

  • What's your name? Anna (singer201/Rose's DD2) Where do you live? Eastern Washington, USA How long have you been riding? About 18 years, I think What's your discipline? I like dressage. Currently, I don't have a good place to school, so I mostly trail ride and enjoy my horses from the ground. I've also done Parelli (the…
  • Hi Julslea. I have never made yogurt in a crock pot, but I have made yogurt before with a cool little yogurt maker. Are you putting the pre-yogurt into jars in the crockpot or just making it a huge batch in the crockpot? Either way, I don't think making one batch or two will make much of a difference aside from longer…
  • bump--Thanks for the article, Banks
  • I'm in! Currently 155 (or a little more), goal 145 (140 would be even better). I've been stuck in the mid-fifties for at least a month now. It's really starting to bum me out. I'm currently trying to follow an 80% primal diet and get in enough exercise. I'm starting to jog with my dog some, so maybe that will help. Anyone…
  • Yes, with the fast food you need to watch exactly what nutritional value you're getting. Most of it is very high in fat and sodium and not very healthy. The way the site is set up, you eat back your exercise calories. It's not allowing you to "overeat", it's simply programmed to keep you fueled and getting the minimum…
  • Exercise adds to your total caloric intake so you eat the appropriate amount of calories. If you're shooting for a 1200 cal diet and burn 400, you should eat 1600 cal so your body is still fueled. If you don't, you're only consuming 800 calories and your body will start to think you're starving yourself. The system does…
  • I think the "six small meals per day" idea really has to do with the general population's very high carb diet. If you're consuming a lot of carbs, your blood sugar peaks and plummets pretty soon afterwards, so you need another carb/sugars boost. If you're eating a higher protein/lower carb diet, it's a lot more efficiently…
  • Have you ever tried henna (cassia - blonde, indigo - black, and any combination in between)? You can't go lighter, though.
  • Challenge GW -- 150.5 SW -- 155.5 Week 1 -- 157 Not a great start, but fluctuation is the norm for me. I've done a lot of exercise and weight-training-type exercise this weekend, plus I have been a bit over on sodium, so it's not too surprising. Better luck next week.
  • Personally, I would avoid oatmeal. It's low cal, but very high carb. I am following an 80% primal diet as is my mom who has been having huge success. Go for lots of fresh veggies (you don't have to cook!) and eggs. You can find lots of ways to cook them in the microwave, though they may not taste the best. Cheese is…
  • Yay! We'll bring them over to the dark side one by one...kicking and screaming if we have to! Okay, maybe not the last part. So proud of you, though! I've gotten a ton of exercise this weekend, playing with my dog and hiking. Not keeping up with water, but I'm at least getting my 8 glasses a day which is sort of a…
  • Got my 30 min of exercise in...30 min of grooming my horses, 30 min of riding, and 30 min of hoof trimming. Up to 6 cups of water so far.
  • Challenge SW 155.5 Challenge GW 150.5 singer201's DD2
  • Drink more water...or make sure you're at least drinking the recommended 8 cups a day. As far as cutting out sodium, check the labels on what you buy. Start cooking meats at home instead of buying prepackaged/frozen/etc. You can control how much salt goes into it that way. Check your cheeses, too! Some brands have less…
  • I have an 11yo Kiger Mustang x QH gelding named Dundee (see my weight ticker for a pic of him). I'm ready to get back in the saddle and RIDE now that winter is going away and so are some pounds. I also have my mom's horse currently. He is a 10yo BLM Mustang gelding named Knight.
  • Firstly, good luck on your final projects and exams! I would not change the goal, but if you think it might help you stress less and still hit a calorie goal, go for it. Take a moment to plan out all your meals. Be sure to eat lots of protein and fats (eggs are great!) to help your brain work well and do your very best not…
  • Eggs, cheese, and yogurt are good ways to get extra protein.
  • You need to make sure you eat back your exercise calories. If you aren't, your body will go into starvation mode and put on the lbs instead of shed them. Are you doing a lot of weight training? Building muscle can cause water retention and muscle is also heavier than fat...so you won't "lose" weight.
  • I've only been at this a month, but already down 7 lbs! I'm thrilled. Current: 162.5 Goal: 152