MyersCrystal Member


  • Congrats everyone in and out of the winner's circle! See you all in August...under a different name however :)
  • 3 yeses for today, but I wasn't as diligent about what I was putting into my body. Mostly refined, carby junk. Glad I was under my caloric goal but I can definitely tell a difference in the quality of the fuel. Feeling lethargic. I am determined to do better tomorrow. I'm on a new track now and it's going to stay that way.…
  • Hi there! Had a nice day with hubby and Little Girl today. Took a family walk this morning after breakfast and have lounged at home pretty much since. A very good day with them. 3 yeses today. Hope you're all resting peacefully and sweetly tonight. Until tomorrow friends.
  • Went over my calories, but exercise-->check, tracked-->check. Lunch at Grandma's house added up quickly, I'm afraid. Not so easy when you're subject to someone else's menu. Carb/starch city...
  • Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy a safe weekend! :)
  • Didn't make the winner's circle this month, but I don't have to to know that I am a winner nonetheless...and so are each one of you. It's been a great month and I'm looking forward to all of the creative, goal-smashing success and support that August has to bring. I truly hope to hear from everyone for the next leg of the…
  • Day two of my new weight lifting program and boy am I sore. Tomorrow is really going to be fun. ;) 3 yeses today. I had one of those devil on your shoulder, angel on the other conversations with myself on the way home tonight. The angel won out...instead of having ice cream with dinner I opted for yogurt and blueberries…
  • Hello Everyone! Hope you're all on track and feeling good tonight. If you're not on track, I still hope you're feeling good. ;) 3 yeses and I'm really feeling the soreness after the weight training (though I like to think of it as "weight abusing " lol) from yesterday. It's all in the name of becoming a pinnacle of health…
  • 3 yeses today. I started the weightlifting program that I've been wanting to finish for a long time. 40 minutes of free weight work in a gym with no a/c in 100 degree heat. Whew! It was hard today. It's a 6 to 8 month program and I'm eager to see some results. It feels so good to be stronger, strong enough to do everyday…
  • July 23 Today is a pass. I didn't get any exercise in to speak of. However, I've tracked everything and come in under my calorie goal. I feel mostly good about it all. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm pretty excited as I'm starting a new weight training program found in "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". It's gonna be…
  • 3 yeses today. Thumbs up! An NSV of mine is how good I feel since loosing 10 lbs and finally starting this journey. My body simply feels better. I can literally feel it changing for the better with each healthy bite of food and pound lost. Loving this! :p
  • Well, I did well on almost everything today, except getting in my exercise. I'm feeling so strong about my food and nutrition, but still haven't really settled on an exercise regimen. I've been walking mostly this month, but on weekends it's a chore to fit in. I'm going to make some plans to remedy this in the morning.…
  • July 20 3 yeses today. A good day! Have a great day tomorrow everyone.
  • July 19 3 yeses for today. Got distracted today though, and missed a few planned foods. Almost came in too low in calories for the day. Enjoying every day! Hope you all have a successful and satisfying day tomorrow. :)
  • July 18 3 yeses. Tomorrow I weigh, and I'm expecting a positive outcome...I know I'm moving in the right direction. I can feel everyday how much stronger I'm becoming! @RangerRickL I love this quote. @pribud You really did a fine job on the poem. High marks!! Have a great day tomorrow all.
  • @phoebelayla You benefit from writing it and we benefit from reading it. Great work. Keep going. 3 yeses for me today. Did the minimum 20 minutes of exercise, so I would really like to focus on that for the rest of the month. I need to put more energy into it. Thanks all, make it a great day tomorrow.
  • July 17 @phoebelayla I'm so glad you're still with us. Accountability is tough, but it's obvious that you see the bigger picture behind this group. While making it into the Winners Circle is a fine goal, the most important thing here is to really make those day-to-day healthy habits stick for, well, ever. You have a lot to…
  • July 16 Today marks Pass #3 in my July journey with UAC. Tracking and caloric intake were great. However, the intentional swim I planned for today with my little girl didn't happen. My aunt has a pool, and when we arrived there to swim were greeted by several family members. They were so excited to see us and visit that I…
  • July 15 3 yeses and I am so relieved. I have to keep up momentum somehow. It's far too easy to get distracted with changing schedules over the weekend and lose track of exercising, etc. Exercise-Well over an hour of leisurely walking while out shopping with the family. Tracking and caloric intake par for the course. Whoop…
  • @craigo3154 Thank you for the links and insight. I will enjoy perusing the web pages tomorrow. @Gus130 You definitely have support and friends here. Take care of yourself. We'll all be here cheering for you until you return. A big giant hug going out to you from Oklahoma! Well, I'm enjoying the challenge of planning meals…
  • @craigo3154 I would be interested in more about metabolic damage. You've mentioned this before, and it's really peaked my interest. Have any web links you'd recommend? Thanks. @everyone Whether you are taking a pass day today, or nailed it...great work to this point! We're almost halfway through, if you can believe that.…
  • July 12 3 yeses for me today. Yippie!
  • @RangerRickL Your photo makes my heart smile. What a beautiful sentiment. How fortunate you are to have these wonderful memories of your children. @craigo3154 Glad you are feeling better! It really affects your interest in I right!? Congrats on achieving the normal classification on the BMI scale too! What a…
  • Welcome @LoraineGB! We're glad to have you here.
  • 3 yeses today. Calories by a narrow margin though. I'm glad I was too busy to eat my entire salad at lunch...otherwise I would have gone over with dinner. Small graces you know. I'm definitely starting to struggle to keep my momentum. Cravings are rearing their ugly heads daily now. Yikes habits are so hard to change!
  • 3 yeses for me today. Oh yeah!!
  • @pears734 It sounds like you had great reasons for taking a few passes. Amazing and beautiful! My mom had several Indonesian friends and I had the privilege of eating with them many times...seriously delicious food! So awesome of you to be at your friend's side for the birth of her baby. Pure magic!! Welcome back.
  • @pribud Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I had a much better day today.
  • Today is my first pass day. I tracked everything but went over my limit of calories for the day. I caved to my cravings...a sweet tooth actually. Not going to beat myself up or give up. I will have to try something different if faced with the same cravings again. I read a suggestion to check the time when they hit and try…