Give up alcohol with me?



  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    63 days alcohol free for me. It's what really kicked my weight loss into gear. I've lost nearly 15lbs in two months just by quitting my beer habit. I used to home brew, but found I was becoming way to fond of the stuff.

    In addition to the weight loss, I'm sleeping better and feeling much better. So right there with ya.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    It pains me too - the thought of being miserable at parties while everyone else is mashed. But then again, a crap party is a crap party with or without alcohol and at least I can drive home and wake up rather than coming round :o)
    i'm not in the same boat because i just don't like booze that much.
    but... watching all the drunk people make tits of themselves is even funnier when you're straight!
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    i went 2 years 2 months and 6 days without alcohol when i was younger. like most things its a case of mind over matter.
  • Mdcgc
    Mdcgc Posts: 28
    I only drnk on weekends.. but a lot! like to party.. if I have something during the week that invovles alcohol I will drink.. love a happy hour with margaritas.. dont think I can leave it..
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    who doesn't love some wine/beer/spirits?? i mean, i used to not understand wine bottle stoppers; you open a bottle, you finish a bottle!!

    but little by little i learned to hold back. if i drink while i cook i'll go through at least two glasses. and gulping them down, not enjoying them. then i can be buzzed at dinner and not enjoy that!! and like you said, the calories!!

    now i enjoy a glass or two with my meal. it enhances my food, especially with pasta or steak.

    ^^ what he said.

    One or two comments have lept to the conclusion that drinking a bottle of wine means you're an alcoholic. It doesn't (necessarily) - but you do lack (a little) restraint. Most of us have issues with not consuming too much of something yummy or we wouldn't be on here! But to assume because you enjoy a drink, you are an alcoholic is the same illogical jump as assuming everyone restricting their calories on here is anorexic.

    My husband is a terrible wine for "pre-match drinkies" so we can do a bottle between us while cooking if we're not careful. I now won't touch wine til dinner is ready - I will have a G&T (slimline tonic) which has the advantage of only being 56 calories, and I can spin that out through the whole cooking much more easily than a glass of wine. Or even a diet soda if I'm really short on calories. If I know we're likley to be drinking more heavily (we had a BBQ last Saturday and once my sister and BIL turn up that's pretty much it :ohwell: ) I make sure I do extra exercise in the lead-up to have some spare calories on hand.

    But if you feel you need to quit it altogether then do it - only you can know your own limits.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Too many actual health benefits for moderate consumption for me to consider giving it up completely, but then, I have a glass a day, not an entire bottle.

    Your problem was more about portion size, then about the alcohol itself.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Your problem was more about portion size, then about the alcohol itself.

    That's what I was trying to say! You're mch more succinct than me.:smile:
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I used to give up alcohol for 3 months each year – either Sept-Dec or Dec-Easter. Last time I gave up for the latter we didn’t go away, so decided to wait until our summer holiday….by which time I thought I would go for the year. 18 months later and still not drinking
  • ladylemoncurd
    Moderation - that's the word I need to have tattooed on my right hand. Once I open a bottle of wine, I'll drink a bottle but if I don't open it, I cant honestly say i miss it that much. So my plan is to ditch the vino and when i go out I might drink lager as I can only physically drink a couple of halves as it blows me up.

    I like the idea of not drinking a couple of months a year too. a colleague does dry November in preparation for the silly season and that's not a bad idea too.

    I went to the greengrocer just now and instead of apples or cherries, I veered towards the grapes :o)
  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    I am definitely in this boat and pleased to have seen this. I have added you as a friend - hope that's okay.

    I drink/ drunk a lot and it never affected my weightloss (I didn't think) because I always counted the calories in. *But* I have just started a 12 week training plan and I'm not able to drink AT ALL. My coach says it has an adverse effect on metabolism and so after years of denying it, I'm finally coming around to the idea that drinking isn't good for me. After the 12 weeks I hope to reintroduce the odd glass of wine and more on a special night, but I feel like I owe it to my body to see what it can do without it - if that makes sense.

    But it is so hard, particularly with peer pressure and when you are known as a party girl. I have my best friend';s 30th this weekend and a friend's divorce party on Thursday - these will be my first "real" challenges.

    My biggest concern is being bored! Most situations are fun if you're pissed but it's going to be strange not to fall back on drink.

