What am I doing wrong??

I have been working out every day and keeping my calories right at 1200. I workout for an hour one day and the next 30 mintues. I have been doing this for THREE weeks. I haven't lost ANY weight. I am only trying to lose 5-10 pounds. In fact I think I have gained weight. I am feeling really discouraged and about to give up. I mean if I can eat anything and not exercise and stay around the same weight what is the point?? ughhhh. :(


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Opening your diary would help people help you!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    can you make your diary public? and maybe you are not eating enough or drinkin enough water
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Your calorie count may be too low per day! Often, that's why you are not losing weight. That or you are eating too much processed food (not that you area, I have no idea...) Each person is different, but if you're not losing I would say you need to re-set your daily calories and make sure to eat back anything you burn off in a healthy manner.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    did your measurements change?
  • wildkiger
    wildkiger Posts: 25
    You need to make sure you eat back your exercise calories. If you aren't, your body will go into starvation mode and put on the lbs instead of shed them.

    Are you doing a lot of weight training? Building muscle can cause water retention and muscle is also heavier than fat...so you won't "lose" weight.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    You are most likely not eating your exercise calories back. Hon, you have got to do this! MFP gives you a calorie allowance with a deficit already built in to lose the weight. When you exercise (which is very good for you, btw) you have to feed your body back all or most of what you burned. I just got through trying to explain this to another member. Your body is an engine and it needs fuel to run. If your allowance is set at 1500 (and you eat them), and then exercise 1000 of those off in a day, guess what? You have only fed your body 500 calories for the day! NOT GOOD! What you need to do is eat those exercise calories back, drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and after a week, the scale should move in the right direction. I've been doing this since August and have had success with eating those calories back.

    Exercise is great, you get stronger and you get to eat more. Who wouldn't love that? Trust MFP--it really works.
  • mrsemmasimpson
    I know the feeling. I have been cutting back with food and making a real effort with exercise and I haven't lost any weight - in fact gained 2lbs. But, I have lost 7cm so something is working. Muscle weighs more than fat so maybe measure yourself and don't just rely on the scales. I'm going to try and keep going. I'm going to start changing the exercise around a bit so my body doesn't know what to expect so it has to work a bit harder. Keep at it!
  • sntfrmabv
    Are you incorporating weights into your workout? Are you drinking any protein shakes? After your workout you should consume protein within 45 minutes. Otherwise your body goes into shutdown mode. How is your sodium and sugar intake? Cut out your sodium and replace with Mrs. Dash or a fresh hot peppers. Drink lots of water! Don't give up!!!!!!! I know its frustrating, but keep your head up! It will come off with some time!
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    What kind of work out are you doing? Also, are you taking waste, neck, hip measurements? Often you'll gain because you're gaining muscle, but you may be shrinking in size.

    If you're not eating enough calories per day then your body may be in starvation mode which means it'll hold onto them like crazy. If you work out every day, then you should be eating more than 1200 calories. Whatever you exercise and gain in calories you can eat, but especially should eat because you've got to stay above 1200 if you're working out. For me, on Saturdays, I usually burn 1000 calories doing martial arts for a couple hours straight. That gives me 2300 calories to consume (I'm limited to 1300 without exercise). I don't necessarily consume all 2300 calories, but on those days I at least get in 1500.

    Are you drinking enough water? If your metabolism has been sluggish since before you started 3 weeks ago it may take it some time to kick into gear, but make sure you're eating enough to do that.

    I would probably list more detail, like what kinds of foods you typically are eating, what exactly your workout entails, your height (weigh only if you feel comfortable) and people will probably be able to give you a better answer. Also, I don't know your age, but if you're 40+ sometimes it can be harder to get the metabolism going.

    Don't give up though, you'll get there. Also, ellipticals and swimming are pretty good calorie burners.
  • cah1418
    cah1418 Posts: 3
    WOW! Thanks for all of the responses. I opened up my diary. I didn't know I could do that.

    I am definitely eating back my calories according to the diary. Although, I'm not really sure because I do a lot of strength training and I don't know how many calories I am burning when I do that. I can't add it on my diary.
    I haven't taken any measurements, only looking at the scale. Maybe I should try that. But, my clothes aren't fitting any differently. In fact I swear my pants feel tighter.
    Here's what I do:
    I wake up at 5:00am and work out for about an hour a day. Imediately after that I go home and eat eggs and a whole wheat tortilla or taost. My husband and I are trying the body for life progam. I am eating the right kinds of foods, I am sure of.
    Like I said, I only want to lose 5-10 pounds. Most people would say I am crazy for doing this, but it's what I want to do. I am 5'7' 130 lbs right now. I really want to lose in my thighs and butt and generally tone all over. I have no muscle. I have all flab that I want to get rid of.
    I'm going to keep at it until at least 12 weeks. If by then I don't see the slightest change I think I might give up. (With the calorie counting that is) Gym will always be there.
    Again, thanks for the reply's. I really appreciate it. :)