn't be a problem. One thing I need to focus on…
  • P.S. I have regained a few pounds. I had lost 12, but am now back up to 136, so that puts me at 9 pounds lost....just need to be real for a minute...
  • Wow! This is the first time I've posted or journaled on the website since January...I just realized that. Its definetely time for me to get refocused on myself. Thanks Donna for letting me drift away & find my way back to your challenges! I started in October w/ you & lost 10 pounds thanks to ur accountability, so I'm…
  • So I did Level 2 of Ripped in 30 on Tuesday and my upper body is still too sore to move....I have volleyball tonight & usually I do the dvd before V-ball but I don't know if that will happen tonight...on that note. I'm ready fpr spring baby!
  • Finished D3L1 today..feeling good and my thighs feel super strong! Thank the Lord, cuz I had a crappy binge week. Was over my calorie limit by at least 500 calories 3 times this week, so I'll just be happy not to gain.
  • My goal is to also do a 5k this year! I've never done distance running so I'm nervous but definetely think I can do it after having worked out the 3-1/2 months! Good luck & let me know how ur doing!
  • Finished D2L1...what I love about this workout is how trimmed it makes you. It's not overbearing, but it gives good definition and trims u down...I've lost 6.5 inches and I've done the 30DS on & off for a 10 or 12 times. Glad to hear everyone is getting into it! It does get easier! Yay for being awesome during…
  • Today will be my day 2..I plan on doing it 3 times a week cuz I also do volleyball, ballet, and the elliptical so as long as I finish in 6 weeks I'll be happy...after day 7 I'll move up a level! Good luck!
  • How's everyone doing? I will admit that I'm struggling this week. I keep bingeing just to eat. I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Monday & will be working out tonight but I'm just feeling sluggish. I did awesome the days I worked out & then binged on Tuesday & Wednesday...I think its because I worked so hard to get weight off…
  • Finished day 1! Very sore..won't be able to finish this in 30 straight days but want to get it done in 6 weeks at the latest...yay us for being motivated!
  • Thanks Donna! Re-starting the 30 Day Shred today! Anyone else in?!
  • Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone for a awhile but couldn't get service in Mexico...didn't log for 6 days, so I was afraid I would gain like crazy! Only gained 1 pound but I'm back and ready for new challenges... Goals for this year: *get down to 130 by July *run a 5k *log everything I eat every day of 2012 *stop eating…
  • I wanna join! I have the Ripped in 30 DVD so I'll be doing that but its pretty much the same as the 30DS...
  • Thanks Donna! Thanks to ur dedication, u have helped me lose 9 pounds in 3 months, in a healthy way...I've never had the energy to do jt the right way...and I'm surprised to find that it actually I also have greater muscle mass than I've ever had thanks to the 30 day shred added to my happy today!…
  • Managed to avoid the dreaded office birthday cake...nibbled a little for so long I finally lost a taste for the cake and threw it away!..proud of myself! Going to have string cheese instead :-) no exercise tonight tho because I'm working both jobs today!...stay strong everyone!
  • Thanks Donna! I didn't lose anything last week...I had a feeling I didn't, which was sort if a surprise but I. Am about to start TOM so I think that might have something to do with it...and altho I didn't decent with my calories during the week I only worked out 4 times...not as many as I wantd! Only 2 and a half weeks til…
  • Can't wait to get this month started,..super motivated! I did not get to fit in a workout yesterday or today becuz of worrk but tmro here I come! Stayed within my calorie limit yesterday and trying to fit in my water today by drinking hot tea! Picked up fresh fruit at the store last nignt....yummyyyyy! Have a great Tuesday…
  • My goal for the december challenge will be to comment more during the week at least 5 of 7 days!
  • Just got the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred from a friend so can't wait to start that! I lost an inch off my butt when I measured myself yesterday, and a half inch off my waist...that helped me make it through my workout last night.. not feeling very good this morning tho, so hopefully I can make it through the day with…
  • I'm still here! I will be home every night this week so will be very active in the discussionz! Promise!