

  • I noticed results around 30 pounds or so. However, it's not YOU that will notice the results first. My family were the ones that did before I saw it. Look to those that you don't see often, and haven't told you're on this journey to be the best ones to show that you are starting to look like results are showing up.
  • Also to add, that most drinks, even diet, are high in sodium. Sodium retains water, which shows up on the scale (in the last two days, just cutting my DIET soda to dinner, I've dropped a pound, because of all the water I was retaining)
  • I normally do it on Fridays. I go out to eat with my Great Grandparents, and it's normally fast food, so not to much I can do there, but not eat and make them feel like crap. That, and the "healthy" food at fast food places normally taste like crap.
  • Advice? talk to some chefs. You don't start out as a head chef, so talk to some that would be hireing. Personally, I've been burned for For Profit schools, so I'd go with the CC. But...if the school is accredited, shouldn't matter as much, methinks.
  • 1) Makeup, period 2) Stupid hair colors. That bright pink hair makes you look like your in an anime 3) Perfume. I'm very scent heavy, so perfume throws me off. 4) Short hair. I will not go into the reasons. 5) Rocking those Granny Panties 6) Wearing boxers as shorts. 7) to many tats. A few tats are good looking. Hell, if…
  • I've found the thing to help with my self control is to find meals that are low in calories, but still filling. It's amazing that a Lean Cuisine meal is actually filling, and I have to eat about 5 a day to stay in my calorie goals. Also, Subway. Many six inch subs that are around three hundred calories. If your in school,…
  • To live a long life. And, a bit vindictively, to see my ex-wife after I drop a hundred pounds.
  • Go see a doctor. Could be that you hurt yourself. If it's severe enough, the doc may tell you to lay off the cardio. Or, even that you have to go under the knife. Also, DO NOT WORK THROUGH THE PAIN. Soreness is one thing, pain tells you something is wrong. Only lower your calories if your over your daily calorie goal from…
  • Both. I plan a few meals through the day, but it really depends on when I wake up. Days like today, I woke up with enough time to shower, and head to work.
  • flat bread pizzas are good. just need to make sure to watch them, as they cook fast, and you can easily burn the shell.
  • Remember to eat back your calories till your net calories are at 1200. That could more than explain you gaining inches. Also, the sauna is really good for relaxing, but it won't help you on permanent weight loss. Only on temporary loss for the day, as your losing water weight, which you'll gain back when you drink.
  • Even if you weigh yourself daily, doing it many times in the day isn't going to help. You gain up to five pounds on average through the day. The best time to weigh yourself is right before breakfast, after you've done your duty in the bathroom.
  • You know, I think this weekend I'm going to try to grill a flatbread pizza now. Should be awesome...if it works
  • Your heart is getting stronger, so it doesn't work as hard to get the blood pumping as it used too. This is also the reason why the calories burned on MFP will be wrong after some time.
  • What do you mean exactly by "banking" calories? The weight watchers "bank" is because your still able to have some calories before going over in a day. If you mean like "I'll eat 300 less calories today, cause I know that I'm going to overeat tomorrow", I've read some places say that it's ok, others say that it's bad for…
  • If your having joint pain on a regular basis, I would recommend talking to a doctor about it. The constant pain may be from an injury that at this point is unknown
  • Guys should NOT wear speedos, I don't care how "hot" the girls think it is....
  • 90 days? I'll go at least 25 pounds lost in that time, though NOONE wants to see me in a bikini :P
  • If he's anything like me, you'll need to tell him directly. Now, he may be just a huge flirt (like I am), so he may not be seeing anything wrong with flirting, nor may his girl friend.
  • Inches is better than pounds. The lack of weight loss COULD be gaining muscle at the same speed, but I doubt it. Don't worry so much about the scale, though, and love that your clothes are getting looser, and soon you'll have to go shopping for smaller sizes :)
  • Considering you should lose about 10 pounds every 5 weeks, 23 isn't something to sneeze at. You're doing good.
  • My goal is to have the scale tell me I weigh less than 230 lbs (aka, lose ten pounds as of today, as the scale tells me I'm 239.5)
  • Only problem with this (and I'm not knocking you) is that most of the weight change is going to be water weight. If you drank lots of water, you may show a gain. If you didn't, you'll show a loss. Neighter of which is the true gain/loss.
  • Generally, it's advised you weigh yourself once a week, same day and time. Some (like me) do so more regular, but I only generally record my once a week weight, unless I've shown some big change in the downward side (upwards could just be water weight, so I don't worry about it unless it's Monday morning).
  • Welcome. Just keep in mind that what you are doing is changing your life. If you look at it that way, you will keep the pounds off.
  • Just because your not losing in the places your measuring, doesn't mean your not losing. Add more measurements, including bust. I've lost most of my inches in my stomach, but that doesn't seem to be the norm. Your calfs may be getting smaller, or your neck.
  • A few reasons. One, water. If you drank a lot of water, you may still be holding onto it in the morning. Two, sodium. If you had a lot of sodium in the last few days, your body is....holding onto that water. Three, menstrual cycle. If it's close to that time of the month, you may be, once again, holding water. Four, a bad…
  • I just call them cheat days. Even though, on days that I "cheat", I end up below my recommendations (not tonight though, that whiskey is calling me :) )
  • Welcome, and friend request sent if you want to add me.
  • Another dude. At least that's what people tell me...though at first I thought this was going to be a "I need a boyfriend" thing with the title....