

  • This ^^^^^^^ But also, once you are building muscle (which will be when you reach maintenance but will be easier if you've exercised the way through your diet as you will have started to train your body) the muscle burns more calories than fat. So, you can eat more and be healthier as you live your new, slim lifestyle.…
  • Of whooshes and squishy fat is a really good read!!! Makes a lot of sense. I want to know more!!
  • Thanks everyone! (I've already had the boob job to compensate for drastic weightloss up top! I'll read those blogs/ sites and see what I can dig up. All responses are a really interesting read. I'm not sure at this stage how much more drastically I could change my lifestyle ;)
  • Someone please help me and my bum fat :0 :)
  • My two pennies: You wont be building muscle on a deficit, but, you may not be in a deficit if you are very near to your calorie allowance. Also, some say calories are calories and there is an obvious science in that if you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. However, all that sodium (and I agree with the…
  • I always ate breakfast because you were "supposed to" and had the same issue. However, I know eat meat and nuts and eggs for breakfast and it keeps me on track all day. I'm more likely to skip lunch through still being full :)
  • So how can anyone argue that sugar slows weightloss when so many people have lost weight whilst eating it? I lost a lot of weight whilst eating cakes etc (staying in a calorie deficit) BUT.. Never in all my life have I got lower than a certain weight (and it's not a very low one) until I eliminated sugar. And I have never…
  • I don’t think we can underestimate the benefits of a structured plan for some people. I like all the guess work taking out – and I take comfort in the “science”. Too much room for interpretation and I’m all over the place.
  • That's what i said "sugar" I'm no expert but I know I am fuller for longer and feel more stable with no slumps if I stick with protein and fat at brekkie
  • Watching!! I've been working out really hard and it's slowly improving but one day I feel like I'm nearly there, the I catch sight of it or hold on to it with my hands and it just feels so hopeless. It's been with me for so long I can't see it ever going.
  • You should be eating a balance of good carbs, proteins and some fat around an hour and a half/ 2 hours before exercise, followed by a balance of the same around 45 minutes afterwards. If you want to eat at 7ish then go to the gym at around half eight and make yourself a shake of whey/ porridge/ casein or maybe hot milk and…
  • It looks good - apart from the relatively low fat/ high carb(sugar) breakfast. From the majority of advice I've received (and now my own experience) it seems more beneficial to have a high fat & protein breakfast... Maybe steak and eggs or similar to stop any sugar spikes.
  • Bigger or smaller, you are an incredibly pretty lady x
  • Thanks guys - I think you're right, I may need more fruit. I do take calcium and vitamin C. It's more about how I can hit the right calories without going over my macros. If I don't want to lose anymore weight I think I might need to not be in deficit...
  • Did a bit better today (so I guess the last three days please..?) But it's still low on calories.
  • And a big yes to the Mediterranean comment!!
  • My sister in law is losing weight on SW and raves about it. But to be fair, (I'm sure she wouldn't mind me saying) she did have a lot to lose. In my opinion, it is a good mid-way-point for people without much diet or healthy eating experience to eat better than they were eating, and lose weight. But if you have been…
  • Thanks both - its good to hear what others are up to. I've lost a lot of weight/ fat before without worrying about eating clean, but I can't deny that as far as building definition goes, since strating to eat clean 3 weeks ago it has ramped up massively! But once I'm there, it would be awesome to be able to work to IIFYM...
  • It's something that people will never agree on. However, having done a fair bit of research - a *pure* whey protein shake after exercise seems to be accepted as a pretty positive thing to be doing. I'm taking casein before bed too but not sure if it has any effect - just following coaches orders :) I think cases of people…
  • Hi! I'm doing a 12 week challenge and I'm 2 weeks in. Just embarking on week 3. It's been a bit of a struggle but my motivation is skyhigh so I'm saving my complaining for when (inevitably) It gets really tricky! My tips are (depending on what your eating plan is and if it allows) switch to good quality dark chocolate and…
  • I cook an omelette up and reheat it in my work microwave when I get to work. I also make up a porridge and whey mix in a cup then add water at the gym and give it shake to drink straight after - then I might have almond butter and apple slices or similar at around 10am... hope that helps. I keep meaning to bring eggs and…
  • I am definitely in this boat and pleased to have seen this. I have added you as a friend - hope that's okay. I drink/ drunk a lot and it never affected my weightloss (I didn't think) because I always counted the calories in. *But* I have just started a 12 week training plan and I'm not able to drink AT ALL. My coach says…
  • Hi, It's so hard to undo negative attachments to food and exercise. I might not know what I'm talking about but you might not find this is the site for you. There are lots of lovely, well-meaning people on here with TONS of great advice. But you also get a lot of "suck-it-up-and-stop-whining" types (who are also well…
  • 30G over here and I wear the highest shock absorber from Bravissimo - can't remember the exact name but they'll help you out. Good luck and hooray for boobies
  • Fruit, fruit juice, diet coke, low fat yogurts, pasta, potatoes, baked beans, rice.... I think more than anything it was the quantities of things. We never portion controlled, I'd come home from school and eat a tin of baked beans, two veggie sausages, and a veggie burger with a cheese slice in white bread... thought it…
  • I don't really get the outrage tbh. So if you're "eating more" and it takes you over your TDEE, you'll gain. Does anyone really argue with that?! When people say "eat more" to me, it still means stay under your TDEE, but just not as low as you've maybe been doing i.e. 1200/1400 cals. All I really know from my experience is…
  • I lost the first stone in about 7 months through 1200 cals and the odd cheat day. Then the remaining weight I shifted by upping my calories to 1500 and that happened over about 3/4 months
  • I'm basing it on MFP guide for height and weight and a lightly active activity setting. Then tracking exercise - same as I did last year when I was losing. Only difference is that now I'm exercising, I'm adding on between 200/280 ish cals for a half hour workout...
  • lol. Too late to go back to the weight I started at two weeks ago without ANOTHER year of hard work ;)