    Good luck to all of us!!!
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I've been without alcohol for a month now :( I'm more of a margarita, crown, jack and coke drinker though.I decided to give it up because I know myself too well.I will drink and next thing I know I'm at the local whataburger ordering a number 6, whatasized with extra gravy for the fries and a large Dr pepper lol.I've promised myself I can have a drink once I've lost 30 pounds and every 10 pounds after that. I'm mainly just pretending I'm pregnant, went a total of 18 months without alcohol in the last two years due to my pregnancies so I know I can do it.willpower!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You may not know this, but you can go into withdrawals since you have been consuming it for so long.
    I would say if you start to experience unusual side effects consult your physician.
    Its good that you have stopped, but if you need outside support there is AA. Its anonymous.
    You don't have to do it alone.

    also, your brain isn't gonna let you get away w/it that easily.
    Its used to it now, It craves it. Alcoholism is a serious and deadly disease. It takes prisoners.
    I very much doubt her body will experience physical withdrawls based on the amount she said she drinks. That said, you're right: the brain may not give it up all that easily.

    OP: Best of luck to you. I know you love your wine, and hope you can find a good healthy relationship with it!
  • ladylemoncurd
    I am definitely in this boat and pleased to have seen this. I have added you as a friend - hope that's okay.

    I drink/ drunk a lot and it never affected my weightloss (I didn't think) because I always counted the calories in. *But* I have just started a 12 week training plan and I'm not able to drink AT ALL. My coach says it has an adverse effect on metabolism and so after years of denying it, I'm finally coming around to the idea that drinking isn't good for me. After the 12 weeks I hope to reintroduce the odd glass of wine and more on a special night, but I feel like I owe it to my body to see what it can do without it - if that makes sense.

    But it is so hard, particularly with peer pressure and when you are known as a party girl. I have my best friend';s 30th this weekend and a friend's divorce party on Thursday - these will be my first "real" challenges.

    I know what you mean - being sober when everyone else is mashed is a bit scary at first i guess. Can you be the driver then noone will pester you to drink? It's mad isn't it - we know alcohol is horrible and bad for us yet we still drink the stuff.

    My biggest concern is being bored! Most situations are fun if you're pissed but it's going to be strange not to fall back on drink.

    Good luck to all of us!!!
  • ladylemoncurd
    You may not know this, but you can go into withdrawals since you have been consuming it for so long.
    I would say if you start to experience unusual side effects consult your physician.
    Its good that you have stopped, but if you need outside support there is AA. Its anonymous.
    You don't have to do it alone.

    also, your brain isn't gonna let you get away w/it that easily.
    Its used to it now, It craves it. Alcoholism is a serious and deadly disease. It takes prisoners.
    I very much doubt her body will experience physical withdrawls based on the amount she said she drinks. That said, you're right: the brain may not give it up all that easily.

    I'll be fine, thanks though. I just need to find my willpower <looks under sofa>

    OP: Best of luck to you. I know you love your wine, and hope you can find a good healthy relationship with it!
  • ladylemoncurd
    Wow I also need to learn how to use the quote function #idiot
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    224 days without a drink! ...but pregnancy will do that to a girl.

    ;-) No but seriously once you get away from the stuff, the cravings diminish greatly. I don't desire it anymore. You can do this, and it WILL get better. My absolute best drink of choice is the most expensive sparkling water I can find (I deserve it for not drinking, right?) and LOADS of lemons and limes. I mean LOTS. It makes the most refreshing drink. But regular club soda works just as well if you're at a place that isn't as fancy.

    I don't plan on going back when this baby is here in 5-8 weeks. Hangovers suck too much.

    Edit: Oh I also like to watch "the show" of the other people drunk. It makes me wonder how wacky I was when I was drinking. Good for a laugh at least. =)
  • ladylemoncurd
    That's what I'm hoping will happen and even if the cravings don't go then I've made my mind up now anyway. good luck with the birth and you are right hangovers and newborns are not good bedfellows.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I applaud your efforts, and myself have quit before too. But I am truly fond of alcohol, and have tried to learn to just drink in moderation, instead of a BOTTLE, how about a glass?
  • BettyJaneBoop
    BettyJaneBoop Posts: 3 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's so easy to open a bottle of wine while cooking dinner, then eating dinner, then the next thing you know the bottle is empty. On nights I do that, I always go way over on my calories. So I'm trying to quit also. I don't think I have a problem. It's not an every night thing for me but when I do buy a bottle I will drink the whole thing that night. My husband is also battling alcohol issues so I just need to keep it out of the house for both of us. Wishing you the best of luck, you can do it!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I don't drink everyday but I ususally have a bottle on wednesday, Thursday and saturday. Lately saturday as turned into 2 bottles. I know I have to make a change because otherwise eventually I'll be drinking 3. So what I want to try is to have wine only on special occasions, at the restaurant since we rarely go on dates and when we stay at a hotel which is even more rare. I actually gave my debit and credit card to my husband because my resolve melts throught the day. Anyways best of luck to you!