MissSharon2013 Member


  • Two college kids passing by, yelling out, "Gross! Go to the gym!" And then laughing hysterically. My high school teacher, "Let me see. Who can I get to pull these magnets apart? How about you, Sharon? She is of Amazonian proportion." Everyone laughs. Then to another high school girl, "Penny, now you try. Since you are of…
  • Dear Lord, bless Davestade7, browns1908 and JustAWho today as we lift them up in prayer. Lord, keep them in obedience with Your desire for their lives. Keep them in perfect peace; beyond all understanding. Lord, meet their needs, solve their problems, put a hedge of protection over them. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen!
  • In trying to understand the concept of theistic evolution, I did a bit of research. I've never heard this term before; so it is a new one. From what I understand, there are a couple of different ways that theistic evolutionists may think about our creation. Do you believe that God did not, in fact, create man and woman…
  • Lord, please bless walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach. Lord, bless them with the desire to please God and not themselves. Bless them with your favor and tender mercies. Bless them with abundance and a peace beyond all understanding in Jesus' name, Amen!
  • I know that I fall short often. But I ask God to help me. I pray for God's continual hand in my life. My husband and I read in Kings how one king after another worshipped Baal and caused their children to be sacrificed. And God would punish them every time, yet they still continued on their own stubborn paths! I don't want…
  • Welcome to thickemadama! So glad you decided to join us here for encouragement and honor to our Lord! Such a great place to worship, study, encourage and testify! Welcome aboard!
  • It's so easy to take credit and feel puffed up when people say, Great job! And it's much harder to take responsibility when something goes wrong. When I was secretary to a property management company, it was my responsibility to fedex a check to Chicago to pay for a group of property manager's hotel room while there for a…
  • Lord, look on Bigred509 Gwen_B_ and Jodixee and bless them with your loving kindness and tender mercies. Give them peace in their daily lives, help them to make the right decisions. Lord, make their burdens light, put a hedge of protection around them and their loved ones. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen!
  • It is so hard at times to be a Christian at this day and age. It's almost embarrassing for some to admit they believe in God. There is persecution of the church...some of which is the church's own doing. But we must never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. If Jesus were among us in the flesh today, people would still be…
  • Praise God, Chaplynn!! His mercy on us is awesome! His loving kindness and favor is tremendous!
  • I got to add one more! God is so great! Husband calls our insurance company to change the payment date. They say, "Since this will put you in a different payment cycle, you won't have to make a payment until May. And you will still have full coverage!" What?? This will definitely put us ahead next month! I'm telling you…
  • We must lean on God for everything. For our food, life, love...if we can remember to ask God first how we should do things; He will provide a way. Dear Lord, I pray that you will help me not to lean on my own understanding or to try to do things by myself; but to remember that I have You, oh Lord, to help and encourage me!…
  • Lord bless Maggiet63,Nicki_101,and Happyhappyjoyjoy today. Bless them with a peace beyond all understanding! Meet their needs, solve their problems, make their burdens light! Thank You, Lord! In Jesus' name!
  • Yay for Susyq! She has been with me here for awhile; so I'm really happy to welcome her here! May God bless and keep her!! Welcome to the group Suz!! So glad you decided to join us!
  • I've heard many thoughts about whether Jesus was all human. That no human could bear what He did in the flesh; but I know He was flesh and blood. He showed us that we can live a righteous life in the flesh. But, He also recognizes that we are only human. I feel like I let God down all the time. I don't do enough works;…
  • Welcome to Sherilyn! May God bless you and keep you!
  • I had questions from a family member struggling to have faith. She asked me, "There are so many belief systems out there; how do we know that yours is the right one?" "How do you know there is a God?" "Weren't there other religions before Christianity?" "what about these other books that are not in the bible? Like The…
  • Lord, I ask you today to look at your children: Cdgirl, AnneMarieCaroline, and Ready2Lose. Lord, help them each to know what their work is! Bless them as they go about their lives, protect and guide them, Lord and provide them with their needs! Thank you, Jesus!
  • God gives each of us the chance to do something great for the kingdom; regardless of our station in life! I am so glad that He has a place for each of us to do His work!
  • It's so easy to forget where our blessings come from in the really hard times because it feels like God has abandoned us! But that's the time to hold on even more! Lord, let me hold steadfast onto your desire for me! Don't let me get up in my fleshly desires and confuse my will with yours. Don't let me go out in the world…
  • Dear Lord, Please bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat today with your loving grace and meet their needs, solve their problems and make their burdens light. Lord, we depend on you for our every need! Bless them with what they need, over and beyond anything they expect!! We give you all the praise, honor and glory…
  • Was pondering the beginning of time. I have so many questions! When Adam and Eve left the garden, were there other people out there!? Where do cave men fit in? My hubby says he doesn't believe God created people that were illiterate and living in caves? And when did dinosaurs roam around? What do you think about these…
  • Well, it is very hard to forget, and I think God is the only one who can truly toss our sins and transgressions into a sea of forgetfullness. I agree with you, Amanda! I forgave the man who fell asleep and caused the death of mom and my niece; but how does a human being forget that? I don't think we can!
  • Some truly believe once saved, always saved. But I do not believe that. Jesus said in His word, Go and sin no more. He didn't say, Sin; it doesn't matter now!! May God bless me to always do the best I can to be righteous at all times!!
  • It sure is! This is a good one! Joel Osteen tells this story: A man came to him and asked him if he could pray for his business to prosper. Joel prayed for the man's business; and it prospered greatly. The man came to him and said, "I sure do appreciate those prayers...but I'm paying so much in tithes. Can you pray that I…
  • I hear sometimes, "It don't take all that." But it takes everything we have and are to keep that faith alive and strong, there are so many things satan is attacking us with. When I was growing up, it was a shame not to believe. Even if you didn't believe in God, you didn't admit it. It was a shame to be gay. Now, it seems…
  • Dear Lord, bless DivineMissM46, Tamara and Ashley today. Lord, bless them with your loving kindness. Especially watch over Tamara as she goes through the surgery. Bless her, Lord, with healing and peace as she goes through her procedure. At God put His hedge of protection around them, Lord. We thank You and give You all…
  • That is an awesome story! I read it to my husband! He began to praise God. Our pastor tells this story. He was doing missionary work in Africa. One night during his revival, the people were really fired up. Pastor Ragland had decreed that our God was a mighty God and if you believed, He could do anything! Well. He said, a…
  • Dear Lord, bless Mom2my3girls, 3foldchord, and Annereilly3950. May God bless them today in their endeavors with success. Put a hedge of protection around them, Lord. Bless them wherever their needs are. In Jesus name, Amen
  • Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Sounds easy enough. But oh. When temptation strikes. Many years ago, I was a struggling mom with two little ones. Driving an old, run-down car, living in a ramshackled big old house that had been divided into three apartments. I went to the bank to withdraw some money and when I…