Old, stubborn thigh and bum fat?

I’m not really sure what my question is, or even if it has an answer. But I suppose I want to know if anyone can share with me a positive story about getting rid of old, stubborn thigh and bum fat. I’m 9 weeks in to a 12 week cut and I’ve been following a plan (which is kind of Paleo-ish in essence, lots of lean protein, dark greens, good fats, low sugar/ carb – with a bit of carb cycling too) I’ve been training most days. I am now at 19% body fat.

I feel amazing! I’m at the lowest weight I’ve been my entire adult life, I’m sleeping better, my bad skin is completely sorted – I’ve even grown my nails for the first time ever. But… Although I feel lean and firm everywhere else, my bum and thighs are clinging on to this horrible almost water-like fat.

It’s not hard or solid, but it is dimply. Not orange peel like but deep grooves like horizontal lines across the backs of my thighs. When I do a squat I can feel solid muscle tone underneath but there is a big volume of this saggy wobbly fat that won’t shift. It kind of swims around my body and hangs if I lean.

Is it just a matter of time – maybe it will just be the last thing to go? But given that the rest of my body is looking good (I even have abs!!) I feel like maybe I’m cursed with it. I’m even considering surgery if it won’t shift because I don’t see the point in working so hard (it’s not just been the 9 weeks, this has been a several years’ long journey for me – I’m at the last bit!) yet still being unhappy. I want to wear the jeans I can now fit in to but you can see the dimply grooves underneath so I’m still having to cover up… Anyone come through the other side of this?


  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    Someone please help me and my bum fat :0 :)
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    I don't have an answer for you, sorry.
    bumping because I want to see an answer later
  • Hey, I'm sure there is going to be a millions replies to this soon. I'm a personal trainer. Spot training is a myth. The only way to get rid of fat deposits on your body is by reducing body fat. Diet and exercise is the way to go.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    You need a progressive weights/resistance program.
  • Cheddars13
    Cheddars13 Posts: 38 Member
  • I have the same issue. I have a super thin upper body and all of my weight is on my hips, thighs, and butt. I am also interested in the responses because I cannot seem to get this to change.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm sorry to say this, but -- other than lifting -- unless you're prepared to change your lifestyle dramatically, i would advise just accepting yourself as you are now.

    Because, thigh fat is hormonal; it does stuff. It really wants to stick around. So much so, I've read, that even if your "all over" bf% is say 18%, your body can preferentially shunt fat activity (cell growth) to your thighs. So your upper half could even be at 15%, while your thighs could stay at 23% or even higher.

    So the options then are, cut even lower, as low as you can, to strip your body of the last least bit of fat, to starve the thighs. I don't know what % that would be overall, but I feel confident in saying it risks reproductive health, for one. Also, it means being skinny-skinny up top. Maybe that's ok for a very young woman, but after the age of 35 especially, you WANT fat in your face, at the very least. (Unless you want to head for fillers and all that early. Even young women who shoot for very lean find themselves wanting boob jobs.) I think the best compromise between facial fat and thigh fat is somewhere around 18-21%.

    Second option is: build muscle, overall and especially in the legs, and *especially* in the glutes and hamstrings, so that the remaining fat and skin are stretched out over a firmer architecture. That will help the appearance of cellulite.

    Very temporary (eg gone in a day) aesthetic things you can do, are vigorous massage & moisturizing, that's just cosmetic & honestly a a pain in the butt.

    the other thing is, you've worked really hard to get where you are; you want some way to live that's sustainable.

    lastly check out Bret Contreras' blog and book -- all about butts.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I have this on my abs, I know what you are talking about, it is "old" fat I have had for awhile. Super-stubborn. I just started fasted morning cardio this week to see if that helps, having good luck with it so far, the stuff seems to be shrinking! (fingers crossed)

    You may want to read this, it might encourage you to continue: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html
  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    Thanks everyone!

    (I've already had the boob job to compensate for drastic weightloss up top! I'll read those blogs/ sites and see what I can dig up.

    All responses are a really interesting read. I'm not sure at this stage how much more drastically I could change my lifestyle ;)
  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    Of whooshes and squishy fat is a really good read!!! Makes a lot of sense. I want to know more!!
  • Nemina
    Nemina Posts: 1 Member
    Just found this thread and I know its a bit old but If you still have this problem, there is something you can do. Body Building Bikini Models have a secret they use before competitions to get rid of that gooey fat.
    (1) Beauty bum- rub on areas affected before cardio and after morning shower
    (2) Neoprene shorts- wear during cardio very effective when uphill walking for at least 40mins a day!

    Doing this should generally make a HUGE difference assuming you already do some lifting as that helps a lot too. x
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    1 word:

    Good luck keep pushing on!!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    It may be you are just a few pounds away from the lower half letting go of the fat. That's how my body works. I've seen it time and time again.

    I suspect your body fat reading isn't correct. How was it calculated? What are your stats?

    For example my butt is a squishy water bed until I get to about under 20% bf . That's about 126-128lb (it used to be less but I added muscle). I'm 5'7", it's a low number but that's how I'm made. Narrow framed small boned. Even now I have saddlebags and a bit of a saggy butt. I'm trying to incorporate bulk and cut cycles around my training, and use my glutes more in my running to fix things.

    Hope that helps.

    Oh. Old thread resurrected by claims of miracle cure.

    Bummer. Literally.
  • Get yohimbine. Take it before high intensity training. Make sure your in a fasted state otherwise it won't work. What this does is it improves blood flow in the stubborn areas and promotes stubborn fat loss. Good luck